Chapter 391: Her Heart is No Longer with You

It is safe to say that Joe Heath was truly terrified.

He knew that when Sylvan Cheney made a promise, he intended to keep it, and he wasn't just trying to intimidate him.

As he moved towards the door, he carefully looked at Sylvan Cheney-

"Brother, do you genuinely care about Jasmine? If you do, why break her heart? You should know that if her heart dies, everything will be gone."

Sylvan Cheney shot him a cold glance, his eyes filled with deep shades of gloom and darkness.

"Jasmine might have been your caged canary, but her heart left you long ago. So, since she wants to fly away, you shouldn't attempt to catch her."

"Get out!"

With a loud "bang," Sylvan Cheney tossed everything off the table!

Joe Heath looked at Sylvan Cheney's bloodshot eyes. His heart trembled.

He admitted that he was terrified and fearful.

When had he ever seen Sylvan Cheney in this state?

This man habitually suppressed his emotions and feelings, as if he were heartless.