Driving Skills That Shook The Country(1)

"President Quan Jin!"

Oh my god!

The security guards on call heard Quan Jin's words and became agitated, as if those seven years of grievance and depression had finally disappeared.

Miss Quan was back! The long-lost confidence in her!

The servant and the security guard kept their eyes on the silvery sports car that had just left.

"Did I hear correctly? Quan Jin is going to become the president and the new master of the Quans–has Miss Quan finally recovered?"

"We have been waiting for seven years!"


On the other side of the city, a customised black sports car was on the way to the Quan Cooperation, zooming across at a staggering 200 km/h. The heir of an aristocratic family, who looked younger than twenty years old, was driving the car.


The boy hit the steering wheel with his fist, stepping even harder on the accelerator to release his anger.

Screw those racers from the R country–they just cheated to win the match! They are not even that good, they just have better cars than we do. We have one last race to beat them. If we don't, our country must send a letter of apology to the R country. We can afford to be disgraced, but our country cannot! The fucking R country has already looked down on us!

The boy felt even more furious as he thought of that.

He gritted his teeth, pressing even harder on the accelerator.

Where the hell can I find a good racer? They are just a bunch of losers!

As soon as he had conjured that last thought, the sound of a sports car drifting pierced through his ears.

A silvery sports car dashed out of a corner less than three hundred meters away. Both cars were going at such a high speed that they could barely see each other.

No! The silvery car was even faster!

"Get lost!" he shouted, "Hit the break! Do you want to die?! Hit the break now!" The road only allowed two cars to pass side by side. They were reaching such a sharp turn that the boy didn't have time to change lanes.

If he couldn't do that, he would die.

He was so nervous that his palms began sweating and his heart was thumping.

The boy opened his eyes widely, witnessing the fast approaching sports car. 

They would crash in a second, and the cars would explode after such an impactful collision!

 "Ah! Damn it…!" His pupils shrunk and he screamed in horror. He was about to give up and face the fact that he was going to die soon.

Then, something extremely uncanny and terrifying occurred. 

The coming silvery sports car suddenly took a thrilling drift. When they were only fifty meters apart, the girl with a mask took an unexpected and quick turn.


The car drifted and halted, hopping two meters in height and jumped over the heir's car within merely a second!


Quan Jin landed the car safely, and continued speeding toward Quan Corporation.