Ch 17G Ruined Reception

Malum and Mara stared into one another's eyes, holding one another's hands as the world spun on around them. They were so engrossed with one another that Lucifer had to clear his throat to get their attention. Mara apologized quietly and Malum grinned wide. "Ladies first." Malum said and kissed her hand. "Malum, My King." she started as she looked up into his eyes. "My king who's always got my back. Even when I feel most broken, you never let me fully crack. From the shadows you came, but in my heart you shall remain. At first I feared you and what he had but all it took was your persistence and I realized it wasn't so bad. In our short time together, we've been through a lot and I'm sure the drama won't ever stop. But I'm here, before you now and to you I make this vow. If there's anything your love has shown me, It's never say never. I will love and cherish you forever and ever." Mara managed to choke out before the tears of joy began to fall.

Malum cupped her face with both of his hands and whipped her tears as they fell. Once she managed to pull herself together he wrapped one arm around her waist and pulled her in close before kissing her forehead. "My queen. My Mara." he said before kissing her on the head again. "I was created in the darkness of existence, I lived only in the shadows of the worlds and people's hearts. But then along came this hellion of a witch, wisdom beyond her years trying to banish me as a little tot." he said with a chuckle. Mara held in a groan as she rolled her eyes.

"That was the first time in eons I had a good laugh, that I had genuinely smiled. I had gone back to my father to speak about it and it wasn't until he explained it that I realized who and what you were to me. Though it pained me to watch you struggle, I needed to let you grow, to become your own person and you grew into a powerful and strong beautiful woman. One I am not sure I am worthy of but am willing to prove myself to till the end of time. I know this is not what you had pictured as your fairytale ending but I promise to and cherish you all the same. To hold and protect you when I am needed. To love and support you always. My mate, my queen, the mother of my children, my love. My Mara." By the time Malum had finished his vows Dominique had to help Mara get her emotions together from behind, sending her calming and grounding earth energies.

Everyone gave Mara the moment she needed as she processed the chaotic happiness she had been pulled into. He was right, she pictured herself on a different path with someone else but here she was. Marrying him and she would never regret it. Mara nodded to Lucifer as he gave her a small smile and finished the binding words. "And now the part they've been impatiently waiting for, you may now ki-well alright then." he said as Malum pulled Mara close, his hand cupping the nape of her neck and kissed her. It was a slow but deep and passionate kiss as if he meant to convey his love for her through his lips. It grew fervent and hungry before they finally pulled apart, short of breath, resting their foreheads against one another.

The mark on Mara's arm began to glow as the rose buds that hadn't fully bloomed had spread wide across the skin of her arm in full bloom. Malum rubbed it gently and the glow faded as he bent down and kissed each rose bud. "One for each kid?" he asked, trying to high his smile. Mara eyed the six roses on her arm and threw him a look. They stared at one another for a moment before bursting out laughing and everyone else joined in as they began to file out of the church.

Rose petals were thrown in the air and the newly wedded couple walked out to the waiting 2020 Rolls-Royce Wraith that was pitch black but the inside had red and gold detailing. Malum blind folded Mara before telling the driver that they were ready and the car pulled off smoothly. Mara felt the portaling magic as they went through it but Malum threw up a barrier so she couldn't feel or tell where they were.

Malum had purchased a large strip of beach front land as a wedding gift to Mara. For the reception there was a section of beach that had been partitions off with magic candles in the sand. As guests walked down the candle lit path there were shelves for their shoes and belonging that a security guard monitored. There were palm trees planted into the sand to give off the tropical vibes as the primary area was littered with family sized couch seating and various different size fire pits. Bulb lights were strung front he tresses to help lighten the area but give off a party vibe as well. To the right was an area large enough for a massive party tent that held the food, bar, seating, the DJ booth and the dance floor. Mara vowed to make her way back to one of the fire pits as she eyed the s'mores bar they walked past.

