Ch 6 The Demons Claim

Malum looked up to Mara through hooded eyes filled to the brim with lust. "Mara I will only ask you this once. Because once we start I cannot and will not stop. Once we are mated, it will be for life, till the end of time. You will be mine as I will be yours. My queen to stand by my side. The light to my shadows. I need you to be certain that this, that I am what you want?" He looked at her, his eyes now red as shadows began to surround them. "At first I was deathly afraid. Of you and of this," she started as she raised her arm with his mark, "but then, against my better judgement, I gave you, this, us a chance." She waved her hand in a circle to encompass everything. "And I found you to not be the horrible monster- no person, that you were painted to be. Well not anymore." She teased with a wink. "And I'm happy. With you I am safe and loved. I have found a sister in Prudence and I wouldn't change any of this for the world. I know you may not see it this way but this is a blessing for me and I will not turn away from it, from you or from us." She rested her forehead against his, "take me Malum, make love to me and make me forever more, yours." She whispered with her lips against his.

He didn't reply with words but his hand fist her hair and pushed her mouth to his in a kiss driven by passion and desire. Mara moaned into it and Malum took the chance to slide his tongue into the welcoming warmth of her mouth. Mara used her free hands to slide her skirt up to her waist giving her a free range of motion to whine on him as his free hand gripped tightly on the outside of her thigh. "You're wearing too much." he muttered quickly as he broke from the kiss only to leave a trail of kisses down her jaw and neck. "You're one to talk" she moaned, grinding her core into his hard cock, the feeling of the fabric separating them only irritating them further.

"Fuck it." he whispered as he bit on her neck but not hard enough to break skin yet. "Oh fuck!" Mara nearly screamed as he found one of her spots. Before she could react or think their bodies were consumed in red hellfire only their clothes burning away as if they never were. "Not a patient one are we." she laughed and he stood straight with both his hands under her thighs forcing her to wrap her legs around his waist and arms around his neck to stay upright. "I waited twenty five years to have you by my side. To be inside you and claim you. I have none left I promise you this." he said in a growl that was more seductive than Mara thought he meant it to be. He carried her into a back room that turned out to be a private bedroom with an ensuite attached to his office and tossed her on the bed none too gently.

Her breast bounced around, one nearly hitting her in the face and Malum kneed next to the bed and grabbed her ankles, pulling her to the edge of the bed and lining her womanhood up with his face. "Oh how I've longed to taste you." he said as his hands slid under and around her thighs holding her legs open as they hung over his shoulders. The cool air hitting her warmth made her shudder and goosebumps coat her skin which Malum proceeded to kiss and lick all around and between her legs but never giving her the contact or release she desired. "Malum...Please…" she practically begged. "Mmm please what, my love?" he growled, the vibrations going straight to her heat. "Are you gunna eat my pussy or not? She growled herself and he smiled as he took one long and slow lick against her slit applying just enough pressure to spread her lips and make her hips buck into his mouth to get more pressure.

"Beg for it baby. Tell me how badly you want it." Malum goaded, giving her pussy another slow lick but applying a fraction more pressure. "Please. Please eat my pussy." she said with a sharp intake of breath as he licked harder. "Mmm you can do better than that baby girl." he teased kissing her vulva. "Fucking shit please. I need you, I need to cum, I want you. Ple-" she started to beg like someone lost in the desert would beg for water but never got to finish as he placed his whole mouth over her pussy and began to stroke her clit in fast high pressured strokes. "FUCKING SHIT!" she screamed as her hips lifted off the bed a bit until he pulled them back down impossibly closer to his face.

He adjusted himself so his left arm held her down by the waist which left his right hand free to start stroking her walls. He slid in one finger curling it in sync with his licks. She began to winger with the intrusion as he added another finger and began to fuck her with them faster. "Oh shit Malum, I'm so close!" she screamed. Malum removed his fingers and mouth temporarily and slid both his hands back under her legs and back before standing with her body straddling his shoulder. "What the!?" she squealed as his mouth was back on her pussy in a ruthless and demanding rhythm as her body wound back up high and higher until she shattered over him. Her hands used his head for support while he held the rest of her body upright and impossibly close to his face so she had nowhere to run.

