Ch 3 Confessions

The light streaming through the gap in the curtains woke Mara up earlier than she would have liked. "Ugh, stupid sun. Being all bright n shit." she said but it was muffed due to her trying to hide under a pillow. Gabriel laughed next to her and rolled over. "Good morning, sleeping beauty" he greeted and threw off the pillow she was hiding under and hissed the top of her head. She squealed trying to get away from the light and hissed like a vampire. Gabriel burst out laughing until she pushed him out of the bed. Now Mara was laughing until his head popped over the top of the bed and he gave her an evil smirk. "EEEEPPP" she screamed and ran out of the room with him running after her. "ALFRED SAVE ME!!!" she cried running down the hall to get to the stairs. "Oh no you don't!" Gabriel called almost grabbing her but she jumped over the railing. "HA!" she yelled in victory using her magic to get her down safely only to land in front of a smirking Gabriel fluttering his wings. "Really? Fly away from an angel?" Mara giggled nervously and went to run around him and he grabbed her encasing them in his wings and attacking her with kisses to whatever he could reach.

Both of the were full on laughing as Mara managed to turn around in his arms to face him. "Father, I've missed you" he said with a genuine smile. "I missed you too Gabe." she said with a smile and playful pat on the chest. They were staring at one another longer than normal and she began to blush. As if sensing her distress Alfred purposefully cleared his throat and the two broke apart, Gabriel's wings retreating into his back. "There are some final items that must be checked off before tonight and the spa team for Miss Mara is here." he announced. Mara jaw fell and she glared over at Gabriel ready t say something when Gabriel spoke first. "Thanks Alfred!" Gabriel said and ran away to run his last minute errands. "Damn chicken." Mara sighed and followed Alfred to whatever pampering session Gabriel had planned for her.

When Alfred said spa team he meant it. Mara had a mani-pedi that was said to match her dress. Her nails were stiletto shaped and painted white and then a gold calligraphy swirls was put on her pointer and ring fingers. A facial, massage and he had someone come in that knew how to work with black skin and hair to do her makeup and hair. Her makeup was a gold to black smokey look with perfected cat eyes and her hair was blown out and the ends softly curled. "Okay so I'm totally okay with this gift." she said to Alfred as he led her back to her after hours of pampering. "How do you feel Miss Mara?" he asked and she would of flopped on her bed to sleep had she not just had her makeup and hair done. "Like a limp noodle!" she replied and he chuckled. "Your outfit is ready in the closet." he informed her and left with a bow closing her door. Mara walked into the gorgeously unnecessary walk in closet and gasped at the outfit he set out for her. It was a floor length white gown that perfectly covered her chest and flared out from the waist. Her favorite part was the slit up her left leg that allowed her to show off her long legs or hide them as she pleased. She hoped the white pumps with gold calligraphy heels were long enough or she would have to lift the dress when she walked.


It didn't take long for the party to get in full swing. Tons of people Mara didn't know or care for were here but she said she'd support Gabriel so here she was. Part of her had a funny feeling that something was going to happen tonight and Gabriel could tell. "What's wrong Mara?" he asked for the umpteenth time and she shook her head. "Oh my goodness nothing! I'm fine. Lets just enjoy the party yes?" she replied frustrated. She didn't want to worry him or ruin his night. HE gave her a disapproving look that told her this conversation isn't over but he would let it go for now. She laughed to herself at how he made sure they matched, Gabriel's Tux was white with a white bow tie and dress shoes. His shirt, pocket handkerchief and cumberbunt were gold.

Mara was really feeling the live band as they played one of her favorite Frank Sinatra songs and she turned to see Gabriel offering her his hand for a dance. She smiled putting her drink down on the tray of a butler waking by and followed him out to the dance floor. 'Alright Gabe, now or nothing. Don't. Fuck. Up.' he told himself as he turned and pulled her into him. Mara slid her right hand into his left in the air and her left hand on his shoulder as his right hand slid to the small of her back. They swayed back and forth gently for some time and Mara felt like someone was watching them. There seemed to be a dark intent but not towards her. She waited patiently as Gabriel had turned them around slowly and her heart stopped before it hit Usain Bolt speeds in her chest.


