Ch 5 Enter the Iscariot

It had been nearly a week since Mara spoke to Gabriel. Part of her wanted to reach out to her best friend, to check on him and make sure he was okay, but another part of her didn't want to give a false impression, lead him on or re-hatch old wounds. She decided to just call his house and check in with the staff so she could see how he was doing and not bother him. After two rings a maid answered. "Hello Angelos residence." She greeted me. "Hello Mam, I'm a friend of Gabriel's, I was just calling to check up on him. I know he's busy and going through some things but I didn't want to bother him either." I replied. "Ah well Mr. Angelos seems to be doing better than he was a few days ago. He is keeping busy I guess to keep his mind off his woes." She said with a soft giggle. "Alright that's good to hear. I'll call back another time to check on him. Thanks for the heads up." Mara replied. "Oh he's right here if you'd lik-" the maid started and Mara could hear Gabriel cut her off in the background. "Who's on the phone?" he asked curiously. Mara knew she should have just ended the call but she wanted to hear his voice and see if he was truly okay. "Young lady asking how you were doing." The maid informed him. There was shuffling as Mara assumed the phone was being passed to him. "Mara, Mara baby is that you?" Gabriel asked. He seemed excited, happy even that she called but she could hear the undertones of sadness. "Mara please honey just talk to me." He called out again. Mara didn't realize she was crying until a tear hit the screen of her cellphone and she ended the call. "Fuck." She muttered wiping her tears.

Gabriel heard the dial tone of the ended call and had to reign in his anger, hurt and frustration as he tried not launching the phone across the room. He turned to the maid, "Inform all the staff if she calls back I want the call forwarded to me immediately. Do you understand?" he instructed. The maid nodded and bowed softly, "yes of course sir. At once." She replied and walked off to inform the staff. Gabriel pulled out his cell phone and dialed in a number before hitting send. It rang once and someone answered. "Mr. Angelos what a lovely surprise. How can I help you this mornin'?" the man greeted in a strong Scottish accent. "Hello Father Anderson. I'm looking to take out a very powerful demon. Not only is he wreaking havoc among innocent people but he's taken a young woman hostage. She a witch of many gifts and he's forcing her hand to protect him so to speak. "We at the Holy Order of Iscariot pride ourselves in fulfilling the will of the Lord and punishing all those who sin or go against him. Tell me everything you know and we will be more than happy to help you cleans the world of this impurity." Father Anderson replied with a sick glee to his voice. "His name is Malum, an extremely powerful demon, apparently the first under Satan himself. He's bound the witch to him with some kind of mark on her arm and it forces her to bend to his will. If we can get rid of him, she'll be free from his perversion." Gabriel informed the Priest altering the truth as he saw fit. "Once I find a way of getting us closer to the creature I'll let you know until then, my home is open to you and your people." Gabriel added. "We appreciate your kindness dear sir and shall be over within a few days once we finish our current…pilgrimage." Father Anderson replied and the call end. "I will have you Mara. Even if you hate me at first I will love you, and you will be able to love me back." Gabriel whispered to himself before collapsing on his bed.

Mara decided to surprise Malaum so she fried up some breaded chicken cutlets. She grabbed from fresh hoagie rolls and pre-cut them and then went to cutting up some lettuce and tomato. She packed everything in spate containers and some condiments on the side. She topped off the fabric cooler with some plates and napkins. "And last but not least." She grabbed an empty gallon water jug and filled it with her homemade half-n-half. She texted Prudence who had a car sent to the hotel for her and she waited for it out front. She saw the Lincoln town car coming down the street but as she took her first step she felt a strong presence across the street. Looking around she noticed a priest with tanned skin and blonde spikey hair smiling up at her. She looked closer hoping to recognize the man but even with his distinct scars on the side of his face she knew she'd never see him before. She made it to the bottom step and never once did her eyes leave his piercing green ones until the driver opened the door for her pulling her from the trance like state. She slid into the car carefully, buckling herself and holding the food securely before looking out her window. His eyes immediately met hers even through the dark tinted windows until a movie truck drove passed and he was gone. Mara nearly shot out of her seat but the seat belt stopped her as the driver took off. 'Fuck that guy was creepy?' she muttered to herself. She debated on telling Malaum about it but decided against it. She was a big girl and could handle herself and she really didn't need him worrying about her. The mating bond was a lot stronger on his end and he could go from cuddles and kisses to murdering droves of her enemies and all she had to do was ask. It was romantic as fuck but she was beginning to worry if he was a Gemini.

