Chapter 474: There Are Many Ways a Man Can Be Good to a Woman

Inside the tea house, Jasmine Yale slowly set about eating another piece of purple rice cake.

She was still not full.

Sylvan Cheney had already eaten, he lit a cigarette and leaned lazily against his seat, watching her.

Light filtered through the window pane, casting a soft glow onto Jasmine's cheeks.

She looked well today.

Sylvan squinted slightly, doing nothing but smoking and watching her.

As Jasmine continued eating, she felt a gaze on her.

She looked up, it was Sylvan Cheney.

She wiped the corner of her mouth, put down the cake in her hand: "I know I'm eating a lot."

She was rather hungry, even now, she was not full.

But Sylvan was looking at her as if she was some strange creature.

Was it just because she ate too much?

Perhaps, delicate ladies wouldn't eat like her.

She didn't use to eat like this, at least not in front of him.