Ch 18M Light Vs Dark

It seemed like mother nature was setting the mood for the battle as a major storm rolled in. Dark clouds filled the once clear star filled sky and lighting began to crackle overhead followed by a resounding boom. The ocean behind them turned white as waves began to clash and roll abnormally. The wind whipped ripping the tents, tables, and seats across the sand like tumbleweed in an old western. The furniture that hit against any of the demons disintegrated against their powerful auras. "Well I don't want to say I've been waiting for this but I am excited like a wee lass in a candy shop." Anderson squealed excitedly. "You're a sick fuck!" Mara yelled as her energy crackled all over her body. "Mara" Malum said with a firm tone and glare. "Fine! At least let me help!" she snapped back upset. However, she understood what his worries were. She had their children to worry about now.

The witches stood at Mara's sides and casted a protecting spell around them; their different auras melting together as an orb barrier formed around them. The sins made a line behind the group and began chanting as demonic symbols began to burn into the ground, spewing magma from the etchings. The horsemen took defensive stances in front of everyone. Their bodies being covered in armor as the screams of tormented souls could be heard from the cracks appearing in the ground. "Well I admit that is pretty impressive but we bask in the divine light!" Anderson replied giddily.

There was a crack in the clouds as thunder rumbled as a bright white light began to break through the darkened cloak in the sky. Everyone felt it before they saw it, them. Angel breaking the skyline, weapons ready flying straight into the makeshift battle field. They could see the remains of what was the reception as they realized it was the human who readiated the divine energy but they were also facing off against a demon horde. Michelangelo wasn't sure who to deal with first as he and his brothers tried to assess the situation.

"Where in father's name is Gabriel!?" Ammenadeal asked frustrated. "I don't know brother, but we need to figure this out without hi- wait a minute. That's the Mara girl he was fawning over isnt it?" Michelangelo replied. "The very girl I told him to leave alone. Father meant for her to be with the demon. Why does NO one listen to me!?" Uriel complained, frustrated with the constant disrespect. Malum could see the angels talking among themselves as they got too close for comfort. Without a word he turned to Prudence who nodded to the unspoken command. Mara felt the shift in magic and realized what was happening. The angel could see her scream and try to run but before she could go anywhere Prudence had teleported Mara, Dominique and herself away from battle.

"What the fu-" "Sleep" Prudence said as she waved her hands in front of Mara's face. "Fuck shes going to be pissed" Dominique said as she help catch Mara and lay her on the bed in the safe house. "Listen, I get that but the way my life is set up, Malum would kill me anyway. I rather die and know that our niece and nephew are safe, yes?" Prudence replied giving Dominique a look. Dominique sighed and nodded. "Great, now help me keep her asleep because Maum told me how she just teleported through his protections. Our queen is strong." Prudence said with an admiring smile. The women sat on the bed with their legs crossed and began their meditative chat to keep Mara asleep and the house untraceable.

"You say they're meant to be but looks like she just tried to get away." Azazel said from behind the angels. "Ooo look who decided to show up." they teased. "Father didn't give me much of a choice." Azazel replied with a sigh. "We have no idea what just happened with her, she could have been trying to warn him or something." Uriel retorted. His argument was met with disbelieving looks as the brothers discussed their plan to save their brother's girl. "For what it's worth Uriel, I believe you but without speaking to her we can't know anything for sure." Michelangelo replied as they landed between the warring parties.

"Archangels" Malum growled, his voice gravely and demonic. "Fancy meeting you here Demon." Amenadiel replied. He waved his hand around the wreckage from the party, "And what, pray tell, was going on here?" he asked, seeming genuinely interested. "Well I just finished marrying my son to his beautiful bride. Lovely couple I must say." Samael replied, breaking the line of demons. "Brother?" Amenadiel asked, surprised. "Brother" Samael replied unbothered. "She married that!?" Azazel said in disbelief. "And bears my grandbabies." Samael said dropping the biggest bomb of all. "But I'm sure you knew that already...Uriel." he added, making the angels turn to their brother. "They still don't listen to you even with your gift of knowledge and how closely you speak with father. Unfortunate." Samael said unbothered with a chuckle.

