Ch 18G Light Vs Dark

Gabriel knew the dangers of landing in the middle of the battle field but his eyes couldn't leave Dominiques once they landed on her. It was like a switch was flipped, his rage, anger and hurt were put out like taking a waterfall to a matchstick. Something in him shifted as he was finally able to look away and gave Mara an apologetic look. "Oh...OH- OH SHIT!" Mara squealed as she looked between Dominique and Gabriel. Dominique looked at the ground trying to hide her blush as if everyone didn't catch them staring at one another. "I told you she wasn't yours" Malum grunted as he rolled his eyes. Mara smacked his arm with the back of her hand as a thunderous boom cracked through the sky.

The demons could feel the swell of energy and let their human forms fall. As the Archangels landed in between the Iscariot and everyone else, the tensions between all parties skyrocketed. The sky crackled again but this time with dark magic as the sin formed a protective line in front of Malum, Samael and the witch. The horsemen stood in front, bold and ready for battle. The angel shed their simple clothes and their angelic armor covered their body with a pure white and gold glint. "Brothers" Samael goated with a twisted smile. He waved with a single black wing. "Brother…" Michelangelo muttered through gritted teeth. "Surely you do not plan on stepping onto the battlefield?" Uriel asked, a bit worried.

Samael shook his head. Mara and Dominique let out a breath they didn't realize they were holding. "But best believe if you come for my grandchildren I will cut you down." Mara's eyes grew so wide they nearly fell out of her head. Malum closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh as his jaw clenched. He knew what his father was doing but that didn't mean he liked it. "Mara has done nothing against the safety and sanctity of the human race, as far as we're concerned she has played a major role in protecting it. Her aside, all innocent are safe. You should know that brother." Amenadiel replied with a roll of his eyes. "We're here for the one who has stolen a power that does not belong to them. "He is ours to deal with," Mara replied, looking Amenadiel in the eyes. Hers held rage, anger, hate for what the man had done and who he was.

"Dear child I understand you gri-", "No! No you don't! You have no idea the pain, tourture and suffering I've experienced at his hands. How many others in the supernatural community OUR community at HIS HANDS!? You take what you came for, the magic or power or whatever but THEM and THEIR souls?! Are OURS to deal with." Mara snapped back cutting Amenadiel off. Amenadiel looked like he was going to retort but Gabriel stopped him and shook his head. "Tread carefully brother. I do not wish to bury you this day." Gabriel told him.

"They are literal demons. Evil vile beings that walk the earth and have committed countless crimes against humanity!" Father Anderson tried to argue. "I will reclaim what was stolen. Go, brothers" Gabriel said as his own anger and rage built as he realized how the Iscariot hurt. "Gabe-", "No. He not only attacked Mara, which is my fault as it is but he involved my mte as well. As her mate she and I have the right to punish him as we see fit. It is our law." Gabriel replied, cutting Michelangelo off. The angels look at one another confused, "So you found your mate?" Michelangelo asked and Gabriel nodded. Michelangelo waited for more information but Gabriel gave him a look and nothing more.

Out of nowhere there was a violent scream from Father Anderson and Heinkel. There was a massive arrow of pure light through each of their chests. The arrow heads spread out like a harpoon and were pulled back by a chain. Azazel had a face of true calm as he had one foot against Hinkel back and pulled. Though there was no blood or breaking of the flesh, there was a horrifying sound of popping and tearing as Azazel ripped the divine energy from their bodies one by one. The brothers look at Azazel in disbelief only to find him staring at Dominique. "Brother?" Gabriel asked. Azazel just nodded to the unasked question.

Michelangelo was at a loss, Amenadiel seemed worried and Uriel was the only one relieved by the turn of events. "Great so uh, we're going to go home and give our dada the good news. You kids have fun yeah?" Uriel said as he ushered his brother away. Azazel handed Michelangelo the power as he passed the group to stand by Gabriel. Dominique still hadn't looked up from the ground and shuffled behind Mara. "We will give you the time and space to deal with them how you see fit. Please contact us later so we can meet properly." Gabriel said to Malum before turning to Mara at the last part. Malum nodded cruelty and Mara nodded with a smug smile. "Bu-" Azazel was cut off by Gabriel grabbing his armand flying off with him.

