Ch 7 Underestimating the Bait

Mara had awoken to a wonderful soreness between her legs. There were many ways Malum claimed her in the last few hours she was sure wasn't human. Much like his endurance and stamina. He had worn her out with mating and love making only to give her plenty of aftercare. He showered and cleaned them both in his ensuite before returning her to bed that magically had fresh sheets. He laid with her, whispering sweet nothings into her hair until she passed out, before returning to work.

She rummaged through the wardrobe in the room and pulled out his favorite button up shirt. She dawned the matching blue and black lace panties and bra she assumed Prudence produced for her before she put his shirt on. "Yes of course. No, thank you. I look forward to doing business with you." she heard Malum say when she cracked the door to the room. She assumed he was finishing his call. "Come out My Mara." he said in a deep and alluring voice. Mara smiled as she slipped out the room and watched as his eyes widened before roaming over her body filled to the brim with hunger. "Mmmm I think you need to bring me lunch every day..." he muttered as she walked up to him, standing between his legs. E pushed her back and bit so he could pull her onto his lap so she was straddling him.

She leaned in and kissed him gently and he let her, letting her have control of the moment. "So…" she said as she pulled away from his lips. "I figured I could skedaddle and head to the grocery store and whip you up some dinner." she said and he nodded with a smile. "Mmm and desert I hope." he said with a low growl. "Sir I'm surprised I can walk. Nope." she retorted, booping his nose. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around her waist holding her tightly to him. He was about to retort when one of his VPs barged in. Mara and Malum were seemingly unphased but the woman looked back and forth between the newly mated couple surprised.

"Can I help you Ileene?" he asked as Mara rested her head on his shoulders with her face in the crook of his neck. "Apologize I didn't realize you had company. I can come back later." she apologized. "Alright then but next time be sure to knock. Just because we're demons doesn't mean we lack manners, yes?" he replied. She nodded, "Of course sire." she said with a bowed head and left the room.

Once the woman left, Mara slid off Malum's lap and giggled. "I'll get dressed and make the stop at the grocery store. What would you like for dinner? Not me." she asked with a straight face. He pouted playfully before replying he'd like Italian, she could pick whatever. "Alright, I have the perfect idea." she replied before walking back into his room. She put her skirt back on and tucked in his shirt. She put her shirt into her purse and put her shoes on before walking back out. Malum was on a call and couldn' mess with her so she stuck her tongue out at him and ran out the room before he could pull her in with his magic.

"Did you have a good time Mistress?" Prudence asked with a knowing smirk. "Oh yes. He enjoyed the whole meal. Do make sure you're available for wedding and babysitting duty, yes?" Mara said as she stepped on the perfectly timed elevator before Prudence could reply.


Mara walked through the isles absentmindedly picking up the ingredients she needs for chicken fettuccine alfredo. "Mm I'll make the sauce from scratch this time." She thought as she walked back to the fridge section for the heavy whipped cream. Mara was looking over the fresh chicken selection when she let out a bored sigh. She was wondering how long the people were going to tail her for and why they were following her.

See, Mara has years of hunting down all types of supernatural creatures of all ages and power scales, so she can tell when something is hiding or tailing her. She had to admit her trackers were good, but them hiding completely out of sight creates voids in the auras. Even humans give off low power levels and if there are gaping holes, it means someone or something doesn't want to be found or seen.

Mara waited till her items were bagged and she carried everything out to the car. The driver took her bags, "Head back to the penthouse. I'll be by shortly." she instructed. "But Mistress I am-" Mara cut him off, "Take orders from your Mistress, yes? Off you go. Malum will never know." she said shooing him away like one would a child. Noting the time she knew the sun would soon set and Malum would be off work soon. "Alrighty then. One hour to play." she muttered to herself as she walked off to a nearby park.


"Where is she going?" one of the men trailing Mara asked. "I have no idea." She turned to her fellow leader. "Take your team around the south side of the park and we'll follow in the north side behind her. Once we meet in the middle flank out around her and grab her." the woman said. "This seems too easy" one of the men muttered. "Stop being a little bitch and let's get her back to the boss okay?" she snapped. The man nodded his head. "We are the Holy ORder of the Iscariot and we fulfill the Lord's will in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen." they all said in sync before the teams moved out.