Malum and Prudence readied for the ball tonight. She donned a blood red bodycon gown with red bottoms, and her jewelry was onyx diamonds with a matching clutch. Malum wore a black tux with matching bow tie and dress shoes. His shirt and cumberbunt were the same blood red as her dress and he had a single rose on his lapel. Hansel and Gretel worse their usual suits and waited for Malum and Prudence downstairs. As the demon and his right hand approached Gretel opened the door for Malum to help Prudence in before getting in himself. Gretel hopped back into the car and they were off to the party. Luckily the car they drove had privacy windows in the back so none of the security at the gate could see Malum. Because of the heavy traffic in and out of the estate the gates were left open meaning a massive opening in the barrier. Suppressing his energy Malum and Prudence existed the vehicle and made their way in to find his mate.

It didn't take long to find Mara as the host was parading her around like she was his mate. As much as it bothered Malum he had to play this right or he would push Mara even further away. Prudence stepped away to make sure she was in place should she be needed as Malum watched the angel bring his mate to the dance floor and hold Mara like he should have been. He was seething in anger but something about seeing how beautiful and angelic she looked in her outfit calmed him. She was the light to his darkness, he knew and accepted that long ago. I wouldn't, no he couldn't let anyone take her from him. Releasing a bit of energy through his mark he knew Mara would feel him watching her if she hadn't prior to. He waited for her to turn and noticed the moment she saw him. Her eyes grew wide with fear and her heart rate skyrocketed. He winced visibly before slowly making his way over to reclaim his mate. 'I promise you my love you will not always fear me or my love for you' he silently promised her.

Sensing her change in mood and aura Gabriel looked down to Mara to ask what was wrong. He saw the fear in her eyes and turned to find out what was scaring her. 'Malum!?' he asked himself before looking back down at Mara who was now looking like she was going to run. "Hey Mara can we go somewhere more private I wanted to talk to you about something important." he asked. His questions seemed to break her out of her fear induced stupor and she nodded. Yeah sure lead the way!" she replied all to quickly. Gabriel led them through the crowd to put more bodies between them and Malum. 'They're going back to the Gardens Master.' Prudence advised him from her vantage on the second floor balcony. Malum shift directions so he could follow them through a less populated path.

Once they were outside Gabriel pulled her to the fountain in the center of the garden and held her close by the waist. "Mara?" he said getting her attention. She looked up at him "Yes Gabe?" she replied. "I know this seems left field but after the incident a few years ago it really opened my eyes. I was missing things i should of notice from before Aliana and quite frankly I was an idiot to not notice it then. But I don't want to make the same mistake twice." he said and Mara looked at him like he had five eyes and twelve ears. "What do you mean?" she asked. "I love you Mara. More than I could have ever known. I realized it not long after you finally went home after caring for me for so long but I was afraid you'd reject me not wanting to be a rebound or becuase I was so stupid to notice your feeling for me from before. But I don't want to let you go a second time and lead a life without you in it Mara." he said. Had this literally been anytime before her 25th birthday she would have been all in. Shit even now she wanted to be all in but she knew she couldn't. Somewhere deep down inside she yearned for Malum and him only and she knew that part of her would only grow. She couldn't risk leading Gabriel on and hurting him like Aliana did.

Mara took a deep breath before responding. "Gabe. To be honest had you told me this at any point before my 25th birthday I would have said fuck yes. Even now part of me wants to say yes but.." Mara felt tears welling up in her eyes and she couldn't look Gabriel in the face. "I can't be with you to lead you on and hurt you like she did. I care about you too much. But we just- we can't" she said finally looking up at him as tears rolled down her cheeks. "I don't understand why can't we. I have feelings for you, you have feelings for me. I can protect you from whatever is bothering you-" he said as tears began to roll down his face too. Mara lifted her right arm perpendicular to her body and rubbed the makeup off she had covering Malums mark. "I'm mated to-" Mara was pulled back into a warm and solid chest as the scent of allspice and pumpkin hit her. "Me" Malum finished for her. Mara's head was hung low as she silently cried and Malum hurt for her. He didn;t realized that she had such strong feelings for Gabriel and part of him felt guilty that it was their bond that caused her this pain. But be swore to help her heal past it. He would love her a trillion times over just to make her pain go away.

