Driving Skills That Shook The Country (2)


Quan Jin landed the car safely, and continued speeding toward Quan Corporation. 

She hadn't slowed down one bit. In fact, she was going faster.

The young boy's heart missed a beat. He had been certain that he was going to die. How did Quan Jin negotiate it so easily? The young man was the only one who had experienced the thrill of the moment.

He really had thought that he was going to die.

The young boy, who had just slammed on the brakes, was holding on to the steering wheel tightly, trembling and breaking into cold sweat, as if his soul had left his body. He only snapped out of his daze after half a minute, as he looked up to see the silvery sports car disappearing into the distance.

The situation of the two cars crossing each other lingered in his mind.

Beautiful swift.

Perfect brake.

The sports car had flown more than six feet above the ground.

"Found it! I found it!"

The boy lifted his head up violently, his face filled with surprise and agitation.

It was her, the one with the mask, driving a silver Bugatti Veryon!

With her competing in the final race, his country had hope. They had hope!


Quan Jin never expected her subconscious action would spur the young boy into hunting her down. The entire country's racing community had gone into a frantic manhunt.

The thirty-minute journey was completed in five minutes as Quan Jin rushed over to the Quan Corporation's entrance.

There was only a minute left until the emergency meeting.

All the higher-ups in the company as well as the Quan elders had gathered in the conference room, voices of agreement drowning those of rejection, "All these years, the Quan Corporation has been going downhill."

"It is not going to be long until Miss Quan becomes an adult, right?"

"If the company fell into her hands, huh–not to be dismissive, but it would fail within a month and go bankrupt soon after!"

"The vice-president is right," The Quan elder in the first seat agreed solemnly, looking at his watch, watching time slowly go by, and then lifted his head up, commenting in an assertive tone, "Quan Jin had really been under-achieving these past few years. Perhaps, appointing her as the heir then was a mistake to begin with."

A mistake?

The higher-ups and elders present shook their heads, ridiculing their past decisions. How could it have been a mistake when Quan Jin was so outstanding then? She was such a star and absolutely capable! She had been the only person to ever be inducted into the central government agency.

They all thought that Quan Jin's existence would have propelled them into the Capital.

They never would have thought that after her tenth birthday, a sudden, massive change lowered her IQ within a month, from a business genius to utterly useless. 

"I'm sure we've all come to our conclusions after the discussions."

It was eight in the evening, and the current chairman of the Quan Corporation stood at the podium, announcing with gusto, "Now, let us vote, do we all agree with the ousting of Quan Jin?"

"Of course, the position of the heir should not be given to her!"

"I agree with her ousting"

"Yes, I agree."

About thirty people were present at the meeting and more than ten had already agreed to the statement: Quan Jin's position was clearly in danger.

At that crucial moment...


The door of the conference room burst open with brute force.