Ch 2 Old Friends New Enemies

Mara ran until she was out of breath and her legs gave out. She collapsed on the stairs of an old church as she tried to regulate her breathing. Pulling out her phone she called for an Uber and waited patiently. Luckily she called ahead to an old friend she could trust and he wasn't too far. The guardian bird watched his mistress with curiosity. He had been watching over her for years and much like his master, he was proud of the fierce warrior she had become. He absentmindedly picked at his feathers with his beak when he saw Mara get into a random vehicle. Spreading his wings he took off to follow that car.

Mara sighed deeply in the comforts of the car but couldn't get over this feeling she was being watched. What worried her more is that the feeling wasn't threatening. The sooner she got to Gabriel's the better. Between wonderful late night weekend traffic and the driver wanting to obey all traffic laws, it took Mara longer than she wanted to but was eventually dropped off in front of the estate gates. She tipped the man in cash knowing he'd actually get it this way and walked over to the intercom and pressed in her code. Next to the massive gates meant for car was a smaller person-use gate that opened for her. She made sure it locked behind her before walking up the path to the massive mansion.

The guardian perched in a tree as he waited for his mistress to be on the move again. Once she entered the gates he swooped down to follow her but was immediately repealed by a protection spell of some kind made with light magic. Managing to recover before he hit the ground he flew around the estate to try and find another way in. 'Master she has entered a large estate protected by white magic. I'm looking for a weakness but until then I cannot follow after mistress' he informed Malum and he senses his master's distress before Malum replied. 'Where is she?' he asked and the bird sent a magical ping of sorts. Malum cursed in a demonic tongue 'that is the home of Gabriel, THE Gabriel. Do not try to penetrate his defenses or even sneak in because then you won't be able to get out. See if you can still watch her from afar especially if she leaves.' Malum ordered and the bird did as he was told.


"Why my sweet mate would you go to him of all places? Do you hate me that much? Fear me?" Malum asked to no one in particular since he was alone. Though he'd never admit it, he was hurt at the thought. He'd never harm her or those she cared for and would love and cherish her till the end of time. He realized her path in life dealing with various factions of the supernatural have not painted a pretty picture for her of demons. He would have to change that it seems. Picking up his desk phone he dialed a number and waited for a few rings before a female voice came over the line. "Well Malum to what do I owe this pleasure?" she asked in a naturally sultry voice. "Well Persephone, I've finally 'officially' met my mate." he informed her and she giggled. "I'm assuming it didn't go as planned?" she asked and he grunted in response. "Anyway, I've come to realize that she's had a very negative image painted for her when it comes to demons and I would like to re-imagine that image for her." he retorted. "Alright Bob Ross, how can I help?" she asked and Malum rolled his eyes at her antics. "Flowers that wont die on her. Preferably roses and in purple, NO THORNS." he added at the end. "Alright, alright! I'll get started on them post haste! Oh, Hades says hello." she retorted. "Tell him I said hello and give Cerberus and extra treat for me." he joked and she scoffed. Hades could be heard laughing in the background before the line disconnected.

"Prudence" he called his secretary through the intercom on his desk. "Yes master?" she replied. "Can you summon Hansel and Gretel for me?" he asked and she replied "Of course, at once master." As the times changed and the supernatural world fell into the shadows the twins found themselves out of work. Thanks to their mother however they were impervious to harmful magics and immortal. They needed work and Malum hired them on the spot. As he was going down memory lane as to how he met the twins they walked in, both dressed in matching black suits with a black tie and white button up. "You asked to see us sir?" Gretel asked. "Yes, I have formally met my mate and I need to woo her so to speak. At this point she just thinks me an evil monster." Hansel and Gretel look at each other and then back to him. "I need you to find me a way into Gabriel's estate since that's where she's staying and worst case scenario help me get her out, without harming her." he informed them. The nodded "Of course sir, right away" Hansel replied and they left to their task. "Soon my love" Malum reminded himself and began to look up romantic places to take her.

Prudence walked in wearing a black leather business skirt and white blouse that hung slightly open to show off her lacey black camisole. Her hair was short and platinum white with the Malum M styled into her hair in black. "My, my what a sight. Our master is smitten and in love." she said with a smile in a jesting manner. "Don't make me seal your mouth again witch." he said with a chuckle. She walked around his desk to see what he was looking at. "Might I suggest France master? Candle lit dinner atop the Eiffel Tower, some beautiful flowers, chocolate is a must." she suggested. He looked at her and she broke out in a smile. He rolled his eyes and nodded. "Get it done." he said waving her off with a chuckle. "Of course master." he replied leaving the documents that needed to be signed on his desk and getting to work on her task.


