Ch 9 Retaliation

~two weeks later~

Father Anderson had traveled to Haiti in the hopes of finding a witch who was well versed in elemental magic like Mara but hopefully also knew Mara personally. A Few days into his trip he found Domonique Pumphile, one of Mara's oldest friends and someone who trained in elemental magic with Mara.

"So you're trying to tell me my best friend, who is one of the most powerful witches I've ever known, has somehow been captured by some vile demon and made to do his bidding?" Dominique asked in disbelief. "Aye, just a few days ago my men tried to capture her to try and break the bond and she electrocuted them with some dragonflies and lighting." he informed her. Fear gleaned through Domonique's eyes but she hid it quickly. "That's Mara alright…. merde(shit)." Dominique muttered to herself, realizing her friend may actually be in danger. "I'll help but I should be the one to bring her in. She knows and trusts me." she suggested and Father Anderson nodded. "Aye, sounds like a great plan. I can leave whenever so call me and let me know when you're ready to go." he said, slipping her a piece of paper. She nodded and he left her store. "Merde, merde, MERDE! What he fuck have you gotten yourself into Mara" she muttered to herself in worry as she closed her store and began to pack her back with things she assumed she would need.


The Legion had waited for Mara's attackers to recover before they went to work tainting their bodies and souls. The Sins had been making noticeable ruckus to bait in the Iscariot, making sure to pinpoint where their Queen's attackers were sent to hunt. "My Liege, we have located the queens attackers and are ready to strike, on your word." Kayos said. "Give 'em hell" Malum replied. "I want the girls to corrupt them. Kayos, you get in their heads. Vyngence, you will kill them however you see fit and bring them to your father and uncles. They will know what to do." Malum ordered. Kayos and Vyngence bowed to them both. "My king, my queen." the both said and teleported away. "And now the fun begins," Malum said with a wicked smile. Mara went to climb on his lap when her phone went off. Normally she would have just ignored it but she only had the ringtone set for one person.

Mara gave Malum a look of apology before she grabbed her phone and answered it while straddling his lap. "Sistah Do Me Nique" she sang. Though they hadn't spoken in some time, Dominique and Mara had grown up on the island together and learned their basic level magics together. She considered her a friend even if they weren't super close. "Maaaaa RRAAAA" Dominique sang back. "How you been sis? What's up?" Mara asked as she grinded into Malum making him glare at her and she smiled playfully. "Nothing much. I'm actually in Rome on a job. They told you weren't available and I was surprised." she informed Mara. "Yeah a LOT has happened in the last couple of weeks but if you want we can talk about it in person. It's been so long since we've gotten together." Mara suggested. "Yeah sure. Sounds like a plan! Just text me a time and place and I'll be there." Dominique replied. Mara agreed and they said their goodbyes before hanging up.

"Sorry that was an old friend I haven't seen since I was back home." Mara informed him. "I see. And what are we going to do about you teasing me the entire call?" Malum asked with a raised brow. Mara rolled her eyes and texted Dominique that she was on a job and would meet her next week. "So that's been dealt with. Let's help you with your problem, yes?" she said getting up off him and taking his hand to lead him into his study. "Bedrooms that way." he said, tilting his head in the opposite direction. "Ah but this is so much more funnnn." she sang pushing him into his office and again against the floor to ceiling window.

She loved how the moonlight came in and outlined his form leaving only his glowing eyes the only easy thing to spot in the shadows. She pressed herself against him and went on her tiptoes kissing him as her hands caressed up and down his chest while his hands roamed under the hem of her shirt before yanking it angrily off her body. Mara in kind ripped his up and over his head before he lifted her body to his and brushed everything off his desk before laying her on her back over it. He pulled off his sweats in record time while she rid herself of her underwear.

Malum grabbed both her ankles in one hand and lifted her legs before kneeling down and beginning his slow feast on her weeping pussy. He wrapped his free arm around her thighs so she couldn't squirm away no matter how hard she tried. "Fuck Malum! I'm supposed to be pleASING YOU!" she moaned into a cry of pleasure. He growled in response as his tongue delved deeper into her folds and his grip on her body tightened. Her hands gripped his arms and her knuckles turned pale with the force she was gripping onto him as her orgasm took her and she screamed blood murder.

