Crushing Six Bullets with Bare Hands(2)

"Y—you, you—" the vice-captain stuttered, as he stared at the six bullets caught between Quan Jin's fingers, in shock.

Could you believe it? A regular person could catch bullets barehanded!

If they had not known about Quan Jin's identity, they would have thought to be facing a wizard.

The vice-captain's legs gave out, and his men dropped their guns. They had never seen anything so terrifying in their lives.

Still dumbfounded, the vice-captain muttered, "No one can't do that! What on earth are you—"

Quan Jin stood under the little light of the prison, a tinge of evil in her smile as her expression remained all but threatening—which only made the vice-captain even more afraid of her. In her eyes, their lives were nothing more than dying grass.


The six bullets fell to the ground, one after the other, as Quan Jin loosened her hold. 

"Look at you, all stunned. I just caught some bullets."

The vice-captain's team began trembling uncontrollably.

Quan Jin laughed, as she reached out her hand to pat the face of the vice-captain, "Who is it, in the capital? How impressive that they could crush the Quan family with a finger!" 

The man's heart stopped—nothing could describe the amount of fear he felt.

He instinctively wanted to lie, but the chills running down his face had him going against the idea. Instead, he swallowed and replied, "M—Miss Quan, please have mercy on me, I was just following—following the orders from the headquarters in the capital—I really—really don't know anything else..."

"But surely one must be of a certain calibre to have such close ties to the headquarters. That's all I know."

As the vice-captain trembled violently, it seemed to Quan Jin that he was not lying.

She would not put him in a difficult situation. Pulling her hand away from his face, she turned and walked into the prison cell, not forgetting to also lock it up.

The vice-captain and his team remained still.

They had witnessed prisoners escape, but seeing someone lock themselves up—that was a first!

They could not win a fight against her, what should they do?

Just as they tried to help each other up onto their feet, ready to leave the prison, the vice-captain glanced toward Quan Jin, who was sitting on the bed in the cell. In her hand was a black coloured cellphone.

He paused, hurriedly checking his pockets.

That was bad.

Why was his cellphone in the hand of that witch?

He watched as Quan Jin dialed.

"Is it done?" a middle-aged male voice blasted from the other side, "Remember to clean it up. I will deal with the Quan's of Jiang myself"

The vice-captain and his men stood, dumbfounded: it was the voice of a higher-up at the headquarters.

"Hello? Say something! You haven't messed up, have you?!"

Noticing the impatience and frustration in the man's voice and Quan Jin's sinister smile, the vice-captain lost his mind.

It was over. This time it really was.

Six pairs of eyes stared at Quan Jin's lips and broke into cold sweat, clamping their fingers tightly, almost as if waiting for a death sentence.

"What on earth are you doing? I order you to speak! Is Quan Jin dead or not?!"

Quan Jin held the phone to her lips, "Who is dead?"

Turning the speaker on, she silenced the other end of the phone, smugly.

"I'm sorry to disappoint. I'm healthier than a bull!"