He kept going, never letting up to the point where she began to try and push his face away even if it meant she fell backwards onto the bed but he held her close. The pleasure was too much and bordered on pain but it felt so good and she felt her second orgasm right before it hit her and she screamed so loud she had to focus on reigning in her magic so she didn't break anything around them including the building itself. "Fuck you taste like sweetest candy and the taste of you is more addictive than the finest wine." he muttered against her pussy as his mouth and tongue went to work lapping up all her juices and cream as it escaped from her slick sheath.

The only thing keeping her upright, was his iron hold on her as she somehow straddled his shoulders. He gently laid her back on the bed kissing, sucking and licking his way up her body. Her body would shudder or she would moan with each of his touches as her skin was on fire and sensitive. "Mmm my sweet, sweet Mara." he whispered so low she barely caught it in her sexual daze. "I, Malum, claim you Mara as my mate. Where I am shadows, you are my light. Where I am chaos, you are calm. I bind us for all eternity. I take you into my care. You shall not want and need for anything and I shall protect you beyond the ends of time. Do you accept my claim?" he said the binding words as he climbed over her body. He asked for her acceptance as his natural red smokey eyes stared into her glowing purple ones. "I accept." she whispered. The change was immediate on all levels. They could physically feel their powers swirling and encase on another, the bands of their souls irrevocably intertwining and the mental pathway between them open like a clear two way street.

Mara let out a breathless moan as her body arched up needing to touch his. His moan was deep and guttural as he pressed his body to hers and rubbed his hard shaft against her slick mound. "You are mine as I am yours." he whispered as he lined up to her entrance and slowly began to slide inside her. "Fuuccckkthatsnotgoingtofitholyshit." Mara cried out all in one breath. Malum stopped letting her adjust and leaned to the side so he could cup her face with one of his hands. "We are mates Mara, made for one another. A perfect fit, always." he whispered, his lips against hers. He kissed her softly but needy as he slid home, bottoming out inside her. They moaned into the kiss and he took the chance to slide his tongue into her mouth so he could taste more of her.

They kissed until their lungs burned for air and Mara bucked her his slightly to let him know she was ready. He was impressively long and wide and it delivered a wonderful mix of pure pleasure with a hint of pain. He pulled out slowly before rocking his hips forward and bottoming out inside her again. He repeated the processes slowly a few more times until she fully adjusted and then he began to speed up. Mara wrapped her legs around his waist to keep him from going too far but he just adjusted so he could get the full stroke even with her ankles locked behind him. She held onto his shoulder to keep herself from moving too much but the power behind his stokes and they shifted on the bed as it smacked into the wall.

"Fuckfuckfuckfuck" she moaned repeatedly as he continuously hit her Gspot causing her walls to spam around him in an attempt to milk him dry. "Fuck you're so tight baby," he growled "You're going to cum for me aren't you?" he asked seductively in her ear. She could only manage a whimper as a reply as he leaned back on his knees and gripped her hips and lifted them a bit to give him a better angle before he began pumping in and out of her in a ruthless and unforgiving pace. "MALUM!" she screamed as he began to stimulate her body in ways she never experienced before. Shadow tendrils began to flow from his body and wrap around her breast, pulling and tweaking her nipples.

"MALUM I CAN'T HOLD IT." she screamed and "Cum for me my Mara." he said in his normal demonic voice and she shatters on him. Her walls clenched, milking him for every drop he had. After a few more sloppy but powerful strokes he screamed himself, spilling his seed inside her.

He lay on top of her, propped up just enough to not crush her as they tried to catch their breaths. "And to think," Mara said in between pants "I was so scared I ran from you, from that." she joked with a giggle. He began to chuckle with her and slid off her to lay on his side, pulling her with him so he never slid out of her. "You are mine, my Mara. You wouldn't have gotten far I promise." he said with a knowing smirk and pulled her to him kissing her hungrily. She felt him grow hard again inside her and she flipped them over so she was on top. She whined on him until he grew to his full length again before leaning down and whispering into his ear, "fill me till I can't take any more." He roared as he gripped her hips and began their round two.


