She Was The Only One That Could Save The Quans From Bankruptcy (3)

Those in the Quan family who worshipped Quan Jin continued to believe in her.

They had never given up on her despite the fact that many of the elders and higher-ups deemed to have done so, even when she was weak, her intellect had deteriorated and she had been bullied for so many years.

The servants of the household had anticipated the return of the dignified yet arrogant princess.

Quan Jin returned to her room and sat down in front of the computer.

It starts at eight, what's the rush?

Her computer signalled that it was 7:49 PM. Only eleven minutes until the meeting and Quan Jin did not see the point in rushing.

Did she not know that it would take thirty minutes to drive to the Quan Corporation from the house?

Tick. Tick. Tick.

Her fingers flew over her keyboard as she furiously typed away.

Quan Jin lifted her feet to rest it on the tabletop, holding her computer on her lap as she watched the data show up on her laptop screen.

[Entering data]

[Please enter the correct password, password correct, obtaining data from emergency meeting, infiltrating Quan Corporation top corporate secret, infiltration complete.]

[Do you wish to alter the stock market data, transferring Quan Corporation assets….]



Quan Jin quickly entered a string of alphanumeric codes into the system.

At last, she slammed the return button on her keyboard and proceeded to toss the device back onto the table.

She kicked the chair back, running her fingers over a printed document and her car keys while she glanced at the words flashing on the screen in satisfaction.

[Quan Corporation system failure, assets stolen, stocks crashing]

[Facing imminent bankruptcy]

In eight minutes, you will find out that there is only one person that can save the Quan Corporation. Last name Quan, first name Jin!

She lifted her arm and slammed the laptop shut.

It was now 7:52 PM.

There were only eight minutes left until the start of the meeting, it was impossible to reach the corporation headquarters even while travelling at top speed.


The servant stood at the stairwell, clasping her hands tightly, occasionally looking toward Quan Jin's room. 

The door opened.

Quan Jin was holding a document in her left hand with her car keys hanging off her index finger.

She stood by the side rails of the second floor, and before the servant could rush up to her, she pushed herself over the rails using her right hand, and landed on the ground floor with a light thump, her movements fluid.

The servant gaped at what she had just witnesses. She just stood there, motionless.

So cool!

Quan Jin seemed to have even outdone herself seven years before with this comeback; still, she exuded that same elegance and a tinge of wildness. While she had been amazing in the past, she had never had quite the same confidence and arrogance as in the present.

"Miss–will you be heading to the Quan Corporation to halt the meeting? There is only seven minutes left, I'm afraid you won't be able to make it–" the servant tried to remain calm as she shouted at Quan Jin who was leaving.

Quan Jin gripped the document tightly and waved it in the air.

"Who said I was going to stop them? I am just going to change the nature of the meeting, to announce the new president of the company!" She spoke with confidence and sounded extremely convincing.

"President Quan Jin!"