Malum let go of her legs and ankles just enough for her to press her feet against his chest and push him back into his chair. She quickly slid off the desk and to her knees. Her legs were too weak to carry her anyway. She looked up at him through hood lashes as she grabbed his member with one hand and cupped his balls with the other and licked from his base to his tip. "Mmmm" she moaned as she took his head into her mouth. "Such a fucking good girl aren't you?" he asked through gritted teeth as he fisted her hair. "Only for you" she replied as he pulled her mouth off his shaft to kiss her hungrily. "Good girl. Now suck my fucking cock." he said as he relentlessly fucked her mouth.

Mara began tearing and was happy she wasn't wearing any makeup. The lewd sounds of his pelvis meeting her mouth and her saliva mixed with his pre cum made her core heat up all over again. She could feel his balls tightening in his hand when he yanked her off of him and bent her over the desk, her breasts flush against the top, the cool wood making her nipples grow even harder. "And this is what happens to bad girls who tease daddy." he muttered in her ear right before he righted himself up and landed a swift slap to her right ass cheek, rubbing the sting away with his hand. He did the same to her left cheek, each time causing her to let out pained moans of pleasure.

He slapped each cheek once more and rubbed the sting away before peppering her spine with open mouth kisses from the small of her back up to the base of her neck. "Now be good and beg me for my cock." he instructed, slipping his hand over her neck and applying pressure on the sides. "Please, Please Malum I need you inside me. Please fuck me." she begged. "Try again. Properly this time." he retorted squeezing a little harder. "Please Daddy! Please fuck me! I don;t wanna walk I just want you inside me filling me up" she screamed and he slid home inside her. It's not like she doesn't have him almost every day but they way his girth and length stretch and fill her every time make her feel like it's their first time and she regrets nothing.

Malum enjoyed the way she hugged him so perfectly, her walls milking him for every last drop whether he was willing to give it or not. "Mara, my Mara, always remember how much I love and cherish you." he whispered into her ear after keeping her heart warm with sweet nothings. "I am yours Mara forever and always." he added as he lifted her torso so she could turn her head to kiss him. He slid his free hand between her legged and rubbed tortuous circles against her clit. "And I am yours forever and always." she whispered to him right before she shattered in his arms. Malum followed her over the edge, filling her to the brim with his seed, enjoying the feeling when it was too much and spilled back out.

They waited till their heart rates calmed down and their bodies cooled before parting. Malum carried her into their room, using his magic to run the bath. He waited till the water was hot enough for them both before lowering them into the bath and cleaning them both. Once he was done he dried them off and carried them both to bed. He rubbed his hand over her belly as he closed his eyes and focused on the life force growing inside her. His hand hesitated for a moment and he rolled her onto her back softly. 'Is it possible?' he thought with a smile as he rested his forehead against her belly and closed his eyes. Malum pulled his head back back in shock before he smiled even harder and slid back up next to Mara's body, pulling her close. "Rest well you two. Papa will watch over you and mommy." Malum whispered letting himself succumb to sleep.

By the weeks end all but one of the main persons that tried to capture Mara had been permanently removed from the realm of the living and were not with the four horsemen enduring their eternal afterlife of torment. The only two that were not captured were the female commanders that stuck to the shadows. Malum ordered them to be left alone and kept under watch since they were so close to the leader of the Iscariot. The last to go was the man who tried to tranquilize Mara.

Lust was feasting off a man's sexual desires behind a warehouse style club in a not so safe part of town. "If all the men are this weak I'll need more than a few to fill up" she muttered in disappointment as she dropped his lifeless body to the ground. Mara had ordered them to use persons that deserved suffering as the bait since the Iscariot wouldn't know the wiser. This particular man found it easy to strike his family when his wife would try to confront him about his infidelity. Now she would get all he was worth and the family could finally live in peace.

"There will be no more of your treacherous ways, vile creature." the man said as he flicked the safety off his weapon. "Succubus like yourself know the law. You aren't to kill when you feed. Then again. You are a perversion against God and I will be more than happy to cleanse you and rid this world of your presence." he said with a smug look. Lust could sense the man's weakness and smiled as her aura spread out from her body. He assumed she was a simple sex demon and not a living Deadly sin. That was his mistake. Unaware of what was going on, Lust's aura entrapped the man and his weapon fell immediately. She smiled and skipped her way over to him before slipping her arms around his neck. "What's say you and I go somewhere more comfortable, hmm?" she suggested. He nodded as her aura acted like an aphrodisiac that his body and mind couldn't fight against.