"What did you discover?" Gabriel asked, running his fingers through his hair for the hundredth time today. "Well I must admit she definitely is a strong wee lass. She could feel me as soon as I spotted her. Hell she even spotted one of my best girls who's literally a master in stealth. My concern is that… Perhaps she may be willing in this, or that his hold is too strong and it's already too late." he said and Gabriel and to contain his rage. 'Father has sought to their union to bring balance in power. Her light to his dark. This is his will.' Uriel's words rang through Gabriel's heads only feeding the flames of rage. "Then we get to her immediately. If we can separate them, hold her somewhere sacred then maybe it'll weaken his pull on her, or whatever bond they may have." Gabriel suggested. If the reports Father Anderson had received not long ago, there would be no separating them, not in the way Gabriel would have hoped anyway. Still, this was a great opportunity for the Iscariot to take out one of the strongest evils they've ever faced. "Alright lad, The Holy Order of the Iscariot will help you get your lady friend back and we'll help get rid of the demonic scum. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen." Father Anderson replied, agreeing to help Gabriel but not tell him that Mara and Malum were already bonded. "Make yer plans and we'll make ours and then we can come up with something in the middle ya?" Father Anderson suggested standing up. "Yes of course thank you Father." Gabriel said standing and shaking the man's outstretched hand. The father simply nodded and left with his right and left hand.

Once they had returned to their car the Girls eyed him questioningly. "Get on wit it." he snapped irritated by their looks but unwillingness to ask what was on their mind. "Why did you not tell him they were already bonded?" the blond one asked. "Well I dunno if ye noticed but that fella's a bit unstable. However, we can use his desires and powers to our benefit. We know he's bonded to the witch that is for the most part, very mortal, though she can live a very long time. We capture her, we've captured his weakness. He'd do anything to recover his mate just like I'm sure our holy friends would do anything to protect the lass." he replied and they nodded in understanding. "He seems too much like a yandere." the black haired girl said as she polished her kitana. "A what?" the other woman asked confused. "Never mind." she muttered not willing to explain what it was or why she knew about it.

"Right then. I want you two to watch them carefully. If they separate, stick to the girl of course and be careful. Did a little digging on our girl. Turns out she's very powerful and knows what she's doin'" That being said, if you get a shot at 'er take it. Tranq darts, don't bother even riskin' to take her while she's awake. Please it'll be easier for us to bind her and cloak her so the demon can;t find her till we're ready for 'im." Father Anderson doled out orders. "Yes sir." the girls replied in sync. The car stopped in the parking Garage a few blocks away from Malum's office and the girls got out before the vehicle took off. "Take me to the Vatican." Father Anderson ordered.

Once he arrived the Father explained the situation to the Archbishop in charge and was able to secure a warehouse location built purposely on hallowed ground. The church often used it for when they were torturing Vampires or other heathenous creatures so it would be perfect.

The father arrived at the warehouse to get a lay of the building and land. He covered the walls and windows with his magically holy scriptures that would prevent anything from getting in or out unless he allowed it. Once there was a sufficient amount of torn, enchanted bible pages covering everything the father phone Gabriel to give him an update and an idea.

"Oh Holy of Angels, the Vatican had gifted us with a blessing. We have a location where we can secure your woman safely and protect her. Hide her even. Then when we're ready we can use her as bait to lure out the demon scum." Father Anderson suggested. "While I agree with the former portion of your plan, in no way shape or form in Mara to be used as bait or be put at risk for harm. I'm doing all of this to save and protect her, not risk her life!" Gabriel retorted, clearly agitated. "Aye' of course. The entire grounds here are hollowed. I have put up protective scriptures but you could cloak the warehouse from sight. Fighting him here should weaken him of course with all the blessed magic and give us the upper hand in defeating him." The father mended his previous idea. After some time of silence Garbiel acquiesced. "Fine but I am to deliver the final blow! HE took what was, no what is mine. His death is to be by my hands." Gabriel growled out through gritted teeth. "Aye, yes Archangel Gabriel. His life will be yours to take." Father Anderson agreed and the call ended. "Let the games begin." he muttered, adjusting his glasses that glinted in the setting sun before returning to the vehicle and going back to his hotel.