Ch 1 First Meetings

(Because Haitian kreole is not a formally written language, when it is being spoken I will type the dialog out in english but indicate their speaking kreole)

The forest was thick with barren trees and vegetation, rivers dried up and crops left unfirtile. The land never fully recovered from the pillaging and violation of the French. The people of Haiti attempted to recover and years later they are still fighting. Their government is corrupt and aid sent from outside help and almost never seen or used properly. If you don't live in certain areas nor have a light enough skin color your worth is not deemed as much. However, none of this mattered to Mara, for she was too young to understand or care.

Born in a remote and hidden village on the island, Mara was raised in the old culture of the lands as well as the religion. Her people practiced Voodoo in varying forms. Mara is what her villagers would have called a 'Seeing Warrior'. She had many abilities but none were as powerful as her ability to see and interact with things most humans could not and her adeptness in using her magic for offense or defense. At the young age of 10 Mara had managed to converse with the Gods and help bring life back into the land of her people. Her village remained hidden so that it could thrive, but Mara knew she needed to grow. Once she was old enough Mara left her home land and began to travel. Using her gifts to perform miracles or complete acts for money made her more popular than she would have liked but it got her the funds needed to go wherever she wanted.

Fifteen years later Mara has traveled to every continent at least 3 times over and is currently settled in the states, Louisiana. A modern version of her home, or as close as she would get to it. She landed here not long after Katrina once whispers had reached her that the storm was not caused by a normal act of mother nature. True to her findings, some kids had found some old magic text and were playing with powers they didn't understand releasing vengeance upon the city that never deserved it. "3 am. The witching hour" Mara said to herself with a sigh and she sat up wiping the sheen of sweat from her forehead. She'd been having this dream since she turned 25 a few days ago but she wasn't getting the full picture like her mind was blocking the vision. "Fuck it" she said sliding out of bed and grabbing the bottle of rum from her nightstand. Walking into her living room Mara cleared the coffee table and chairs out of the way leaving the wooden floor exposed. Mara made sure to live close to a source of running water and land high in minerals to help her control whatever magic she was tapping into. Now she was going back to basics.

Grabbing her large chalk stick, a candle and lighter from her 'misc' drawer, she went back to the space she cleared and took a deep breath, readying her breathing. Placing everything down but the bottle, she took a swig and spit it over her arm in a few directions before putting the bottle down to the side. She drew her vèvè in tandem with her breathing. Satisfied with her symbol she put the chalk aside and lit the candle placing it properly. "Shit" she muttered getting up and running to her pantry she grabbed a king size candy bar and walked back over placing it besides her. Muttering words a purple aura swelled around her protectively and she settled into her criss cross sitting position and began to meditate. In this form she wasn't exactly vulnerable but she didn't want to get caught with her proverbial panties down so she summoned a friend.

"Well well well, what do we have hea'?" the man asked coming from the shadows. Mara picked up the candy bar and waved it at him speaking in her native tongue. "Favor for an old friend Baron?"she asked and he tipped his hat with a smile. Baron Samedi was not too tall at 6'4" and somehow filled in his black pinstripe suit. His purple shirt was a nice offset of color with his white 'frills' she called them. His black top hat had a skull decorated with various feathers and had a golden vèvè on the front. He took the candy from her and placed his black and silver walking stick under his arm peeling the wrapper off. "And what can I do you for, friend?" he asked taking a bite of the candy and moaning softly. Somehow in his sweet induced high he managed not to smear the skull artwork that decorated his face. "I need to get clear. I keep having this vision but I'm only getting bits and pieces, none of it is making any sense." she replied and he nodded taking another bite "wh maks yew thins is a vishen?" he asked and Mara looked at him and sucked her teeth. "Finish ya damn candy n try again" she retorted her accent kicking back in with her frustration. He rolled his eyes and said, "What makes you think it's a vision?" Mara wasn't sure but he made a point. Usually with visions shes get a sense of something impending whether it be good or bad. This seemed like a recording of her. "A memory?" she asked to no one in particular and Baron nodded absentmindedly while he enjoyed his candy. Mara sucked her teeth again and cleared her mind going into meditation and Baron sat down on the couch she pushed back. It didn't take long before she was sucked into her own mind and the memory played for her live and in HD.