Mara finally made it to Gabriel's home proper and she longed for the watched ver feeling she lost once she entered his property. She seemed lonely for some reason. 'The hell is wrong with me, she said to herself and lifted her hand to knock on the door. Before her fist could land on the wood the door swung open and she was lifted by strong arms around her waist and spun around. "Fucking shit Gabriel! Put me DOOWWNN!" she screamed with a laugh. "Oh my father it's been so long since I've seen your beautiful face! Oh how I missed you my sweet, sweet Mara!" he replied and hugged her once more. She laughed at his antics and hugged him back her hands unable to fully wrap around his waist as he was built like a ling backer for no reason. "So how long is my favorite person staying?" he asked leading her inside and shutting the front door. "Only a few days. I just have some research to do and them I'm out of your hair." she informed him and he pouted. "You could tots just stay you know." he said with a smile and side glance and she shook her head. "Nope!" she replied and he pouted. "Aw turn that frown upside down!" she said with a giggled and lifted his smile with her fingers on the corner of his lips.

Mara managed to break from his hold and ran up the stairs to her room. Yes she had a room that was for her and only her. Why you ask? Fllassshhbbaccckk!

"Mara I need your help." Gabriel asked his most trusted friend and witch. Mara groaned and wiped her face with her hand, "I swear to your father, what did you do this time!?" she asked with a smile. Gabriel looked at her with a serious somber face and she straightened up realizing this was serious. "Of course, anything. What do you need?" she asked. "I'm ...I'm going to tell Aliana about me." he informed her and Mara's eyes grew wider than dinner plates. "Are you sure Gabe?" Mara asked. He nodded, "She told me she loved me. It was real and I love her too but I don't want to start my forever with her built on a lie. Plus if I don't give her the gift and she starts aging and I don't…" he trailed of knowing she knew where he was going. "Okay so you need moral support?" she asked confused.

Gabriel shook his head and his body shuddered. She could smell the sadness on him and he was an Angel so she knew this was bad. "Spit it out Gabe!" she pressure unable to take the stress. "I need you there in case she freaks. I need someone I trust wipe her memories, replacing them with new ones and take care of her…" he muttered and Mara grew deathly quiet. "I wouldn't be able to with- if she.." Mara hugged him and calmed him down. "Of course Gabe. I'll always be there for you. Whatever you need I'm there. I'm sure everything will be fine though!" she gave him a reassuring smile she didn't quite believe herself.

"Okay here we go!" he said with renewed confidence. "Into the shadows." she whispered with purple eyes and she blended into the shadows of the room unseen. After a few minutes a maid brought Aliana into the room and she run up to Gabriel and hugged him. He spun her in the hug and once he put her down they kissed lovingly. Mara had to look away out of respect, but for her own reasons that didn't matter anymore. Gabriel and Aliana spoke for some time and then it came time to reveal this big secret. For Gabriel everything happened in a blur but for Mara it was slow motion. "So You know I love you Aliana" he started and she nodded. "And I love you!" she replied. Gabriel bragged her hands, "Well I want us to be together and happy but I have a secret I need to tell you about me. It's not bad but it's not something I can just go around telling people. Please don;t hate me." he winced and she shook her head. "I get it love, you had to make sure I could be trusted. I'm just happy you do trust and love me enough to tell me." she said with a smile and squeezed his hands reassuringly as he stood up.

"Okay well. Aliana my love. I'm an angel." he said bluntly and she tilted her head and giggled. "My angel sent from above just like im yours." she replied. Gabe was a little frustrated but Managed to keep his cool. "No my love. An angel, angel." he said and showed her his wings. Gabe wasn't sure what was going to happen but Mara noticed the shift in Aliana aura before he did. Mara waited by the door shrouded in shadows as the seconds ticked by. "Aliana my love?" Gabriel asked trying to get her to say something. Instead Aliana let out a blood curdling scream and ran for the door. Mara caught her and Aliana screamed trying to swing at her. "Your eyes grow heavy, let them fall for when you wake, you'll forget this all." Mara said waving a hand over Alian's face and the woman passed out. Gabriel was distraught and fell to his knees as his wings retreated into his back. Mara was torn between being there for her friend and taking care of the woman he loved like he asked. "GO!" he managed in between sobs and Mara rushed out with Aliana's unconscious body. She made quick work of her potions and incantations, completely wiping Aliana of the news Gabriel just broke to her and the fact that he was ever in her life.

