Ch 10 Betrayal

Dominique had seen first hand the destruction Vyngence had caused to the church before she was able to escape the unstable building. While part of her truly feared for her friend, something was equally as confusing for her. They were getting back at the Iscariot for trying to kidnap Mara. Why would they go through so much just to avenge her? And they called her their queen which was even more confusing. Dominique remembered Mara's words 'Don't believe everything you see or hear at first. There is always another side to every story, especially in the world we live in.' she would warn. 'I need t speak to Mara." she thought to herself as Father Anderson approached her. "I am so sorry ye had to see that Ms. Dominique. But perhaps now you understand how imperative it is that we get Mara away from that demon." he urged and she nodded. She needed Mara alone to chat about what was going on, but first she'd like to speak with the man who hired them. "Absolutely, I get it completely. You said we were hired though but someone who was worried about her. I've haven't spent time with Mara recently but I want to get to know as much as I can before I meet up with her later today. Can I speak with them?" she asked and she could feel this Shift in Father Andersons aura. It was weird enough as is because she could tell he was no normal human but the shift felt offensive as if she upset him. He put on a tight smile that made his eyes look like they were squinting as he replied, "Apologies we lass but we cannot bother them at this time. We must work our hardest to get Mara out safely." he replied before walking away not giving her time to reply. "Cochon (pig)." she spat in a low voice before leaving the remains of the church.

Father Anderson watches Dominique leave with a scowl on his face. "Is everything okay father?" Heinkel asked. "Aye, let everyone know she isn't to speak with the Angel. She is going to have direct contact with the secondary target. We can't risk her letting him know something is amiss. He must believe us till we can ride the world of the demon and his bed wench, yes?" Father Anderson ordered. She bowed and left to give the orders.


Domonique had arrived at the cafe Mara suggested early. She wanted to see if she could catch a glimpse of the man Mara was so called trapped to. She had no such luck but she knew that he had money when he dropped her off in matte black Ferrari Portofino. The windows were tinted so dark there was no real light in the car for her to see through the open door and Mara had closed it as quickly as she had opened it. Much to Dominique's surprise the driver of the car had waited till Mara had reached the Cafe entrance and she waved them off before leaving. "Hey girl hey! Did I keep you waiting long?" Mara asked, stepping up to her old friend and touching cheeks with kisses. "No, I only got here a few minutes ago. I have no idea where anything is so I left early in case I got lost." Domonique replied with a smile as they sat down. "Always thinking ahead. I knew there was a reason we got along so well." Mara said with a playful smile. "Oh so it wasn't my bitchin good looks or ability to whip up the best giach jonjon (Haitan rice. This isn't how it's actually spelled,I wrote it how it sounds)?" Domonique replied. " No it was definitely the fried bunnun and cola lacaye you kept on deck." Mara retorted before they burst out into wheezing levels of laughter, not caring of whose attention they drew. "Oh fuck I've missed you" Domonique said. "And I you, love. So what brings you to Rome?" Mara asked as the waitress came with menus.

"She'll have the creme coffee with an extra shot of espresso and chocolate shavings and I'll have the Ferror Rocher hot chocolate." Mara said. The waitress took their order and headed off. "Excuse me miss, how do you know-" Mara shook her head and didn't even give her a chance to finish. "Hunny trust me. You want this." Mara replied with a knowing smile. Domonique rolled her eyes but nodded, "M'kay I trust you." she said. The girls looked over the menu and placed their food orders before they began to catch up like the years had never separated them and picked up from when they were younger. "So any love interest I should know about?" Domonique asked with a smirk and a raised brown. Mara nearly choked on her bite of food but managed to swallow before any true damage was done. "I'll take that as a yes?" Dominique asked and Mara nodded with a smile. "Yeah. He's not one of us but he's like us annnd we're mates." Mara said immediately, grabbing her drink.

"Spill woman!" Dominique yelled. If she could get enough from Mara maybe she could warn her. But they said Mara thwarted their attack so she knows right? "His name is Malum and he a dumb powerful man from below." Mara said and Dominique's eyes grew wide. "What!? Siiiiiiissss tell me more!" she asked Mara prying for information. "Gurlaaaaa, so apparently he knew about me for a while but of course waited till I was a grown womanz. He's the finest and healthiest piece of dark chocolate a girl could ask for. Super sweet and thoughtful and I want for nothing. Like we could settle down and have a family. We even talked about it already. I'm actually really happy. Oh and Prudence, his assistant. Is one of the baddest bitches I have ever met. Total God sent. And she IS one of us. Oh I would love for you to meet them when the time's right. Right now shit's really hectic and I can't get into it too much but when everything blows over, definitely." Mara said with a genuine smile.

