Chapter 392: No matter how low life is, it's still your own

The sky was again dripping raindrops, landing on the earth, landing on the broad banana leaves.

In the quiet of the night, Jasmine Yale sat by the bed, hugging her knees.

Eyes closed, everywhere was very quiet, only the endless sound of rain, echoing as if from a distant horizon.

Pattering, ethereal, serene.

In a room without windows, Jasmine had no idea how big the rain outside was.

This was already her third day being trapped here.

Occasionally, she managed to glean some information from the servants—

Yolanda Fern hadn't left Landon yet, Chris Fern was in the hospital during the day, sometimes on duty at night, Spencer Childe was getting old and was in poor health, spending most of his time in the hospital…

On top of that, during this period, Jasmine really upset Spencer Childe quite a bit. The old man hopped around in the hospital, on fluids for several days.

He was even issued a critical illness notice by the doctor.

Jasmine found it hilarious.