The fire crackled with life as the hunters slept around the blaze. Mara was up and about feeling a presence near even at this young of an age."What was I, like 5?" she asked. Little Mara spoke in kreole, the only language she knew at the time "He-woah? Who's dere?" she called out walked into the forest line. She was brought with the hunters to protect them because hunters had been getting hurt going out for game. There was a dark chuckle deeper in the woods and little Mara followed the sound, not a care in the world. "I am not the right skin color to be perpetuating this nonsense" Mara thought to herself as she watched little her wander aimlessly into the woods towards the evil sound. "Heee-whooaahh?" she called out again and this time the demonic laugh was behind her. Instinctively Mara's purple aura shot around her protectively and she turned to face the dark shadowy mass before her. "Go away! You no welcome here!" she yelled at the demon and current Mara shuttered at her stupidity. The demon spoke in Latin, little Mara at the time had no idea what it was saying but older Mara now understood. "I've never seen such a fiery little snack." it hissed at the little girl. "I said go AWAAAY!" she yelled again and the shadow dodge the swipe of her small hand. It growled deeply with amusement and laughed catching her hand. "At least now I know why I was drawn to these lands." he whispered as little Mara struggled against his hold. "Lemmie gO!" she cried out trying to pull her hand free. The demon used one of his sharp talon like claws to draw blood from his chest over his heart and it filled the underside of his nail like an ink pen. "What are you dewin? Noo!!!" little Mara screamed as he turned her arm over, palm facing up and punctured the skin in the middle of her forearm, the blood draining from his nail into her. Little Mara passed out from the magic that swelled into her and he caught her with care. "Sleep my little mate. Grow and learn. When the time comes, I will find you and you will be mine." the demon knew his mate was far too young for anything and she needed time to mature. He placed a hand over her eyes and leaned into her ear "When you are ready for me, you will remember and you will see, until then you shall have no memory" he muttered and incantation much like a spell. The demon placed her down on a bed of leaves and disappeared just as the hunters found her, having been woken from her earlier screams.

Mara woke from the trance with a gasp, her body coated in sweat like she just got out of the gym. "No fucking way" she muttered and Baron sat up licking the remaining candy from his fingers. "Had a nice trip down memory lane?" he asked sarcastically and Mara flipped him off. "Now now Mara all you gotta to is ask-" he didn't get to finish taunting her as she blew out the candle. "Spoil sport" Baron said while the sound of his laughter faded out to nothing. "Prick" she said getting up and getting a rag to wipe away the vèvè. All of a sudden her fore arm grew overly hot like she burned herself and she ran to the sick flicking the water to max cold and running her arm under it. She noticed now, the black dot she always thought was a beauty mark and as she started at it she realized it was spreading into the shape of a single rose and there was a thorny vine that extended from the 'birth mark' to where her wrist met her hand.To make matters worse she noticed the vine had an M shape above the rose, which was probably related to the demons name. "FUCK!" she cursed out as the heat dissipated and she cut off the water. She sucked her teeth in a drawn out matter and took the rag,cleaning up the floor and putting her furniture back.

Walking back into her room she grabbed her laptop off the desk and flipped it open to pull up her gmail. She emailed a contact she had in the Vatican named Lorenzo who she hoped could get her some text or at least give her an idea of what demon was she was looking for based off the description she gave him of the demon and the tattoo. A few hours of tossing and turning later Mara had a reply and quite frankly she was pissed. Lorenzo had sent her information on a demon named Malum. Based off what she could pull up online and what her friend sent her she was sure it was him. Looks like she was taking a trip to Italy.


Mara flew first class to Italy and met with Lorenzo as soon as she arrived. Playing it safe she covered her new ink with makeup to make sure no one would ask any questions, she didn't have time to argue about why her body was a temple and shouldn't be marred by such markings blah blah blah. That and the church knew if she was there, that it usually wasn't something good and she didn't need them jumping to conclusions. Contrary to popular belief, the church outsourced most of their exorcisms now, not wanting to risk the dwindling numbers of fathers who could perform them, That and the up and coming trainies just could cut it. Mara spoke Italian with Lorenzo, she made it her goal to learn as many languages as possible. "My good friend Mara. Welcome back to Italy, how have you been?" he asked her and she nodded with a smile as they touched cheeks "Well father thank you, and thanks for seeing me on such short notice." she replied. "Of course! You helped the church a great deal, even if they won't admit it. It is the least we could do to repay you." he nodded waving her off.