So Mara had confirmed she was with a demon but it seemed like she was willing, at least now she was. Mara had told her how they met both in Rome and when she was younger, the mark and everything else except the issue with Gabriel and why the Iscariot wanted her. So Domonique was only left to assume that the Iscariot wanted to get rid of Malm and needed Mara for some reason. She would have to speak to this Malum person before she could judge fully however decisions needed to be made and Dominique had to do so quickly. "I'm gunna run to the girls room." Mara said and jumped out her seat and to the bathroom. "I need more time…" Dominique said as she opened her bag and pulled out what looked like a pepper shaker and sprinkled some into Mara's drink and over her food. She muttered a spell quietly and sat back casually as Mara returned.

The girls finished their meals and talked more over another round of drinks before heading out shopping together. Dominique wanted gifts to take home and who doesn't love a random shopping spree. A few hours into their girl time and Mara got a call. She answered it without looking at the caller ID knowing it was probably Malum. "Hello." Mara sang sweetly. "Hey Mara is Gabe!" she heard over the line and mentally scolded herself for being so stupid and careless. "Hey. I'm out with my homegirl and she's visiting from back home. I don't want to be rude so I'll talk to you later okay?" Mara said not really as a question. He started to retort but she didn't give him much of a chance before hanging up the phone. It rang again and this time she checked the caller ID. "Hey baby." Mara said. "What's wrong my queen?" Malum said with a frown. "Nothing love I'm good. Dominique and I are just shopping." she replied biting her lower lip. "I can feel your distress my love. No more lying please." he retorted with a stern yet loving tone. She sighed, "I got a call thinking it was you I answered without checking the caller ID." she told him. "It was Gabriel?" he asked simply. She nodded as if he could see her, "yeah but I told him I was out shopping….fuck!" she realized she told him she was out and away from Malum. Gabriel and her were friends for years and he knew her shopping patterns. "Dominique we got to go!" she squealed, pulling her hometown friend along.

Vyngence and Kayos were already waiting outside in a blacked out Escalade when Mara saw Gabriel Porsche pull up. He got out of the car and stared at the woman with a shocked look of confusion on his face because the only thing he saw was Mara's back side sliding into the car and the SUV pulling away. Dominique looked back to Gabriel and couldn't explain the slight pull in her heart to the man. Gabriel himself felt the pull but as he never saw Dominique he assumed it was for Mara. "Is mate?" Gabriel asked himself before hopping into his car with the intent to give chase. As he went to drop the car into first a raven landed on the hood of his car and it shut down. The bird flew off in the direction the SUV went and Gabriel was unable to get the car started for some time. "FUCKING DEMONS!" he roared. He knew he loved Mara but if she was his mate too then he had every right to her, even if he had to share.


"Who the fuck was that!?" Dominique asked, confused by the sudden change. "A long story that's who." Mara replied. "Can we drop my friend off to her hotel first please. I want to make sure she gets in safely." Mara asked and Kayos nodded. Dominique told him the hotel she was staying at and Kayos drove them. "The king requests you call him back to assure him you are safe." Vyngence said and Mara nodded, taking out her phone calling Malum. "Hey baby, I'm okay. They got us out safely." she said. "I want you home immediately after you see your friend back to her room." he stated and she sighed. "Okay."she said like a scolded child. "Do not be sad My Mara, I just want you home safe and in my arms. I'll order us some Chinese food you like. It should be here by the time you get here and I got you your favorite ice cream and chocolate." he said as a peace offering. "Bribing me with food like the fat ass you know I am. Gimmie thirty minutes." Mara said with a playing scowl and hung up to his laughter filling the line.

"Hey since we're going back to my room I was wondering if we could talk a bit more since it'll be private. I have some questions I wanted to ask about this job I was given." Dominique asked, hoping to get Mara alone and in a secure space away from listening ears and watchful eyes. "Sorry love. Mates super worried and I am not one to stoke that fire. Maybe I can come over tomorrow once he cools off." Mara retorted. "What, you get mated to the man and lose your independence?" Domonique asked trying to be playful but as soon as the words left her mouth she regretted them. Mara gave her a look of 'What the fuck bitch'. "Mara wait I didn't mean it like that I was just joking. I've seen freshly mated weres so if it's anything like that I totally get it." she added practically all on one breath before Mara could spazz. Dominique could feel Vyngence's and Kayos' eyes on her but paid them no mind. "I'll see you tomorrow sis. I know where you are now just text me when it's a good time and I'll come over. Now go. I got chinese food and Gelato on the line here. Ya killin me smalls." MAra joked with a soft smile as they pulled up to the hotel. "Oh before I go." Domonique said as she pulled a bag of Haitian snacks out her purse. "OH BITCH YOU DO LOVE ME!" Mara squealed, grabbing the bag. "Okay go, I'll see you tomorrow." Mara said with a wave as Domonique jumped out and Kayos handed her her bags before getting back into the SUV before it pulled away.