This Iscariot had used the direstraction to try and run away dragging Andersona nd Heinkel with them. "Those cowards!" War bellowed as he and the other horsemen mounted their undead stallions. "No." Mara ordered and they halted. "My queen?" Pride asked, confused. "We follow and find the order. You think they haven't tried this Jesus juice stunt before? The iscariot is corrupt as a whole. We deal with them and especially Maxwell." Mara explained. Mallum picked Mara up causing her to squeal with surprise before he spun her around. "You are perfect" he whispered into her hair before kissing her forehead and setting her down. "Dominique." Mara said softly, looking to her friend. Dominique sighed and looked up to Mara as she nervously twiddled her thumbs.

"I get that this is a lot, and you're not sure where to go with this but you cannot run from this. One mate is crazy, a powerful one at that. You have two." Mara said as she walked up to Dominique and lifted her face with a finger under her chin. "But they will love and cherish you like no other. Understand and cater to you like you wouldn't believe. You don't have to run into them with open arms but give them a chance is all I ask. Gabriel I can vouch for personally. You will want for nothing, he can be mature when needed but so warm and open most of the time. Azazel I know from hanging out with Gabe. He is the opposite, which makes sense now that I think about it. Azazel has been through a lot, he keeps himself closed off unless he truly trusts you. He hides his pain under his comedy and couldn't be serious to save his life. Except for tonight, when he learned how they manipulated and hurt you. I promise it wont be easy, but it'll be worth it." Mara explained.

Dominique's eyes darted around Mara's features so see if she was lying or hiding anything. She knew Mara wouldn't but she needed this for her peace of mind. "Okay" Dominique said with a slow blink. "I will try." she added with a soft smile a nod. Mara gave her a strong hug "It's all I could ask for." Mara replied.

"Sister Envy and Lust have located their headquarters and are scouting to find a way in," Pride announced. "No worries, We're going through the front door." Mara said calmly. Malum looked at her and she glared right back. "I am your queen, yes? Your mate? Then you trust me right? Perfect, then trust me in this like I trust you to have my back. I have all of you with me, I'll be fine." she retorted before he could say anything. Begrudgingly he nodded.

The witch formed a triangle with everyone surrounding them as they cast a teleportation spell. They focused on Envy and Lust's energy before finalizing the spell and teleporting all of them. Mra could feel the pull and push as she was torn from one location and placed in another. As the teleportation completed she let out a breath and noticed the temperature difference. Her warm breath let out a plume of smoke. Malum used his aura to make a cloak and placed it on her shoulder before tying it around her. "Thank you my love." Mara said with a smile and upturned face. "Anything for you My Mara." Malum replied with a toothy grin. Dominique watched in awe at how Mara interacted so easily with Malum even in his true form.

Envy and lust were found walking towards them as more runes appeared in the ground behind them as they walked. They had formed a barrier around the area to scare off anyone trying to come in and prevent anyone from running away. "The area is sealed off my king, my queen." They said in sync. Mara looked up to Malum at his nine feet in height and gave him a look. He grumbled low in his chest. "Circle around and attack from all angles in pairs. Bottom up." Maum said pointg to the sins. "Horsemen, you all the ladies and I will go top down." he added.

"There's more." Dominique whispered and she crouched down to the ground and set her hand against the dirt. "The earth has been disturbed...a lot. There's more underground." she said standing straight and whipping the dirt off her hands. Malum nodded. "Thank you." he replied. She nodded and bit her lip to hide her smile. "Play the fool." Mara said and Malum nodded. "Death, enter the shadows. Find us a way down, keep us aware." Malum said. "Oh, idea...bring the boys." Mara added with a smirk. Malum looked at her confused. "But we actually want this plan to work," he replied. Mara nodded with a smile"I'm aware, my love." she quipped before letting her aura out.

The teams broke off into their groupings and started barraging the building from the top and ground floor, easily cutting through the lesser ranked members. "We found the accesses, one way in, two ways out." Kayos said as he lazily plucked tiny bits of body parts out of his hair. "Brother and I have sabotaged their secret exit but still be on standby should they try to escape. There's a good forty trained soldiers down there." he added. "And nearly all of them have corrupted blood." Vyngence sighed as his birds fed off the meat chucks Kyos tossed. "They know we're coming I assume?" War asked with a crooked and excited smile. He bit into the leg he was holding as Kayos nodded in affirmation.