Uriel glared at Samael like any teased brother would, "We're here for the human bearing devine magic." Uriel said, answering Samael's unasked question. Samael simply nodded and pointed to Father Anderson. "Right there." he said simply. "Why would yew lot be here for me when I'm simply carrying out the Lord's will? Cleaning this world of all evils and purging it of demon scum like him." Anderson replied, pointing at Malum with a bayonet. "Your use of our divinity is corrupt as you are Alexander Anderson. Do not give us some fallacy as to carrying out our father's work when you are a perversion no better than the demons our brother surrounds himself with and then calls them children." Michelangelo said disgusted.

Father Anderson's face grew red with rage before his body began to contort uncontrollably. "His body is rejecting the power!" Amenadeal announced. Father Anderon's men scattered like roaches, only to be surrounded by other angels and boxed in. There was an explosive crack above the clouds that resettled as Gabriel dove through them landing next to his brothers leaving a small crater in the ground. Father Anderson grunted before collapsing to one knee. Hinkel rushed to his side and helped him back up. "The demon made his witch take yer girl away. She screamed for 'im to stop." Father Anderson grunted. He needed to get the angels off him as he tried to reign in the power lashing out from within him.

Gabriel screamed and his holy aura covered his body, his armor formed before he unsheathed his sword and flew straight for Malum who met him halfway. He didn't heed the call of his brothers telling him to stop or wait. The explosive energy that their clash generated threw everyone back. Father Anderson and Heinkel took the chance to try and run, only to be headed off by the four horsemen. The sins stood between the rest of the Archangel as Malum and Gabriel fought it out. The runes they drew began to crack the ground around them as lesser horde demons began to crawl out of the ground. Some of them were humanoid with their flesh melting off their skin and a putrid scent wafting off their bodies. Others walked on all fours chunks of flesh missing and insects pouring out of their bodies.

Demonic hounds and handlers hunted down the escaping Iscariot members. The dogs looked normal except for the blood leaking out of their eyes. One of the hounds jumped on an Iscariot member and opened its mouth. It's jawl opened like a flower, splitting in multiple areas, showing rounds and rows of blackened and rotting teeth before clapping on his head and ripping it clean off in one go. It's handler walked up, the pale skin seemingly glowing in the dark and black ooze dripping from its every orifice and blackened fingernails. She shoved her hand into the man's back and ripped out his spine before throwing it to the dog like a chew toy. Once her dog was happy she reached back into the hole she made and ripped out the man's heart before biting into it like a simple snack.

There were screams and cries from other Iscarior members being eaten alive or torn apart followed howls and screeches from the demons feasting on them. Anderson and Heinkel watched in terror as their people were having their limbs ripped asunder. Then there was a chuckle that brought them back to reality. "You should probably worry about yourselves." Death said in a low hiss. The four of them began to chant in an unknown language that sounded backwards and otherworldly. "You have been judged and found guilty for your crimes against our king and Queen, and the attempt on the life of the prince and princess. We do not care how you plea, for we are judge", "jury", and "executioner'' Famine Conquest and War said. "And we are the end." Death added his eyes glowing red.

Father Anderson let out a violent scream as he sloppily threw bayonets at the horsemen that War easily deflected. Hinkel let off a few shots of their holy arm cannon and Famine erected an invisible barrier, deflecting the unless shots. "The punishment for your crime, eternal damnation and torment" the horsemen said in sync. With the dark aura coming off of the four horsemen Anderson nor Heinkel saw the ruins etched in the ground around them forming a circle. The ground below them fell away opening to a pit of torture souls and lesser beings that pulled them down into hell. Anderson tried to cut at them but they made quick work of his arms, biting and clawing at them until they hung on by nothing but tendrils of left over muscle and tendon. They lapped up the flesh and blood, having not eaten in centuries. "Father Anderson!" Hinkel screamed over his cries of anguish. She tried to use her arm cannon but a ghoul bite down on her arm trapping the magical every and her arm exploded off with the ghouls head. Hinkel threw the remains of her arm around in pain showing the pit in her blood until they were fully pulled in. The hands of the creatures grasping at and covering their mouths, finally silencing their screams right before the hole closed as it had never been before.