Domonique got back to her room safely and sighed. "I'm so sorry Mara. I hope they are wrong but I won't know until I can be sure…" she whispered tossing her bags on the chair. She took out the empty vial of herbs she put in Mara's food and drink earlier that she laced the candies with before handing them off. "She's gunna be so pissed…" she muttered flopping on her back on the bed.


Mara had gotten home and completely forgot to tell Malum she would be meeting Dominique again today. When she told him about it, he wasn't too pleased. "No Mara. It's not safe with the Iscariot running a muck and I need to know you're in a safe place when I can't be there." he retorted and she dropped her cellphone for the umteenth time. 'For fucks sake I keep dropping shit. What am I? Pregnant?' she scolded herself before shaking her head. "She is more than welcome to come here where there are protective wards and guards." he suggested as a compromise. She sighed figuring she wouldn't get much more leeway and nodded. "Otay. I'll call her." Mara said, turning to leave. "Aht aht." Malum said, making her turn to see him with a confused look on his face. "What?" she asked and his brows flew to his hairline. He crooked his finger beckoning her over to him and she did. "You just gunna leave like that?" he asked with a sign. She sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes before flopping herself down on his lap. He gave her no time to regret her choice as he pulled her in for a soft yet needy kiss. "I know it seems like I'm being over the top but you are the most important person in the world to me. My queen. My Mara." 'All three of you. The mother of my children' he added the last part silently to himself. She nodded and got up to go make her call. "I'll see you when you get home." She said and slipped out the room.

Malum had walked into the office and Prudence followed him to drop off some papers. "I'm assuming you haven't told her yet?" she asked, folding her arms over her chest. "What makes you say that?" he asked, playing coy. "Because she hasn't called to tell me, nor have we gone shopping for baby stuff. You need to tell her!" she pressed. Malum slapped his hands on the desktop nearly shattering the entire thing and Prudence not reinforced the wood with magic herself. She rolled her eyes and sighed, unaffected by his display or anger. "We've been having these arguments for weeks Prudence and my patience is wearing thin. The only ones who know are us and it is to stay that way. You think I don't want to tell her?" he asked, offended that she assumed that. "Then why don't you!?" she asked equally fed up. "BECAUSE I WANT MY FAMILY SAFE. SHE IS CARRYING MY CHILDREN PRUDENCE. TWINS! AND SAMAEL HELP ME I WILL NOT PUT HER LIFE IN ANY FURTHER DANGER!" he snapped seething.

Prudence's eyebrows shot up off her face and her hands flew to her mouth. "Oh my Lucifer I'm going to have two nieces or nephews!" she squealed and he rolled his eyes. "Okay but that doesn't explain why you won't tell her?" she retorted back to her bored face. Malum sighed and banged his head against the desk a few times. "My Mara is the strongest woman I know. No offence." he started. "None taken" she replied. "But she is still a person. This entire situation with her friend turning crazy on her and then getting the Iscariot involved is a lot. A lot to process, a lot of emotions and a lot of stress. You want me to add the fact that shes carrying our children on top of it?" he asked and shook his head. "I see where you're going with this and I get your logic but you understand that Mara could just go off and try to handle things her own way? Or what if she's doing whatever and does so not realizing it could compromise herself and the babies' health?" Prudence asked. "Fuck" Malum muttered. He hated that,that was a very real thing but hated how right she was even more. "No one else but us; you, me and Mara, can know. If Gabriel and or the Iscariot find out they will go bat shit crazy to get her and I will not have it. I don't care how many innocents are slaughtered to get her back but I will have my mate and children. Understood?" he said, giving her a stern look. She nodded "of course my lord." she replied with a bow and slipped out his room with a smile on her face. If he wasn't going to tell Mara she would have.

