Crushing Six Bullets with Bare Hands (1)

The vice-captain and his teammates didn't know what Quan Jin's words had meant for the Mo Corporation after they had left the hotel.

Without following any interrogation procedures, they led Quan Jin to a dim and humid underground prison.

"Miss Quan Jin, this is it. Please go in," the vice-captain said.

Quan Jin glanced around, spotting a few of his teammates getting ready to pull out their guns when she lifted her head.

What had she done wrong? Everyone wanted her dead!

"Do you really want to kill me?" 

Quan Jin looked fearless.


Guns were loaded. 

Quan Jin fell silent.

The vice-captain raised his gun, pointing it to her forehead.

"Miss Quan, you have indeed proved to be one of the country's outstanding talents. You are marvellous. It is a shame that you have passed your prime."

It was not surprising that the vice-captain was bold enough to attempt murdering Quan Jin. Afterall, she was no longer under the protection of the country. 

"You should blame yourself for offending people that you cannot afford to offend."

"I know that I am great and I do not need your reminder."

A heavy silence filled the air. 

That was not the point.

"But before you take any actions, don't you want to know who I am?" 

Despite being in the crosshairs of many guns, Quan Jin did not look nearly as scared as the vice-captain would have thought. Instead, she looked like she was trying to give them a chance to survive.

Who was she? She was just the main heir of the Quan's in Jiang. Compared to the personalities in the capital, Quan Jin's title was not even worth mentioning...

The vice-captain held his handgun tightly, explained to Quan Jin as he loaded it, "Miss Quan, to be frank with you, the person who wants you dead is able to destroy the Quan's without lifting his fingers. Do not hate me for doing this. You should resent the one who ordered me."

Bullets dashed out, aiming at Quan Jin's forehead, between her eyebrows, her heart, and her neck—the vital points. 

They closed their eyes as they fired.

They would be lying if they had said they were not terrified.

If the Quan's family were to find out that they had murdered the precious heir… they could already picture their retaliation.

They held onto their handguns, terrified—but nothing happened.

Did they just fire without any bullets?

The vice-captain and his teammates lifted their heads—they were confused and shocked as they saw the scene in front of them.

The six deadly bullets were caught in between Quan Jin's bare fingers, glaring intensely in the gloomy underground prison.