Lorenzo led Mara into the secret chambers hidden for research under the Vatican and led her over to a quiet area she liked to study in because of the fireplace. "All my findings are on the table there and I left you some hot chocolate and a fresh cannoli" he informed her with a smile and a wink. Mara beamed "oh you do love me" she squealed quietly and hugged him. "Alright let me get to work" she muttered waving by and he bowed leaving her be. A few hours later and Mara had discovered a few important things, Malum was ridiculously old and power, the first demon Samael created after his fall from grace and his right hand man in everything according to the text. Much like other supernatural creatures humans had no idea existed, demons also had mates and for whatever reason she was Malum's. Mara grumbled to herself trying not to be profane while in the house of the lord. Not that she ever read in the bible 'thou shalt not swear' it was more out of principle and respect. Her stomach grumbled letting her know it was empty and displeased and she scoffed. "Fine fine let's get some food in you" she replied to its grumbling and let herself out the secret chambers to find a nice cafe.

Night had already fallen over the holy city and people were bustling about without a care in the world. "Hello and welcome! Would you like to sit inside or outside?" the hostess asked as Mara walked in. "Outside please" she replied wanting to enjoy the lovely night. The cafe has a small inside but had a good number of tables outside with simple white table clothes and four black metal cushioned chairs. There was even a small band on an impromptu stage playing live music.

Mara was seated and it wasn't before long that her meal was brought out to her and she ate happily, forgetting her woes for the time being. "Excuse me, is this seat taken?" a deep male voice asked her. For whatever reason her body had an instant reaction to the baritone in his voice and the domineering aura that came off him. Now was not the time to give into basal human desires, she had more pressing issues to deal with. Without looking up to see the man's face, she looked around and noticed many empty tables around her. Turning back to her food she replied "None of the others one are." she didn't want to be rude but she also didn't care. The man chuckled and Mara had wished she could listen to him make that sound with her ear to his chest. It could put her to sleep it was so smooth. "Well I'd like to sit here with you so?" he asked. She sighed and nodded "Sure help yourself" she replied taking a bite of her food.

Mara didn't expect was a good looking man to sit before her, what she definitely didn't expect was the man to be so good looking it was the eighth sin. The pasta Mara had on her fork slid off and back into the bowl and she stared until he chuckled again shaking her out of her stupor. "Apologies, I didn't mean to stare" she said looking down at her food, or anywhere but him really. "Please don't apologize, I don't mind at all bella" he said with a smile. She fell into the trap and got lured into his eyes. Then it hit her, he called her beautiful. "Beautiful huh?" she asked looking over his face and he nodded. Mara took a moment to take in his features since she had permission to stare and quite frankly she was sure she would play with herself tonight thinking about him.

The stranger wore a black three piece suite, her weakness, with a matching black tie and dark red dress shirt. His skin was the color of very dark and very heart health chocolate. His hair was black and cut close this his head just like the full beard that shaped his square jaw. She followed the hair up and over his lips this full mustache not taking away from how juicy and plump his lips looked. 'If I were to kiss- no if they were to suck- fucking shit get it together woman!' Mara thought to herself taking another bite of her food. He simply smiled at her like he knew she was taking him all in showing off his straight and pearly white teeth. His perfectly shaped and full brows arched perfectly over his eyes. His eyes were a deep brown that had flicks of orange or gold in them that made his eyes come to life. She needed to get out of dodge and fast. "Well since you've decided to grace me with your presence, how can I help you?" she asked hoping to deter him with a mean attitude again.

The man leaned back and unbuttoned his jack and she could see all 3 layers of material stressing to hold all his muscles in. He was a perfect kind of swol, cut and defined but not overly done and roid raging. Somehow holding itself together his shirt vest and jacket settled in place and she looked back at her now empty bowl praying for another escape. "Well I wanted to get to know you a little, see what kind of person you are and if the brains matched the beauty." he replied. She appreciated his straightforwardness and any other time she may have given him some play but not now. Before she could reply the waiter came over asking her if she needed anything and the man if he would be ordering. She asked for the bill to have a reason to get away and the man slid the waiter a few bills "For the ladies meal and tip" he said with a wink and the waiter, stupidly, thanked him and walked off.

"You didn't need to do that." Mara said getting up and pocketing her wallet. "Nonsense, any gentleman courting a woman should cover any and all expenses no?" he asked rhetorically with a smile. Mara rolled her eyes and got up to walk away, "Thanks!" she called over her shoulder trying to get away from him as soon as possible. As she speed walked away from the cafe, she realized she missed him, which was ridiculous they had just met. "Hold on" he called behind her and grabbed her wrist. Mara turned to say something but the man pulled her close and she lost her entire train of thought. She let herself drown in his warmth, radiating off his body and his pumpkin and cinnamon scent.

