Chapter 475: Kissed Her on the Side of Her Face

She didn't want to dwell on it too much, so she quietly ate her breakfast and drank her tea.

Actually, what she was doing more than anything was passing the time.

She glanced at the wall clock: "Mr. Cheney, aren't you going to work?"

"I'm taking you to Maple Mountain." Sylvan Cheney took a puff of smoke, "The snowy landscape there is very beautiful, and according to the weather forecast, it will snow in the afternoon."

Jasmine Yale frowned in confusion.

Will it snow in the afternoon? She thought she heard that the snow had already stopped.

However, it looked gloomy outside the window, so maybe the weather forecast was ineffective.

But, even though she loved watching the snow, she didn't want to go with Sylvan Cheney.

She took a sip of her tea and shook her head: "I'm not going."

"Why?" Sylvan Cheney furrowed his brow, he did not expect Jasmine Yale to decline, "Don't you love it?"

"The weather is cold, I want to stay in."