The angels gathered together swords and shields drawn ready to fight. "This is their battle. We cannot interfere..." Uriel said quietly. "He is our brother!" Michelangelo yelled in disbelief. "You want him? Come and claim him!" Lust hissed. The summoned demons ran at the angels who cut through them easily enough. Gluttony began a chant of her own and her sisters followed suit as the runes began to change and glow a different color. A few angels flew at the sins and tried to stop them but were cut down by the horsemen. "You heard the lady." War said with a tooth grin, his teeth and gums seeping black ooze and blood.

"I'm calling him Ivan Ooze." Azazel said with a chuckle and Amenadiel hit him over the back of the head. The ground erupted all around the angels, spewing sand everywhere as creatures sprang out of the ground. They had massive heads with hundreds of eyes, rows of razor sharp teeth and 3 sets of arms. One pair was proportionally size while the other two were smaller. The circle around the angels on their canine like hind legs and larger arms roaring at them. They had a secondary mouth with more teeth and tentacle-like tongues. "Eat!" Glutton yelled as the creatures attacked. The dodged attacks while others worked together to take some angels down. Michelangelo Shot off his holy bow causing the creature to fall back as they shrunk away from the magic.

"They can't take the light!" Michelangelo announced. The remaining angels shot off arrows at the monsters and the demon generals. Famine protected them with his barrier but some of the Gluttony's creatures were shot down. "My babies!" she cried. Conquest chuckled and began to chant, coating Gluttony's creations in shadows. "FEAST!" she yells and the monsters attack again taking out the weaker angels before burrowing back into the sand or being cut down.

There's another explosion that knocks everyone back and across the sand. The generals and angels look over to Malum and Gabriel who have tossed their broken weapons aside and started fist fighting. Gabriel is worn, not used to fighting against such a strong dark energy. "Gabriel stop this madness! She is not yours!" Uriel screams. "Force one brother listen to Uriel!" Amenadiel added. Gabriel swung with a rick hook that Malum easily parried causing Gabriel to spin around. Malum opens his hands, bloodies claws extended and shoves them into Gabriel's arms before pulling. Malum shreds Gabriel's muscles and renders his arms useless. "Your healing has slowed greatly." Malum taunted with a hiss. "I will not give up...Not till I have her!" Gabriel replied as he fell to one knee. "She is NOT yours to be HAD! She is MINE! She bears MY children, MY name. She is MY queen. MY MARA!" he roared before grabbing Gabriel's arms and ripping them off. Gabriel screamed as the last of his flesh tore and Malum put his foot against his back and pushed Gabriel to the ground.

"Killing you would hurt Mara, but she would recover. However, I do not wish to see her in such pain. Stop this now and I let your brothers recover what's left of you foolish boy." Malum seethed. "Brother Please!" Azazel said, serious for the first time tonight. The angels as a whole tried to make a bline for their brother. Malum gave his generals a look and they intercepted the angels tumbling in a mass of bodies, light and dark magic clashing. "I-I C-Cant. I can't gi-give up." Gabriel said coughing up blood as his healing began to fail all together. "So be it." Malums whispered in his ear. "Gabriel!" Michelangelo screamed and Malum grabbed the back of Gabriel's neck with his left hand and shoved his four main fingers of his right hand into Gabriel's mouth. "I promise you. She will be loved and cherished as she deserves." Malum said as a final goodbye. Gabriel closed his eyes and Malum pulled up with his right hand, ripping the top part of Gabriel's head clean off. "You may have his remains but this is mine." Malum said as he waved the top part of Gabriel's head around.

In a single chant from Malum all the demons bright forth by his generals had disappeared before he himself and his generals faded away leaving the brothers to mourn their loss.


A/N Good evening all. I wanted to apologize for my extended absence. I have been going through it and it took a toll on my and my desire to write. I couldn't force myself and give u sub part content so I just didn't do it until I knew I was ready. I do appreciate you all and your continued support and worry, I know many of you were asking for updates while I was gone. If you don't want to read because of the inconsistent updating I understand and still love you. However, I needed this time for me. If you choose to stay then I love you all the more.