The drive wasn't too long normally but there had been some abnormal traffic. "Apologies mistress but there seems to be an accident causing our delay." The driver said through the intercom. Mara was worried the food would get cold, "Alright no worries…" she started to reply but felt that ping of power again. She looked around the car and couldn't spot anyone until she looked up through the sunroof and noticed what looked like a nun on the roof of a skyscraper looking down into the car. "Fuck this." Mara muttered. "Take us into a back alley, I'm putting us right in the garage." She ordered and the driver nodded making his way to a secluded space. Mara pulled out her phone and texted Prudence.

M: Pru I need you to alert security to watch out for anyone in catholic religious garb, and I mean anyone. I'll explain when I get there. DON'T tell Malum, I will when I arrive. I wanted to surprise him with lunch but I think we have a problem."

She hit send as the driver dropped the partition. "We're clear mam." Was all he said and Mara began her spell her eyes changing and the purple aura surrounding her and then the entire car. With a pull and shift there were not inside the dimly lit private garage of Malaum's company. Mara shot out the car, food in tow and took the private elevator up to his floor.

The elevator dinged and she walked out glad she chose sneakers because they didn't clack loudly against the marble floor. She walked up to Prudence's desk with a wave. "Hey Mistress what's going on?" Prudence asked worried as she walked around her desk to hug Mara. "The Iscariot has been following me. I've never met an Iscariot Warrior before but, Catholic garb and strange weapons kind makes it obvious." Mara informed him and Prudence nodded going to inform security. Mara walked up to his office door and heard him on speaker phone having a conversation so he decided to wait before knocking. Malaum had sensed her presence, even with her protection ward and opened the door with the flick of his wrist. Mara let out a short squeal almost falling in since she was leaning against the door but he caught her and righted her. She realized he never left his desk and rolled her eyes walking to the right off his office. The space was the size of a small apartment giving him room for a large L shaped desk on the left against the two walls of floor to ceiling windows. To the right about halfway through the room the windows stopped and it became a solid wall with a single column of window in the middle of the solid surface. To the left of the back side of the room was a round tablet with 4 chairs around it. The back wall had a massive bookshelf that had a cut out for another door. The center of the bookshelf however had a liquor shelf with decanters of amber liquids. To the right of the area was a comfortable seating area with a fireplace, couches and coffee table.

Mara made her way over to the round table and set out the drinks, food and condiments. 'Dammit I forgot cups.' She silently cursed herself leaving to get cups from the break room. By the time she got back Malaum was off the phone and waking his way over to the food taking his suit jacket off. Mara stood there in awe of his backside. He had a metallic gray suit with a matching tie but the vest was a plum purple. "Enjoying the view my love?" He asked and she could hear the smile in his voice. "Eh it was iight I suppose." She said waving his comment off and giggled as he turned to her with dark eyes. "To what do I owe this pleasure?" he asked, pulling her to him once she got closer. "I want to surprise you is all. Make sure you remember to eat." She said with a raised brown. "Did you come here to show me love or read me to filth? I don't get it?" he said and chuckled. Mara laughed in his arms and he pulled her closer. There was nothing he enjoyed more than the sound of her laughter, giggles or voice. It topped anything an angelic choir could hope to achieve and somehow made him extremely calm, happy and aroused. He had one hand securely on the small of her back and the other slid up her back and he cupped the back of her head, pulling her in for a kiss. He didn't mean for it to get as heated as it did but when Mara accidentally moaned into the kiss he nearly forgot about the food and his need to claim her took over. The only reason he stopped was the sounds of neglect her stomach made. "Hmmm fine." He growled annoyed and gave her a quick peck before pulling out a chair for her. She giggled and took the seat, thanking him as he took his own seat. They ate in comfortable silence although he didn't like to steal glances at her and smile. Anytime she asked what he just replied with how beautiful she was and how he wanted to stare for hours.