After making sure Aliana was home safe and sound Mara returned to find Gabriel in distress, thrashing everything in the room, breaking decorations, tearing curtains, everything. It hurt Mara deeply to see her friend this way. "Nunc autem requiem amici mei et relaxat. Iam nocere tibi non potest hoc non est finis.(Rest now and relax my friend. You may hurt now but this is not the end.)" Mara chanted in Latin and Gabriel visibly calmed down. "Let's get you to your room." she offered and he nodded sheepishly. Once they were in his room He colapsed on his bed and refused to let go of Mara. Over the next few weeks Mara stayed with Gabriel to make sure he ate, and maintained simple personal hygiene. Even with the butlers and maids they couldn't get through to him like she did. Eventually he came out of the depressive state and thanked Mara for what she had done for him. He vowed if she ever needed anything all she had to do was ask for he was forever in her debt.

Mara left and returned to her home at the time feeling hurt for Gabriel but hopeful for herself. 'Maybe now he'll notice-' she started a thought but then shook it off her hope dying with it. She made sure to check in with him to check his progress and then spoke to his home staff and work crew to make sure he was telling the truth. Yes he's an angel and they technically can't lie but they could work around telling the full truth. Eventually Gabriel fell back into his normal routine and things went back to normal.


She hadn't been to her room for a while and when she walked in she gasped. "GABRIEL!!" she screamed not angry but shook. "What did you do!?" she said as he ran up after her. The room that was once shades of white was now shades of Purple and gold with white accents. The bed was across from the door under massive victorian windows and she had her own ensuit to the left. To the right of her room was a purple and white sofa, white and gold fireplace and a wall mounted TV. "I wanted to make your room more yours is all. Do you not like it?" he asked concerned and she turned around and wrapped her arms around his neck hugging him as tightly as she could without choking him out. "I love it Gabe. Its beautiful." she said and leg him good kissing him on the cheek before she ran in to check out her bathroom. "Not as beautiful as you" he muttered so she couldn't hear him.

The bathroom had a massive extra long, extra deep clawfoot tub for soaking on the left with a wall mounted caddy ad shower heads for when she wanted to shower. The purple and gold curtain hung from the ceiling and went around the entire tub. The back wall had a personal toilet stall, The right side had a marble countertop with a purple crystal bowl sink on one side with full size vanity mirror leaving empty counter space for hair and makeup or whatever.. "Please tell me there is bubble bath for this bitch!"she squealed and rummaged through the cabinet under the sink. Behind the door was her own person linen closet that had extra washcloths, bath towels, hair care, skincare and her bubble bath. "Gabe I'ma take a bath and hit the hay is that okay?" she said walking out the bathroom. He smiled and nodded even though it didn't reach his eyes and left her room closing the door. 'You idiot why didn't you just say something!' he thought to himself and shook his head in disappointment with himself.

Between the Vatican and Gabriel's own collection Mara didn't get too much on Malum except for his creation and a basic understanding of his abilities, which was kind of disheartening. She knew based off what she could tell from him in person that these text would be no help which meant she'd have to deal with it blindly. Mara sighed to herself as she got up took look for Gabriel to tell him she was leaving. She looked down at herself in a black sports bra and boy shorts and decided to throw on an extra large shirt before wandering the halls. "Gabriellll, oh Gabbbrriieell!" she called out coming down the winding staircase. Her favorite part out the foyer area had to be how the two stairs joined in the middle or the massive crystal chandelier that hung over head and made beautiful rainbow lights on the white marble floor below. "Lord Gabriel is in the kitchen waiting for you. Breakfast is served madam." the butler told her. "I don;t know how many times I ask you not to call me 'madam' Alfred. It makes me feel old." she complained and he smiled briefly before turning and leading her to the kitchen.

This was the smaller informal kitchen were smaller meals were made and the larger one was for parties he was known for throwing. As Mara walked in she noticed the appliances were updated to stainless steel and the updated cabinets and countertops were still white as a cloud. She walked past the fridge on her right to get to the table on her left and sat next to Gabe. On the backside of the kitchen one of the maids was making an assortment of breakfast good and laying it out for them. "So how'd your research go?" Gaberiel asked before stuffing his mouth. "Not as much help as I thought but I got enough to start with." she replied with a shrug. "What are you looking for exactly?" he asked and Mara's heart rate jumped. She had time to calm down as she finished chewing and swallowed. "Just personal stuff, dealing with my own demons and such yanno?" he said jokingly and shrugged it off. Gabriel didn't like the half answer but shrugged it off. She'd tell him when she was ready.

"Anyhow, I'ma head back home probably tomorrow of the day after." she said stuffing her face again and didn;t notices Gabriels fall a little. "You can't. I'm having a ball and I need a plus one." he informed her now stuffing his face. Mara rolled her eyes "You can literally have any woman you want Gabe" she retorted jokingly. "Yeah well I want you." he said bluntly seemingly upset and shoving more food in his mouth not looking at her. She was taken aback and looked away herself. Not that he could see if she was blushing but she didn't want to take the risk. Of how she would have loved to hear that not to long ago but now she has a mate breathing down her neck that she doesn't know how to deal with or if she can even get rid of him. Witches can choose their partners but for creatures like demons their mates are pre-determined and permanent which most likely meant she didn't have a choice. Eventually the mate bond would kick in now that they've met and she wasn't sure what to do."Alright fine. But you paying the cancellation fee for my ticket and buy me a new one." she said and he nodded. 'Unless I can make you stay' he thought to himself.