A Few hours later, the man had finally tapped out. Lust always enjoyed how the purest ones tended to be the most fun in bed. She let Kayos and Know her deed was done and waited for him to wake the next morning.

"Mm what happened?" he asked as the sun broke through the open blinds into the hotel room. "Well we had an amazing time I'd say. You purest are always the freakiest I'd say." Lust replied as she nearly glided out the bathroom playing with her hair. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE DEMON!?" the man cried out in fear as he finally took in the state of the room and himself. Condoms littered the floor and trash can and stains were left on the sheets. "Nothing you didn't want I assure you. I simply removed the blocks on your inner wants and desires is all. Everything was consensual I promise. Scouts honor." she said with a smile and held up two finger together, her pink, ring and thumb bent. "YOU HAVE DEFILED ME YOU EVIL WENCH!" he yelled and Lust burst out laughing as a dark pink smoke surrounded her before parting and revealing her true demonic form.

Her skin was light pink with a rough scale texture on her lower legs and forearms. Her ears grew long and pointed much like her fingers and toe nails. Her ebony horns extended out of her hairline as her brown scaled tail grew from her bottom. Her wings expanded from her back and flapped a few times, the support structure brown like her tail but the webbed flesh was blood red. "Oh come now. We had so much fun!" she retorted with a demonic screech and she laughed before teleporting away in the same plume of smoke.

All day the pastor debated on if he should tell Father Anderson what happened or if he should tell anyone at all. Kayos used his fear and doubt against him whispering dark thoughts into his mind, stressing him beyond recovery and lacing his blood with fear. Once he decided to finish playing he eventually convinced the man to tell Father Anderson everything the Legion had done to him and his fellow men. And sent a warning that Mara was off limits as their queen and this isn't the last the Iscariot order would be hearing of the Legion. Once the message was delivered Vyngence and Kayos appeared in the room, their father in the shadows to collect the final soul. "How cute, you think this little church would protect you on this weakly hallowed ground." The raven that had been following the defiled man around all day landed on Vyngence's shoulder as he pulled his skull mask off his face and smiled. His platinum hair shifted in the non existent wind as he used his free hand to fist bump his brother.

"And who the hell are ye?!" Father Anderson asked as the other members of the Iscariot drew their weapons. Kayos' torn coat fluttered in the magical wind , a stark contrast to his pristine red and while suit. "I am Kayos, bringer of calamity and mistro of disaster." Kayos said with a shallow bow. "I am Vyngence, The Dark Messiah, The Vengeful one. Sounds so redundant, doesn't it brother?" Vyngence said with a smile turning to Kayos after he bowed. "Perhaps but we can't assume everyone is that smart. However, I'll leave you to it then brother." he replied nodding his head as his torn jacket grew rapidly before covering his form and simply disappearing. Vyngence smiled and helped his hand out, palm facing the man. Chains shot out of hole in his palm and shot around the room causing all but the cursed man to run for cover. They wrapped around the support beams and pews creating a cage around the man who looked broken, lost and forlorn. "GET OUT OF THERE!" Father Anderson screamed to no avail. "He won't listen. He must pay for his sins against our queen just as the others have. In her name, I claim vengeance. " he said in a distorted voice and purple blue flames consumed the chains and filled the cage. All that could be heard over the roar of the fire was the screams of the man's body burning alive.

Vyngence didn't bother waiting till this crisp body fell to the ground before disappearing in a plume of feathers. Death remained unseen as the church had started to burn down and everyone had evacuated the building itself. The man's distorted and defiled soul rose from his body and with a quick slash of his scythe he collected his due and teleported back to hell. "I come bearing a gift, brothers." Death said tossing the last soul in the cell with the other Iscariot members. "Yes, now let the true games begin." War said rising from his throne and rolling his shoulders causing his armor to clank loudly. Conquest readied the chains they'd use to bind the souls while Famine took his time finishing his midday snack.