"So my love. Can you explain why my security team is frantic right now and I have yet to be told about it?" Malum asked as they finished eating and he led her over to the long couch. He sat down and pulled her with him onto his lap locking her in place with one arm around her waist and the other over her thighs. "Well I wanted us to enjoy this moment and each other before you flew off the handle." She answered honestly and he looked jokingly offended. "And why would I fly off the handle?" he asked with a smile. "Because if I tell you something you don't like there is no in between. You're either at a 0 or 100…out of 10." She retorted with her own smile and he pouted causing her to let out the laughter she was trying to hold in. "But you will tell me now yes?" he asked but it really wasn't a question so she nodded in reply. "I had prudence call a car for me and while I waited for it outside I felt a strong power emanating from a man across the street. It was a priest, but he gave off a weird vibe, kinda like a holy or unholy relic, but it was neutral in source. I don't know. I got in the car and he disappeared behind a movie truck like that cheese spy movie scenes. Anyway, even with him creepily staring me down I figured I could handle myself and was going to pull the ultimate stupid MC in a romance novel who has a super-hot and power lover, and not tell you about what happened." She began telling him and he smiled at the 'super-hot and powerful' but she could tell he was upset she hadn't planned on telling him. "What made you change your mind?" he asked, rubbing up and down her thigh gently. We got stuck in weird traffic, a supposed car accident but as traffic wasn't moving I felt the presence again. But this time it was a woman with long black hair, dressed like a nun with a Kitana. It was at that moment I realized if I didn't act something may have happened so I teleported the car here after texting Prudence. I didn't want to lead them to you but you are my safe place." She whispered the last part and he used the hand on her thigh to lift her chin so she looked him in the eyes.

She could see the love and adoration for her and her words and how happy he was she felt safe and knew he would keep her safe. It was a fire or passion that burned in his eyes. However, she couldn't ignore how the temperature in the room seemed to drop drastically as his rage permeated from his pores. "Thank you for coming to me and telling me." He said pulling her into another kiss. When the finally pulled away she was at a loss for air and he lifted his right arm and kissed his mark. It began to glow and grow warm before the heat and light faded as quickly as it came. "Protection spell. If it can't shield you from harm it will bring you to me. Just remember, the shadows are where I roam." He said and she nodded in understanding. "I think they were Iscariot." She blurted out with a wince and felt his body go rigid beneath her. He let out a slow breath through his teeth and she could see steam as if it was the middle of winter. "Alexander…" he muttered and Mara looked confused but he shook his head. "The Iscariot have been after me for some time but could never find me." He informed her and Mara started to panic. "And I lead them right fucking to you oh my fuck I'm so sor-" Malum cut her off with a kiss to stop her before she boiled over. "Enough. It would have happened sooner or later but my worry is how did they find you and know to follow you?" he said. "I went to the Vatican when the mark and memories appeared, I panicked and was looking for information on you so I could protect myself from you and get the mark off." She whispered now feeling bad about her initial reaction.

"Mmm no if it was them, Iscariot would have been here sooner. Not nearly a month later." He brainstormed out loud. Mara groan and sighed as Malaum looked at her. "Gabe…" was her reply to his questioning look and everything in the room began to vibrate with his rage. Before he could shake the building Mara straddle his lap and kissed him trying to take his mind off of things. "They can't and won't take us from one another Malum you know this." She whispered against his lips. "That's not the issue. That angel keeps trying to pull us apart and I know what could happen if he was to break our mark. It wouldn't end well for either of us. I was alive when it was done once before. Even demons wouldn't do something like that. Which means he's trying to kill me so that you would be mateless and he could have you for himself." Malum informed Mara. "If he can't kill me he may still try to break the bond and I will not have it." Malum growled pulling her closer to him causing her skirt to ride up her thighs more. Mara made a split second decision and hope she wouldn't regret it. "Then make it so he can't" she said and kissed Malum using her lace covered mound to rub against his growing need in his slacks.