They finished breakfast and Gabriel conned her into letting him take her shopping. She loved shipping but not one someone else's dime and she knew he'd never let her pay for anything. What was the barter you ask? Her favorite pastry to be sent to her in batches weekly. After tons of purchases and multiple stores Mara was starving and of course Gabriel took her to an extravagant lunch. The bird watched overhead from afar while the angel wined and dined his mistress like his master should have been. Part of him was upset with his mistress but then he realized the angel was trying to win her over. 'Master we have a problem.' he said and Malum broke in 'What happened is she okay?' he asked. 'Yes my lord but she is out with the angel shopping and he seems to be…' the bird didn't want to continue and accidently incur his master's wrath. 'Seems to be what?' Malum asked his voice low and heated. 'He seems to be courting mistress' he said and felt a wave of pure black rage wave over the bond before it was abruptly pulled back. 'Do not engage. Keep an eye on her. I will deal with the angel.' Malum replied and closed the link.


"SON OF A FUCKING BITCH" Malum yelled throwing his chair across the room. Prudence and the twins ran into his office and his shadow form looked over to them. They bowed out of respect and to not look into Malum's eyes. "Tell me you have something or so help you God." he threatened. "Yes sir, Gabriel seems to be have one of his annual balls and we were able to acquire an invite from some guests who had other obligations and couldn't go." Hansel said pulling out the invites. "You are allowed plus one and security up to a point of course. No weapons or anything but its not like we need them." Gretel added. "Perfect." he said reverting back to his human form. "Prudence you will be my plus one. Get a Tux for him and get yourself something nice." he informed his assistant. "Of course master." she said waving her hand over the room to repair the damage and left his office with the twins. "This should be fun."


Gabriel and Mara ate in peace and he enjoyed spending time with her again. After she helped him a few years back, he started to think and realized he had made the wrong choice from jump. Mara had always been there for him, even when he was with Aliana. He was too in love or maybe too stupid to realize all the signs that were there that Mara liked him too. It was time, Gabriel decided. He would confess his feelings for Mara and hopefully she would return them. Then she wouldn't have to go home, but move into his room. He could see them happy together, he belly swelling with their children. It brought him a level of joy he never had before and he wouldn't let it slip through his hands again. "Okay, I've had too many iced teas I will be right back." Mara said and went inside to use the bathroom.

As soon as Mara left Garbiels face fell and he looked up to the roof of the building across the street and looked right at the raven Malum sent to watch over Mara. Time stood still as Gabriel activated his abilities and pulled him arm back like he was shooting a bow an arrow. An arrow of pure angelic light formed out of nowhere and he released the bow. The bird barely managed to dodge and it took out his wing before Gabriel returned to his normal pose and time picked back up. 'My lord. I'm sorry I have failed you. I don't know how but the angel spotted me and shot me with a holy arrow.' he let Malum know where they were before the magic sustaining him gave out. Mara walked back out and plopped down in her seat with a smile and they finished their meal in peace. "Okay so which out of the hundreds of dress you brought me, that I don't need, do you want me to wear?" Mara asked Gabriel as they returned to his home. "I will have a staff member put it out for you on the day of and not a moment sooner so you" he booped her nose " have to wait" he said. "UGH" she sighed throwing her hands up in defeat and he laughed.

Gabriel and Mara spent the next few days leading up to the ball together. From what he could tell Mara was definitely still into him so his place of professing at the ball should be a shoe in. She'd live as long as he would, he could protect or heal her from anything else and she'd be plenty strong enough to bare their children. The night before the ball Gabriel and Mara were watching movies in his room just relaxing before the storm. "Hey Mara, left field question." Gabriel said looking at her. "Shoot" she said not bother to pause the movie they've seen a hundred times over. "So I know you love kids and your ovaries overreact from time to time. Have you ever thought about starting a family?" he asked her. "THEY DO NOT OVER REA-" he gave her a deadpanned 'really?' face and she huffed. "Yes I'd love a family but I gotta find the right one and make sure my affairs are in order. Don't want to bring kids into this word just for my demons to try and take them from me yanno?" she replied. He nodded and smiled at her before returning to the movie. Mara blushed and looked back at the movie as well praying her wasn't listening to her heart rate skyrocket. 'I will protect you Mara. No demon shall harm you or ours. I swear it on my life' Gabriel said to himself as a promise to her and he meant it.