Chapter 446: Her Child

Charles McIntosh climbed the stairs and brought Jasmine Yale some comic books to relieve her boredom.

"Assistant McIntosh?" Jasmine Yale was a bit surprised.

"Mr. Cheney asked me to come up and take care of you, he's gone out to buy food."

"Oh okay," Jasmine Yale sat on her bed listlessly.

"I brought these comic books for you. If you're bored, have a look," Charles McIntosh placed the books at her bedside, "Mr. Cheney said you like these."

Jasmine looked at them, they were all interesting comics.

She used to be quite fond of them in the past.

But... that was when she was a child.

"I don't like reading these anymore," Jasmine Yale laughed lightly, her beautiful eyes sparkling, "I'll just watch some TV."

Charles McIntosh wasn't very good at socializing.

He nodded, "sounds good."

Jasmine turned on the television, keeping the volume low.

She changed around several channels. Not finding anything she wanted to watch, she settled with a cartoon show.