My Last Name Is Quan, Of The Famous Quans of Jiang (2)

She was… she was appointed by the senior officer?

Yu's father felt a sudden shock to his core. The man was too terrified to even breathe, completely engulfed in fear.

"You told me on the phone, you assured me that this Miss Quan was an imposter. I really want to ask you where even did you get such information from?!"

The man and the security team all turned their heads toward Quan Jin's schoolmate.

The girl was so shocked and scared that she kept shaking her head, barely mastering a full sentence.

"No, that's impossible!"

The girl got cuffed up and shouted at the vice-captain and Quan Jin, "She must be a fraud! Quan Jin was just An Yunnuan's pet, how could she possibly obtain such an important permit!? Vice-captain, director, you have to trust me–you can check, she is just a peasant, there must be a misunderstanding–"

Quan Jin packed up the medication that she needed and walked through the two lines of security guards. She then headed toward the staircase, looking extremely cocky yet gentle at the same time.

She slowed down as she walked past the director and her schoolmate.

She pointed her index finger at the girl's mouth with disdain, "If you say the word 'peasant' again, your family is done."

"Who on earth do you think–" 

The girl didn't have a chance to finish talking. What Quan Jin said next has completely shocked her, "Did that bitch An Yunnuan not tell you that my last name is Quan? That I am the heiress of Jiang's first family of the Quans?"

Her last name was Quan...

Jiang's first family…

"What!" The first person yelling was Yu's father. He sounded as if he had just heard the most unbelievable joke. He shook his head, "No, that's impossible! Your schoolmate just said that you were just adopted by the Ans. How could you have come from the Quans?"

Although he didn't admit it, his facial expression showed all his fear.

If she was indeed the inheritor of the Quans of Jiang, then it was over for him. He had screwed up. He had just offended the most powerful family in the city and the senior officer from the Capital!

He had even tried to threaten Quan Jin and wanted to use her.

Yet, Quan Jin was way more powerful than he was.

The girl scolded Quan Jin as she walked past, while the vice-captain took a bow and said, "Take care, Miss Quan. Within three days, I will pay a visit to the Quans and let you know of the outcome of the investigation."