While the iscariot had their meeting on strategizing, Mara was making plans of her own. She unbutton the cuffs of her shirt and rolled the sleeves back revealing two Celtic knots tattooed on the insides of her wrist. Mara performed a chant in ancient Gaelic causing the knots to glow. As she continued her chat dragonflies made of light began to fly out of her wrist before turning into solid, blue iridescent dragonflies with clear pearlescent wings. As she finished her chant the spread out through the park hiding between tall grass or in the canopy of the trees. She made sure to keep a protective ring of seven around her just in case but she had no worries.

She found a nice quiet, and unvisited part of the park and waited for her prey. "When you gotta act like a Lifetime victim to catch the sloppy fucks chasing you." she said with a sigh. She felt the gaps in energies and auras first, then she heard the sounds of the insects and animals stop. Casually she waved her hand over a boulder behind her and it reformed into a simple chair that she sat on with a bored look. "I know you're there. Might as well show yourselves." she said loud enough they could all hear her. Most of them heeded her words and made themselves known but she could sense some farther back still 'hidden' in the shadows. 'Hide where my king reigns will you.' she thought to herself and giggled uncontrollably. The members of the iscariot that exposed themselves looked at her and then to one another with growing worry and concerns.

"I apologize. I just find it interesting that you think because I'm young or a woman perhaps that I do not have vast knowledge in the paranormal field. I've been exercising demons and banishing witches while you were still taking it from the back from Father Anderson. Isn't that right Little Timmy?" Mara asked, looking at a random guy. He looked totally baffled and shook his head in denial. She was joking but couldn't help but think she hit a sore spot. "Alright then. What does the HoLy OrDeR oF tHe IsCaRiOt want with me?" she asked using a mocking tone when she said their title. "You WILL respect our order! We carry out the will of the LORD himself!" one guy raged. Mara looked at him deadpanned and unbothered before sucking her teeth like a black mom trying to decide what to hit her child with. 'Right, whatever's closest to me!' Mara said to herself before lifting a pebble with her magic and lunching it at the man's forehead drawing blood and knocking him unconscious. "Okay I got about a good thirty minutes to play and I have to go make my husband dinner so let's get on with this shall we?" Mara asked as she stood and brushed off her skirt casually.

She heard it before she saw it as the tranquilizer darts flew through the air and hit the invisible barrier the hidden dragonflies around her were generating. "Oh come now, either you think me a fucking moron or the people you chase are fucking sloppy." Mara scolded. At her words some of the men around her pulled out their guns most likely filled with blessed bullets and began firing at the barrier to try and break it without hitting Mara. "Okay, wow you really are that fucking vapid." she said with a 'Fuck their dumb' look on her face as she sat back down the bullet just falling as they hit the barrier. "So maybe you aren't really aware of my skill set. I have been working with different types of magic since I was like four. Light, dark and elemental. I am fully aware you could alter light magic if I used it, and attempt to overpower my dark magic if I used that so I want elemental. A magic you have no reign over and CLEARLY no experience with. So please, allow me to show you. Lesson one. Don't fuck with a bad bitch!" she hissed as she raised her hands to the sky.

The dragonflies hiding in the canopies flew high and fast seeing as how they could hit sixty miles per hour at top speed. Mara's eyes and the Celtic knots began to glow as she muttered another spell in Gaelic and clouds in the sky started to form just before thunder started to rumble. Lightning arched playfully between the clouds created beautiful webbed light imagery in the clouds. "Taller things such as trees are more prone to be hit by lightning, that is however unless the energy is sent elsewhere." She informed them of basic knowledge. The man looked at her in confusion that swiftly grew into fear as more dragonflies revealed themselves from the brush and grass surrounding them. Mara used a finger and went through the alphabet as she went over each person around her. "Exhibit A through J." she announced and swiftly brought down her hand that was lifted to the sky. Multiple bolts of lighting arch down in shattering patterns and hit centrally located dragonflies before arching out to all the other dragonflies and electrocuting all the men in between them until they pass out.