Malum knew his mate would be feisty as ever, especially considering how they met when she was younger. Now after he waited for her to grow into a woman worthy of standing by his side he knew she would be quite the challenge. Not a normal human, clueless to his kind and his world; Mara was not only adeptly aware but had her own great power and if all went well they would make a great team. Even though she was human her abilities and accomplishment made him proud to call her his mate. He was elated when he felt the pull of the mark he left on her, letting him know it was time to claim what is his. He was always watching in the shadows of course but now he had to show face.

Now that he had her in his arms it was his turn to take her in. She had a thick and muscled body, not stocky but lean and powerful physically. She smelled like roses and vanilla, his new favorite scent. She had milk chocolate skin and waist length curly hair currently in a messy ponytail. Malum brushed a stray hair out of her face and ran his hand down her cheek his other hand around her waist holding her close to him. Her lips her full and kissable, her nose flaring occasionally as she took in his scent. Her brows waxed to her desired shape perfectly curling around her beautiful purple eyes. The thumb on her waist absentmindedly started to stoke along her skin up and down as it slid under her t-shirt and she took a deep breath. The sparks that tingled along the skin where they touched one another was nerve wracking for her and exciting for him. Mara placed her hands on his chest and tried to push away. 'Fucking shity shit shit' she thought to herself as she was now palming his toned and inviting chest.

Malum cupped her cheek and tilted his head to the side tilting hers back slightly and leaned in. 'BITCH PULL AWAY. MARA LAIFI DAYA do NOT become this man's next con-' any train of thought she had shattered the moment his lips let hers. Her hands on his chest now clung to his shirt or vest, she really didn't care at this point and his grip on her waist tightened, his other hand cupping the back of her head. Sparks of pleasure flew where their lips met and it only got worse and he pressed further into her. Malum licked at her bottom lip asking for entry and whatever strand of sanity she had left decided not to let him in. Displeased, Malum bit her bottom lip gently sucking the sting away with his own full lips. Mara gasped and he used the moment to catch her off guard and slid his tongue into her mouth. She was an idiot to not let him in early, he tasted like allspice and fresh pumpkin pie. Their tongues battled it out but she happily submitted to him, a worthy opponent. Reluctantly they had to come up for air and the scenery around them that had seemingly fallen away became all too real again. "Merde(French-Shit)" she muttered and he chuckled resting his forehead resting against hers.

"Glad to know you enjoyed that as much as I did." he said with a laugh and she shook her head to clear the cloud of her mind. "If that was a sin I'd gladly go straight to hell for it, however it cannot happen again." she replied attempting to pull away from him. "Why not?" he asked legitimately perplexed and his grip on her never wavered. She lied smoothly "Because I'm already seeing someone and this just can't happen." she replied. He had been watching over her for a very long time and was not aware of any love interest but the mere thought of someone touching what was his nearly had him reverting to his true form. Trying to focus on keeping calm Mara used his distracted moment to slip from his arms. The loss of contact tore at them both and she nearly found herself crying as she pulled away from him. Malum pulled from his rage cloud and grabbed at her again pulling her close. "I don't believe you bellum(Latin-my lovely)" he replied and she lifted a brow at him. As much as she should and would have pulled away her body didn't want to listen and she relished in the closeness they had. "And whys that?" she asked realizing her reaction to this man wasn't normal. "Because there is no one else for each other but us" he muttered and pulled her into another kiss. Mara came up for air and somehow had a clear enough mind to argue, "I don't even know your name or who you are and visa versa. You can't know that" she retorted and he simply smiled down at her. She would get a crick in her neck looking up at him, he was definitely at least a foot taller than her 5'7".

He chuckled deep in his chest and nodded. "Well my dear Mara, as I am now I am called Aljani Ruhu, but you bellum can call me Malum" he whispered in her ear. Mara froze when the realization of his words hit her and she looked up at him slowly. "Fuck" she whispered and he smiled with a nod "Hello mate" he replied. "Lumen purgatio!(cleansing light)" Mara whisper yelled and a bright light emitted from her hands and all the lights around them shattered. Malum was thrown back and dazed just enough for her to turn and run. He could of caught her, her was older and by far more powerful but he very much enjoyed a good chase. "Visus avium. (Latin-Birds sight)" Malum summoned a shadow familiar. "Custodiet te regina. Famam terga aliquid agat nisi magna, sed non opus est.(Watch over your queen. Report back anything important but do not engage unless you need to.)" he told the raven with red eyes and it flew off after the unsuspecting Mara. "I will have you in my arms soon enough mate, I promise you that." he said buttoning up his jacket and walking off.