My Last Name Is Quan, Of The Famous Quans of Jiang (1)

It was that same face that sent chills down his spine.

Quan Jin shook her right leg, bored. Her condescending eyes and dangerous smile completely devastated the vice-captain again.

"Are you going to shoot me or what?"

Sh–shoot?! That was bad news.

What the hell–didn't they say it was a decoy?!

"What's wrong vice-captain? Do you know her?"

Yu's father watched with a heavy sense of foreboding as the vice-captain was scared stiff,, as if he had just seen someone powerful. 

She was merely the godchild of the An family. Logically she shouldn't have had anything to do with the vice-captain.


Just as the thought hit him, the vice-captain had hurriedly put away his pistol, and scurried toward Quan Jin. 

He bowed down to her right in front of everybody.

With his chin tucked into his neck, he said with reverence, "Yes, I have met Miss Quan."

The security team was stumped. Yu's father watched with his mouth agape.

Quan Jin wiped the smile off her face and, with a sudden coldness to her tone and a tinge of sarcasm, she inquired, "Does the Capital have a problem with me or what? Why do they let you people constantly harass me.?

Quan Jin looked down at the vice-captain. She reached down to pat him on the back, sending chills down his spine yet again, and continued, "If you fools can't handle it, I don't mind taking matters into my own hands."

Upon hearing her words, the vice-captain was short of collapsing to the ground.

Taking matters into her own hands?

Like wiping out the entire Mo Corporation with her own hands?

Three hours ago the news of the Mo Corporation's shutdown had shaken the entire upper-class.

When Quan Jin was leaving the engagement ceremony, that almost joke-like sentence had really stuck with the vice-captain.

"Please, Miss Quan, I beg you not to worry! I will definitely offer a satisfactory resolution to this matter!"

The vice-captain wiped away cold sweat, forcing a smile toward Quan Jin.

He then turned around and ordered the rest of the team, "Take the pharmacy manager away!" 

"Yes sir!"

Watching the unexpected scene unfold right before him, Yu's father was blindsided and struggled to maintain his composure, gaping at the vice-captain, "What do you mean, vice-captain–"

"What do I mean?!" The vice-captain interrupted before he could finish.

He glared at Yu's father and spoke with a chilling tone, "I mean what I mean. Miss Quan Jin is the one chosen by the headquarters!"