"Ah Bill Nye would be so proud. Imparting the beautiful world of science upon the ignorant just as he did." she muttered to herself as she gave herself a hug. "Welp since you wont show yourself and I really want to have dinner on the table as my mate gets home I will bid you Adieu! Have fun explaining this fuck up to Father A!" she said with a giggle and the dragonflies swords around her before disappearing in a burst of light, taking her with them and teleporting her to the penthouse. The groceries were put away as instructed so she got to work on dinner for Malum.

Not twenty minutes later the chicken was grilled, pasta drained and fresh alfredo sauce simmering. Malum walked into the house with a groan as he kicked off his shoes and put his jacket on the coat hook. "Fucking hell this is a sight to come home to…" he muttered with a smirk as he watch Mara set the table and put out the food. "I would have helped you know." he said with a fake pout. "Oh yes I'm sure but I actually wanted dinner to be made and enjoyed, not burned." she retorted with a fake scowl. Malum laughed in a deep baritone, diaphragm utilizing laughter. It made Mara swell with joy that he could be that happy and that she caused it. "Come my love, let us eat while you tell me about the parts of your day I wasn't there for." she said with a smile as he pulled out her chair for her.

They ate dinner and talked about Malum's day when his mouth wasn't full. "Part of me wants to respect you as my woman and an independent person but I'd be stupid not to ask for food this good every day." Malum said, barely swallowing his last bite before taking another. Mara laughed almost into a cackle, "Well you know my love they do say the quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach." she retorted with a smirk and he just managed to swallow before letting out a bellowing laugh. "Well My Mara you had my heart for a long time now, the food at this point is just an added bonus I swear. I was yours from the very beginning." he replied as he got a little more serious towards the end.

Mara maid quick work of putting away the leftovers while Malum cleared the dirty cutlery, cups and plates. "I'm going to shower, care to join me?" Malum asked, holding his hand out. Without hesitation Mara took his hand and let him lead her into the master bedroom, now their room, as they began to slowly and sensually undress one another. Mara unbuttoned his shirt and he undid hers. Then she worked on his pants as he slid the zipper of her skirt down. She undid his cuff links and he finished pulling his clothes off. Her skirt fell easily and she pulled her top off as well. She went to undo her bra but he held her hands. "Mmm allow me." he said as he slid his hands around her back.

The entire time they disrobed one another they never took their eyes off each other as they glazed over with desire and need. Without warning Malum latched onto her breast with a hard suckle through the lace fabric causing her to gasp in surprise and pleasure. He then nibbled on her nipple through the fabric causing her to let out a slew of moans as she ran her fingers through his hair and held him close. Finally tired of the obstructing clothing, Malum unsnapped her bra and let it fall off her arms as he slid her panties down noting the string of juice and cream from her weeping core to the crotch in her panties. Still crouched before her, Malum growled before he hoisted one of her legs over his shoulder, grabbing handfuls of her ass cheeks and latching his mouth to her waiting womanhood.

Mara let out an inhuman scream of pleasure as her hips bucked into his mouth hoping for more contact with his tongue. "Malum.." she moaned as his eyes shifted red and he rubbed his tongue against her clit in a circular motion as he massaged her globes. He used one hand to lift her thigh so he had more access to her and used the other hand to finger her slowly, curlling it repeatedly before he began to suckle on her sensitive bud again. "The only thing better than your cooking." he muttered against her pussy before licking and suckking her her again, making his finger pump in and out of her and curl faster and harder causing her to shatter over him.

