Chapter 447 I will compensate you for your baby's matter

Jasmine Yale was puzzled, where had Joe Heath gone? It was impossible for him to just abandon her without a word.

Did something urgent come up?

Jasmine sat on the hospital bed, watching TV and flipping through a comic book.

The wind was heavy outside, shaking the windows.

The ward was warm, the heat blowing making one sleepy.

Jasmine yawned, brushed back her hair, and casually flipped the pages of her book.

It was unknown how much time passed, but while she was silently leaning on the bed, the door opened.

Sylvan Cheney entered in a different coat, looking travel-worn, his forehead damp with moisture.

Under his eyes were shades of exhaustion, in his hands was a distinctive shopping bag from the Archeus Brand.

"Eat it while it's hot." Sylvan Cheney opened the bag.

Jasmine glanced at the time, he had been gone an entire hour, the sky was already dark.

He untied the scarf around his neck and put it by the bed.

As the bag opened, a delicious aroma filled the room.