Quan Jin Was In Fact… (1)

Everyone, including the father, was terrified. They held their breaths while a sudden thought flashed through their brains: had Quan Jin just jumped down with Yu? 

Was she trying to save Yu, who had accidently slipped down from a rooftop that was more than fifty meters in height?

She must have been crazy!

The crowd rushed to the guardrails to see what was going on. Someone shouted, " They both jumped! Someone call an ambulance!"

"It would be a miracle to even survive from this height. Why did she have to sacrifice herself to save a stranger?!"

Everyone on the rooftop, the pedestrians who were filming from below the building, 

and the livestream viewers all focused on the girls in the air.

On top of the building, people were trying to hold the devastated father back.

Yu shouted as she lost control of her body.

The weightlessness was suffocating her. 

She could see her death coming. 

At that moment, Yu really wanted to live, but her struggle appeared feeble and futile.

All of a sudden–

An arm wrapped around Yu's waist. Her barely functioning brain caught up. It was her voice!

"With me, you will not die! Do you trust me?"

She finally dared to open her eyes and saw a pair of eyes so bright that they could light up the night.


Yu grasped Quan Jin's clothes tightly, forcing herself to calm down. Words slipped out of the mouth, "Yes! I trust you!"

The scene that unfolded was unbelievable. Passers-by below the building and all those on the rooftop were stunned. Livestream viewers watched, slack-jawed.

Quan Jin kept her right arm wrapped around Yu's waist. Her left hand had grabbed the deep groove of the outer wall on the ninth floor. Their bodies were hanging in the air. 

If Quan Jin's left hand had slipped, they both would have crushed on the ground from such height.

"They didn't fall! They are still alive!"

"Oh my god, is she even human?! How could she survive–? She even saved the girl! That is terrifying!"

"Yu! You guys hang in there! You must hang in there! Dad will go find someone to–"

Quan Jin didn't wait until Yu's father had finished talking. She suddenly let go of the wall and they both started to fall from the ninth floor! As the crowd screamed, she tried to leverage from the light kick of the wall.

They spun, and Quan Jin managed to grasp the groove of the outer wall on the sixth floor using her slender arm.


"Wow! Oh–oh my god!"

If they thought that Quan Jin saving Yu was just a coincidence, what about then? She had jumped from the ninth to the sixth floor safe and sound.


Quan Jin threw their bodies out into mid-air again.

Yu was grasping Quan Jin's top for her life, her eyes closed. She could feel her heart racing. 

It's okay, I'll be fine… I'll be fine–

Right in front of everyone's stunned faces, the two of them were descending at high speed.


They landed on the ground.

Quan Jin's kept her arm wrapped around Yu's waist. The wind was blowing her hair up, covering half of her face. The corner of her mouth curved into a smile.

The air stilled. Silence lingered.