Mara and Dominique threw a look at one another and Prudence started to giggle. "He's eating a person's leg," Dominique whispered. Mara started to giggle and just patted Dominique's head. "I know." Mara replied. "How are you just okay with things?" Dominique asked and she ran after Mara and the others nearly tripping. "I understand that Malum loves me, is my mate and so I trust him. These are his people and now mine. So I trust them too. I've also been in the field of dealing with people from multiple races for a while so I'm kind of used to it. Luckily you have two angels fawning over you so you won't have to worry about anyone eating someone-War put the damn leg down. She was like a buck 10, how much meat do you think you gonna get off that thing?" Mara replied before scolding War. He grunted before tossing the now naked femur aside.

"Shall we just go in and kill them all?" Kayos asked with an evil glint. His brother clasped his shoulder with a matching grin. "Perhaps we are related afterall!" Vygence mocked. Malum growled low as he shoved his hands into the seam of doors and pried it open a few centimeters. "Wrath, Kayos." were his only words. Wrath began her chant and runes started to burn around the metal entryway, turning the material black and spreading inside the gap. Kyos began his own chat that sounded like five people speaking at once, backwards.

Inside the room the soldiers clamored around making sure they were ready for the impending battle as the alarms started to go off. They didn't notice the shadows absorbing the light on the ceiling and spreading along the floor. There was a closed off room in the back the shadows couldn't get into so the shadows enclosed on the one massive room. One of the men knocked into someone. "Hey watch where you're going!" one of them yelled and pushed the guy. "Hey be easy it was just an accident." One of the girls standing by said as she tried to keep them apart. "Don't fucking touch me!" the first guy yelled hitting her square in the face before he and the other guy started fighting. Some of the room erupted into chaos while others were confused by what was going on.

The stronger soldiers tried peeling the weaker ones apart before any more could literally kill one another. Maxwell watched on the cameras, enraged, that his so-called best soldiers were being toyed with like puppets. The demons fed off the negative energies, like a pre-workout drink for a bodybuilder. It was like a sweet high before getting to slaughter one of their greatest enemies. Those affected by Kayo's and Wrath's magicks passed out, drained to the point of exhaustion. Mara, Prudence and Dominique stood back and watched as the realization dawned on the people who were left standing. The demons didn't think there would be much of an issue as they cut through the crowd fairly easily.

Dominique had to use a spell to protect her from the scent of death that filled the room. Mara didn't think it would bother her but she ended up doubling over and emptying the contents of her stomach. "Damn kids" she groaned and Dominique and Prudence placed the barrier around themselves before giggling at Mara. "Here" Prudence said, giving Mara a bottle of water. Mara rinsed and spat a few times before taking a healthy swig to drink. "Are you okay?" Malum asked Mara as he walked up to her devoid of any blood and guts. "Yes, the babies however didn't appreciate the chaos." Mara replied and he pulled her close and wrapped her in his arms. "Apologies my love, this will all be over soon. I will take you and the little ones home where we'll be safe." he replied kissing her forehead. She took a deep breath, inhaling his natural scent. In his true form he smelled like burning firewood in a bond fire. Normally hot to touch but for Mara he was just right.

Pulling her from the calm of his arms, Mara had realized the alarms had shut off. Everyone was already standing, ready for a fight as the doors to the back room opened. There was no warning before the gun fire went off. Malum naturally covered Mara with his body as a scream tore from her throat. Famine grabbed Dominique and War protected Prudence while a barrier was erected around them of Vyngence's crows. Gluttony drew her ruins on the ground and the metal floor creaked as dents were made in it from underneath. Eventually several shoggoths broke through the flooring and flooded the back room. The demons used the chance to slip into the room, careful not to trip over the bodies of the fallen humans of shoggoths.