"Alright everyone, the part yall been waiting for. Food and drannnkkksss" Prudence announced and everyone laughed. "Please follow the seating chart as you will be dismissed by table to get your food and drinks. Chaos will not be tolerated." Karma announced. "I didn't even do anything !" Kayos retorted over the voices and everyone laughed at Karma's glare. "Love you mom!" Kayos replied as he and his brother doubled over with laughter. "You'd think they're 12 and not over 12 millennial old, I swear." Karma grumbled as she helped people find their seats.

Everyone partied well into the night as the moon rose high in the sky. The Iscariot order had plenty of time to set up during the wedding and clear out as the guest arrived before slipping back into place. Everyone sent in early were regular members of the order, no magical traces to leave behind and plenty of time for scents to clear out between the wind and salt water. "Everyone else is in place and waiting." a man whispered into his radio. Father Anderson and Heinkel sent one another a knowing smirk as the plane they were on approached dropping point. "Angel is always calling at the wrong time." Father Anderson spat as his cell lit up with a call from Gabriel. Anderson smashed his phone into tiny chucks and tossed it blindly behind him. "Let us spread the word of the Lord Heinkel." he said. "Amen" was Heinkel's reply as the ready lights turned on and they jumped from the open side door of the plane.

Gabriel was tired of calling for updates and not getting any so he decided to find father Anderson and get the answers straight from the horse's mouth. He headed for the church to see if he could find the man but caught a weird feeling in the back of his mind that something bad was going to happen but he wasn't sure what. That and his brothers were fumbling around because some humans had gotten a hold of divine magic but no one would tell him more. Mara's words kept ringing in his mind when she tried to tell him that the Iscariot wasn't what he thought them to be and as much as he didn't want to believe it, he knew he trusted Mara with his life. Why would she lie to him? As he got out of his car and walked up to the church gates Gabriel felt the surge of divine magic. He looked towards the sea where it was coming from and back to the gates a few times. "Please be safe." he muttered to himself as he hoped the Iscariot were they good guys he hoped them to be and got back into his car.

The Iscariot order formed ranks around the party goers causing the music to stop and silence to fall. Everyone present could feel the diving energy falling towards them and smell the humans closing in. "Talk about sloppy, they don't even know to stay down wind." War said as he began sliding off his tuxedo jacket. Mara looked to her new found family in disbelief. "They're trying to ruin my fucking wedding!?" she whisper-yelled to herself but everyone else heard. "Protect the queen!" Prudence yelled. The next few seconds were various eruptions of smokes, fires and dark magics as everyone had transformed into their true forms ready to fight. Dominique held Mara's hand and sent calming magic in the hopes to stave off Mara's building rage.

Dominique almost hand Mara completely cooled off until there was an explosion of sand before them, the flying and falling particles bouncing off the barrier protecting them. There stood Heinkel and Father Anderson, not only fully healed but had divine magic and blood coursing through their veins. Mara snapped and Malum had to hold her back. "Not like this my love. You are powerful and smart and I know you could fight with us on this but you are carrying our future. I cannot risk any of you. Please." he pleaded. She had full on rage tears welling in her eyes but she stepped back into Prudence and Dominique's awaiting arms.

Gabriel parked far off and hidden well enough as he let his wings out and flew towards the energy. The night sky was empty and he didn't want to risk being seen bloating across the sky."Your order's?" Pestilence said looking back and forth between Mara and Malum. Malum looked to Mara and nodded. "My queen?" he asked. Mara's body shuddered as the last of her unbridled rage left her body and there was nothing left but the deadly and powerful hunter the supernatural world knew her to be. "Eradicated our enemies from existence. I want NOTHING left!" she screamed. Everyone's eyes began to glow as their magics radiated off of them and Gabriel landed between the two parties with confusion all over his face. He could see the stolen power pulsing off Anderson and Heinkel and how the demons and witch stood protectively around Mara. Including one witch in particular...