Gabriel looked at the mark on her arm, to her and then to Malum. "No!" he yelled starling MAra and she looked up at him. He face was contorted with sadness and anger. "I made the mistake of letting you slip through my fingers once. I will NOT do it again! I don't care who your 'mated' to. He doesn't deserve you!" he screamed and Mara was afraid of Gabriel for the first time in her life. "You're right. I don't but the fates saw fit to pair us together and I cannot let her go. She is the only light I have in this world and she is mine and mine alone." Malum said wrapping his arm around her waist and slipping his finger in between hers. Mara was so mentally fried she didn't know what to do or say. She didn't expect any of this to happen or go down like this. For the first time in her life she was unprepared and what scared her even more was the fact that she felt right in Malum's arms now that he was here. Not the Gabriel's was wrong but with Malum she felt at home.

"Mara please love. Just say the word and we can be together. We can be happy and have a family. PLEASE!" he cried and Mara jumped back scared pressing further in Malum. "You're scaring her Gabriel calm the fuck down. I'm taking Mara to a safe space and then going home. He had a lot to deal with right now and neither of us can pressure her like this!" he commanded trying to protect his Mara. "YOU DON'T DESERVE HER!" Gabriel yelled his wings tearing through his tux and a blade of pure holy light in his hand. Gabriel Swung and Malum easily evaded and grabbed Mara Bridal style. Mara screamed "Gabriel please calm down!" as Gabriel swung at Malum again. He knew his holy blade wouldn't hurt Mara so he didn't have to be as careful with his swing but it didn't stop from instilling fear into Mara. "ENOUGH!" Malum roared and used his energy to knock Gabriel back and unconscious.

"Gabe!" Mara called and reluctantly Malum set her down. She ran over to Gabriel and gave him a once over. "I'm sorry Gabriel" she said her tears falling onto his cheeks as she kissed his forehead. Malum looked away from the scene his own eyes glazing over with the pain of his mate tending to another that tried to take her from him. Normally he would be furious but he couldn't blame her. She had a bond with this man before he had one with her and he forced himself to understand where she was coming from. What malum didn't expect was Mara to return to his side. She placed a hand on his cheek so he would look up from the ground and into her eyes. "Thank you...for not hurting him like you could have." he said tears still rolling down her face. Malum nodded and hesitantly placed his hands on her cheeks She closed her eyes and let him and he tried to wipe away the tears. "I'm sorry my love. I truly am. I never wanted to bring you pain purposely or inadvertently. I understand that you care for hi-" she placed a finger over his lips and he looked to her confused. "I do care for him. But my place-" she looked to Gabriel and back to Malum "- is by your side." she finished and leaned into his chest as she cried.

Malum understood now that she accepted him but needed time to heal and deal with this pain. He held her close and let her cry. 'I have her with me. The three of you can go' he said cutting off the link not giving them a chance to reply. He still wanted to make sure she understood what and who he was from him and not just as his label of 'demon'. "Did you want me to drop you to the room I have for you?" he asked and she shook her head. Malum's heart beat a little faster before he took a deep breath and asked "Do you want to come back with me?" It too Mara a little bit to reply but she really didn't want to and couldn't be alone right now. She nodded and Malum kissed the top of her head before lifting her back into his arms bridal style and teleporting them back to his hotel room.

Not wanting her to feel pressured Malum sat on the chase lounge instead of a bed and layed Mara comfortably on his body. After some time she fell asleep crying and she sighed. Making sure he didn't wake her he used magic to lift her off him, remove her makeup and change her into some sweats and one of his shirts. Malum rested her in the guest room of his hotel suite and tucked her in. He stared at her puffy eyes as he caressed her hair and sighed. Malum kissed his forehead and spoke softly "I know I'm not perfect my love but I promise to do my very best to bring you nothing but love, happiness and support and the only tears I make you cry are those of joy." He kissed her on her temple and left her to sleep and recover from the emotional turmoil of tonight as he got himself ready and went to bed.