Some of the soldiers were bitten, missing limbs, others just had a few scratches on them. The sins looked at one another and smiled knowingly. Mara stood behind Malum with a protective hand over her belly. He placed his even larger over hers as he watched the men in front of him. Even in battle he took care of her needs, calmed her loudest fears. "Don't step any further demons! The room is rigged to a source of pure divine energy. Make a single move and we cook you!" Dominique started chanting quietly behind the burly demon bodies and put her hand on the wall behind her. "By her time" Mara whispered to Malum before she and Prudence helped Dominique with her chant.

"You know it's funny when you humans toss around threats and don't know the dangers you're in yourself." Malum said with a laugh. His general followed suit until it sounded like a sadistic harmony of evil laughter. The medics took the injured soldiers to the back of the room and the sisters started to laugh even harder. "Where are the witches!?" Maxwell yelled over the intercom making the demons hiss in anger. The girl's chant could be heard in the few seconds of silence and the leader panicked. "Do it!" she yelled but it was two late. There was an explosion that shook the entire facility and the lights cut out all together. The girls had focused their magic on the earth surrounding the building's main power source and backup locations. "No power, no hat trick!" Conquest belted out in laughter.

The soldiers kicked on their flashlights. Clamoring to stay out of the darkness."Does anyone else wonder why they sent light sensitive creatures into a well lit room?" a human whispered. "Ah someone with an IQ higher than their shoe size." Envy replied as screams and cries broke out behind the humans. The humans that were bitten earlier had started to turn into shoggoths themselves and ran through the medic team before they realized what happened. The fresh turned creatures and new turning one ran back up front to clear out the remaining soldiers. "Wait!" Mara yelled just as the beast was about to kill the last person. "We need her to send a message." Mara clarified. The shoggoths bowed and stepped away from the woman. Malum walked up to her as she shook in fear. "Well Max we're coming for him next." Malum said as he crouched down next to the woman before punching her unconscious.

Mara walked up to Gluttony and whispered into her ear. Gluttony's face lit up as she clapped excitedly and had her shoggoths drag the woman out of the room. Gluttony followed them out. Malum raised a brow but Mara just smiled back at him innocently. Two more Shoggoths emerged, draggin a helpless Father Anderson and Heinkel behind them. "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" War said as he pulled Heinkel up by her useless arm. She dangled back n forth as she screamed in pain causing War to chuckle.

"They're like useless limp noodles. This is no fun." Famine groaned. "I will take them," a voice said from the shadows. Samael emerged from the shadows still in his human form with a smile on his face. "Father?" Malum asked, confused. "They threatened the lives of my new daughter and grand babies." he replied as his eyes seemed to be swallowed by darkness. "You filthy vermin will never touch me!" Father Anderson said and shoved a bayonet into his stomach. Samael smiled. "A cathoic committing suicide? Also known as self murder…" he announced with a hiss. Everyone laughed as realization dawned on his face and Heinkel screamed his name. "Thank you for making this so much easier for me.' Samael said as his voice grew more demonic. Death grabbed Father Anderson by the neck and the horsemen followed Samael into the portal that ripped open before them.

There were sounds of screams and moans of pain as the entrance portal looked like it was pulled right out of the bible. Hellfire and brimstone surrounded by lava. There were hellion guards and their dogs lined up to receive Samael and the horsemen. "Let me know when I can come see my grandbabies, yes?" Samael asked over his shoulder. "Of course pops!" Mara replied. This made the fallen angel smile and turn to face her. He nodded to her before nodding to Malum as Anderson and Hinkel's screams faded away with the portal closing. "I gotta admit that was a bit anticlimactic." Dominique sighed in relief. Everyone laughed and left the building, destroying everything behind them so the project, hopefully, couldn't be re-created.

"My love, what did you tell gluttony before she left?" Mara asked. Everyone else was listening intently now. "You'll see." was Mara's only reply as the finally made it back outside. "You shall see" she muttered again as she turned her face up to the moon and took a deep breath.


A/N Good evening all. I wanted to apologize for my extended absence. I have been going through it and it took a toll on my and my desire to write. I couldn't force myself and give u sub part content so I just didn't do it until I knew I was ready. I do appreciate you all and your continued support and worry, I know many of you were asking for updates while I was gone. If you don't want to read because of the inconsistent updating I understand and still love you. However, I needed this time for me. If you choose to stay then I love you all the more.
