She Is The Queen Of The People (3)

As soon as she had finished speaking, thousands of comments flooded phone screens:


[Arghhhh! How Cool!]

[She said everything that I have held in all these years, how could she be so dashing, damn, my goddess–no, she is more like a queen!]

[I am totally going to show this to my parents, almighty queen, arghhhh!!]

At this point in time, Quan Jin did not even realize that she was fuming mad.

She could only feel.

The four health points she had had left were slowly increasing, one point at a time. Even when it had reached twenty points, it kept on going.

Quan Jin was mildly confused by the situation.

Had God suddenly decided to take care of her again now that she was ugly?

Faith is more than mere admiration and love. It is a form of praise from the deepest of our hearts, the kind of appreciation you've got to feel within your souls.

Twenty health points may have been little, but to think about it, they equaled more than twenty lives saved.


The middle-aged man was flustered by Quan Jin's outburst. He suddenly felt guilty and did not know what to do as he tried to regain his composure. He glanced at his daughter, his lips twitching slightly as he asked, "what she said… is it true? Do you hate your dad? You hated that I took art and piano out of your life, isolating you from your only form of joy and entertainment… Was it wrong for me to compare you to someone better as a form of encouragement?"

"Yu, dad–"

Without waiting for whatever excuse he could come up with, the girl interrupted with a slightly provocative tone, "Yes! Are you happy now? Do you know what I want, what I want to do, my dreams? No, you know none of that! I lived in fear every day, afraid that I would disappoint you, afraid that you would take my hobbies away from me if I made a mistake. I hate you, I hate you to death!"

Quan Jin, who was standing right by them, remained calm and collected. Her health points had increased again! She suddenly felt like a parvenu getting some new money, counting the number of lives she had in her head. She didn't even care about the argument unfolding right before her.

The middle-aged man trembled a little, suddenly overcome by emotions. It was as if he had aged in an instant. He closed his eyes. 

"I'm sorry," he said bitterly. "I never thought it would be like that, dad will never force you into things you hate ever again… just get down here first. When your mom left, you were the only person I had. Could you even bear to see me alone in the future?"

What did she just hear? In the future he would never force her into doing things she hated!

The girl lifted her head in slight distrust, looking at the regret in her father's face. The helplessness in her eyes slowly turned into something more akin to surprise as she asked nervously, "Dad, are you serious?"

"Yes, nothing could compare to you being alive."

It was true.

She broke into a smile and shed tears of joy. She glanced at Quan Jin appreciatively and thought to herself that, when she had said that she would give her freedom, she had really meant it.

"Dad, in the future–"

The girl wiped away her tears, still emotionally charged, and took a step toward her father. As she came down from the rooftop, however, she didn't notice the existing gap and missed her step.

She lost her balance, falling backwards.

"Yu! No, NO!"

Yu's father blanked out.

When he realized what was happening, he rushed in fear.

The crowd watched in horror as the girl fell through the air, heading straight to the ground.

The comments on the livestream stopped.

Before Yu's father could react, a shadow zoomed past him: it was that masked girl who looked about seventeen years of age. 

Thousands of people watched through the livestream as Quan Jin gripped the side of the rooftop platform. With the turn of her palm, she pushed herself up on a handstand, jumping down in the direction of the girl.