The only reason Mara didn't fall over was Malum supporting her up as her legs gave out. Malum smiled and chuckled as he lifted her into his arms and carried her into the bathroom. He sat her on the cool marble counter top as he started the shower. Once he felt it was hot enough he lifted her again placing her on the seat inside the shower stall after he put her shower cap on. He grabbed her face routine products and washed her face gently, using the shower head to rinse the soap off. Then he took a washcloth and wet it before applying soap. Once it was sudsy enough he slowly washed her body making close attention and to and teasing her most sensitive spots. Only after he was satisfied she was cleaned, he rinsed her off before washing himself in front of her. He rubbed his washcloth against him in slow methodical strokes, his eyes never leaving her face as he watched her eyes roam his body with lust. He smirked internally knowing only he could make her feel this way. Knowing only he would ever get that look from her. He especially loved the way her eyes widened as he cleaned his member and she watched it grow harder right before her. 'How the FUCKETY fuck did that fit inside me?' she screamed internally as her eyes shot up to his. "We were made for one another My beautiful Mara. We will always fit together, a lock and key, two perfectly cut puzzle pieces." he said as if reading her mind.

Once he rinsed off, he stepped out of the shower but instead of grabbing towels for them he started a bath in the four person tub. She looked at him confused, "you're not supposed to take a bath, dirty." was his only reply and she stalked over to her and lifted her into his arms. He looked at her with love and adoration as he lowered them into the water, with her on his lap and his back against the tub. For a second she thought he was serious about just wanting to take a bath but she realized he didn't put anything into the water. Before she could ask her question, she got her answer as his hand slid around her neck and applied the perfect amount of pressure on the sides. The shadows that spilled from his body lifted her and slid her down ever so slowly onto his waiting shaft. Mara let out a strangled moan and Malum lifted the pressure but kept his hands in place. "Say my name Mara." he growled as she was lifted and settled up and on his member over and over again.

Mara would roll her hips when she was left settled on him and he growled out her name or profanities. With his free hand he slid his fingers between her pussy lips and began to strum her clit as she was lifted and dropped on him over and over again until they were both drunk on the pleasure of each other and making inhuman sounds of pleasure.

The shadows let her go, "Face me My Mara." he commanded and she did as she was told. Facing him, she lined herself up with him and slid herself down onto his rock hard velvet shaft, placing her hands against his chest for support. "Oh God!" she screamed as he filled her again and she felt her walls clenched him like he wasn't just inside her. "Mmm not God, Malum." he growled as he fisted her hair and leaned her head back so he could nibble on her neck. She sped up, the stroke getting fast and hard but sloppy. Malum held her by her waist and helped her on top of him while she kissed him hungrily. "Fuck, Malum!" she cried out as she grew closer. "Mmm that's right baby. Say my name My Mara." he replied, his trust getting more aggressive. The way she clenched onto him, he could tell she was close and he couldn't lie, he was to.

Mara leaned over him so he could hit her g-spot at a better angle and she nearly screamed in his ear as she bit her lip till it bled. He fisted her hair and pulled her head back. "Don't you fucking DARE keep quiet on me. I want to hear ALL of you. I want to know how good I make you feel. How much you enjoy my cock inside you. I want you to let the entire fucking block know my name Mara because I promise you I will shout yours form the fucking rooftops." he growled and for whatever reason it sent Mara over the edge. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as he latched onto the throat and bit her, sinking his sharp fang like teeth into her neck. Her mouth fell open to a silent scream before the sound tore from her throat and the entire block did indeed shake with the outburst of their mixing energy. He licked her neck bites closed before letting out his own roar, pulling her as close as possible to him as he spilled every last drop of his seed inside her.

"What did they say about getting dirty in the bath?" Mara muttered breathlessly in his ear as her head rested on his shoulder. "Fuck should I know?" Malum replied with a chuckle that caused her to giggle. Malum lifted them out the tub, his still raging hard member inside her and took her back to the shower. They proceeded to go another few rounds before Mara had to tap out and let Malum wash her again before cleaning himself. Malum dried them before lifting her out of the bathroom and onto the bed. "Sleep well My Mara, my love, my mate. Rest knowing you are safe, loved and protected. I will watch over you and cherish you for the rest of our days, this I promise." he whispered into her ear and she fell asleep with her back to his chest. He pulled her close, his free hand resting against her belly and his fingers splayed wide. "Both of you." he added before succumbing to the darkness himself.