Meanwhile Mara had made her call to her friend and Domonique was not having it. "I'm sorry sis." was the only warning Mara got and Domonique muttered her spell over the phone. The magical mix now in Mara's blood activated and Mara felt herself lose control of her body. "Come to me." Domonique said and Mara watched from afar like her body was in a first person shooter game but she got the unplugged controller while her older sibling actually played. "Leave the phone." Domonique instructed and Mara tossed the phone onto the bed before grabbing her purse and leaving the penthouse. Unable to control her own body Mara couldn't detect the hidden members of the Iscariot watching over Domonique's hotel as she walked inside. "Sir, the witch has acquired the target. What are your orders?" Yumiko said into her radio. "Bring them both in." Father Anderson ordered and nodded other men as she slipped into the building.

Malum had been trying to call Mara for the last twenty minutes to no avail and somehow she slipped out of the building and past the wards without anyone, including himself, being alerted. He tossed the desk across the office, effectively only making a mess and Prudence had the foresight to reinforce everything. "My lord what happened?" Prudence said, nearly tripping into the office. "GET KAYOS AND VYNGENCE HERE NOW! I cannot reach Mara on the phone or through our link. I can't even feel her force or the babies and I want to know why HOURS AGO!" he roared as his aura swirled around him uncontrollably. The brothers had teleported into his office and Malum gave them a breakdown of what happened and he most likely assumed that Mara's friend had something to do with it. "We know where she is staying, my lord. We'll start there and follow up with what we find." Vyngence offered and they disappeared, not even needing his okay.


"They have been secured and we're on our way Father." Yumekio said into the radio as her men tossed and unconscious Mara and Domonique into the back of the van. They had been watching the witch since Father Anderson brought her to Rome and while she had been out for hours they retrofitted her air vents with casing of knockout gas. "Good job Yumekio. May you bathe in the Light and glory of the Lord. Amen." he said. "Amen" she replied. "Alright let's get to the warehouse." Yumekio ordered and the van pulled out of the parking Garage as a blackout Escalade was pulling into the valet line. They recognized the two demons from the church but kept going knowing they'd be too late to catch up.

Kayos and Vygence nearly ran into the hotel using their magic to coerce the concierge worker to give them the hotel room number and a key. By the time they made it to the room they found everything in disarray as Domonique had tried to fight off the men. They did a full sweep before calling Malum and telling him what they found. "FIND MY FUCKING QUEEN OR IT SHALL BE YOUR FUCKING HEADS." Malum said now tossing his desk phone at the wall. It landed less than graceful on the floor and Prudence arranged it back on his desk as if it had never been manhandled. "Her and her friend have been taken!" he roared.

The van had made it to the blessed warehouse in record time, the men carried Mara in and tied her to a chair. They made sure to bind her hands flat out like in a cast so she couldn't move them and gagged her mouth with fabric before taping over it so she couldn't speak any spells. Domonique was placed on a couch in an office-like room while Father Anderson and his commanders spoke. "What will we do when he shows Father?" Heinkel asked. "Use the lass as leverage. Once we have him contained adequately. We kill her. The loss of his mate will make him undeniably weaker. Combine that with the effects of the blessed talismans and hallowed grounds, it'll make it a lot easier to purge his cursed form from this earth." he instructed and they nodded. "Sir she's waking!" a man called from the main open space.

Father Anderson and his commanders walked out to come face to face with a hate filled glare from Mara who was breathing heavily through her nose. "Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey sleeping beauty." he said with a laugh and it only made her scream as much as she could through the gag without choking herself. "You are going to be a pretty little worm for us yes? When you mate gets here, we'll capture him. Torture and kill you in front of him. He loses his mate, the grounds are hallowed and these scriptures are blessed." he informed Mara whose eyes were now wide as saucers. "I see you get the idea. Then we can cleans the word of two unholy stains." he added, turning away from her. "Let us bow our heads in prayer!" Father announced and everyone but Mara closed their eyes and bowed their heads. "Dear Lord. We know we are not without sin but we as you humble servants ask only for forgiveness for the wrongdoings we have done and may do in the future. We are here now to purge the realm of your children of a great evil and its sympathizer. We know we are not worthy but may you continue to shower us in your loves and glory forever more. Amen." The father prayed and everyone said Amen in Sync.

Mara rolled her eyes and huffed in annoyance. She had been betrayed by the one person she never thought would have turned on her like that and now she was stuck in some super anti demon bunker that was a massive trap Malum would be running head first into. "Don't bother trying to reach him. We made sure that nothing would get in or out. Now what do you say we 'Pre-Game' I believe the kids call it." he said as he pulled a bayonet out his jacket.