Chapter 23

With his semi-Jedi training finished already, Cain was unsure of his next course of action. He originally planned to spend at least a year or more just training with Yoda, but that blew up pretty quickly.

Seeing that there wasn't any reason to stay at the temple, Cain left and made his way to Shmi's and his shop.

Although he was very busy with training at the temple he still stopped by the shop to check up on Shmi, and was very surprised by how well she was already doing in terms of business.

With her amazing mechanic skills, Shmi had attracted a lot of business. Most of her business was the rich and wealthy wanting their vehicles customized, but there were some asking for repairs on their spaceships.

Shmi took to this like a fish in water, she loved the freedom and joy of being able to work on something she loved and actually get paid for it.

Walking into the shop, Cain saw that it was pretty busy as people looked at the goods on display. There were a few service droids helping to run the shop so that Shmi could focus on her work in the back.

Cain walked past these people and made his way towards the work area, to find Shmi working on a hoverbike.

"Seems busy."

Hearing his voice, Shmi looked up from the bike and smiled, "Back already, I would have thought you still be training."

"It seems I've already mastered everything."

Shmi raised an eyebrow in disbelief, "So you mastered everything to becoming a a month."

Cain scoffed, "I'll have you know that I'm extremely gifted, Grandmaster Yoda has told me on multiple occasions."

Rolling her eyes, "I'm sure...could you hand me that screwdriver." Shmi asked as she continued working on the bike.

"I see business is picking up," Cain grabbed the screwdriver on the table and gave it to Shmi, "Do you need any extra hands?"

Standing over the bike Shmi focus mostly on it, "Maybe in the future, but the droids have been a big help running the shop while I handle the repairs."

Nodding his head, Cain left Shmi alone to finish her work. He moved towards an empty section of the back and sat down.

Seeing as he had nothing better to do Cain opened the Craft function to finish a project he's been working on in his free time. Although busy with Jedi training he still made time to practice his other skills, for example, mechanics.

With all the advance technology in Star Wars Cain had to learn to be very well versed with technology. So besides fighting, learning about engineering and machinery was a priority.

Enhancing the size of the screen, Cain focused on the droid that he's been designing.

The droid was designed to stand at 6ft but its body was different than a human. The legs were designed like the hind legs of a wolf and could rotate for maximum flexibility. The droid had long but reinforced arms that were designed for fluidity. With its long arms and flexible legs, the droid could stand on its two legs and down on all fours.

When creating the design for the droid Cain wanted to make a fast and deadly robot that could move. He achieved this by upgrading the basic design of the commando droids and adding a few more modifications.

With the basic design of his helper/assassin droid finished, for now, Cain opened up the pressed Construction option.

Even though he learned a lot, he was still a ways away from building his own droid without the aid of the System.

As the Construction screen popped up with the droid's design, Cain could see that the System already adjusted some of it. The droid's entire design was reinforced and had more armor, but it was basically still the robot Cain designed.

With it the body fully laid out, Cain began to add weaponry to the droid. Starting off simple he gave the droid two vibrio knives and wrist blaster that were built into the arms. Then add a few more necessary tools such as a scomp link, laser beam, and a holographic projector into its hands.

With its weapons done, for now, Cain chose to add one last thing to the droid. He wanted to place Maul's other white Kyber crystal in the droid. Although most droids had an internal power generator, Cain always wondered what would happen if a droid was amplified by a Kyber crystal.

With the design done, Cain checked over his work and then clicked finished. Since he already had most of the material needed to make the droid in his inventory there was no need to pay anything for its creation.

Watching the droid slowly appear on his screen, Cain saw another screen appear.

[What would you like to name your creation?]

Thinking of what he should name it, Cain inserted the first thing that came to mind.

With the name inserted the screen closed and the droid began to appear.

Cain stared at his newly made droid and was amazed at how cool it looked. The droid was painted black and had a white line throughout its body. Cain quickly activating the droid waited for it to power up.

Suddenly moving the black droids' entire body glowed an eerie white, and Cain could feel the Force energy moving throughout the machine.

Lifting its head the droid moved its glowing white eyes toward Cain.

"Hello, I am Kyber-1. How may I be of service?" The droid spoke in a weirdly smooth voice, almost human.

Cain quickly stepped up to greet the droid "I'm Cain, your creator. I designed you to help assist me with fighting and repairs."

"Hmm...that's cool. How should I address you?" Kyber said while observing his surroundings.

Cain was still amazed by how human-like the droid was,"Cain is fine, we're going to be partners after all."

"...Partners," Kyber repeated the word, almost trying to understand it.

Letting Kyber get adjusted, Cain quickly went back to his Craft function to make one more adjustment to his own armor.

Throughout his Jedi training, Cain realized that mobility was needed much more than he realized, and the Mandalorian armor he had now was simply too bulky. So after some creative thinking, help from the System, and stealing from other characters. Cain finally had the hopefully last design of his armor.

Taking a lot of inspiration from Arkham Knight's Batman and Revan from the Old Republic. Cain created a masterpiece in his own opinion.

Using the interlocking plates and design from Batman's armor, Cain made the plates thinner and spread them out so the armor wasn't bulking. He kept the plates gray and still had the same weapons as the other armor.

Regrettably, Cain also changed the helmet but to the same design as Revan's, which was coincidently also Mandalorian just an older design.

Another feature that Cain loved was that he added his jet-pack to function with the armor. So it was like he had his own Ironman armor, just less technological.

Adding a tight cloak and hood to the design, Cain felt that he had made something truly unique. After paying for all of the upgrades and new features, Cain put the newly constructed armor in his inventory for now.

" your name's Kyber. What model are you?"

Turning his head, Cain saw that Shmi was speaking with his newly made droid.

"I do not know, but I'm the first of my kind," Kyber replied with pride, somehow.

Shmi seemed interested as she inspected the droid, "Your body is very well put together, and processing speed seems incredible. It's almost as if I'm speaking to an actual person."

"Thank you," Kyber replied taking it as a compliment.

Walking forward Cain smiled, "So you've met Kyber. Pretty cool, isn't he?"

"You built him?," Shmi asked in disbelief, "I didn't know you were so skilled with droids. I would have asked for your help more."

"I had a lot of help from a friend," Cain admitted," But I mostly designed him."

"Hmmm..I wish you asked me to help," Shmi lamented," I would have loved to design such a sophisticated droid."

"You are very well designed, as well." Kyber innocently said to Shmi.

"I-Thank you, Kyber," Shmi replied while holding in a laugh, "You've seemed to design him a little too well."

"He has a good personality," Cain replied while patting Kyber on his armored shoulder.

As they laughed for a little bit, Shmi had to get back to work and Cain immediately offered to help.

Surprisingly Kyber also quickly volunteered to help Shmi as he already had some information on how repairing machinery.

For a few hours, Cain helped Shmi while speaking with Kyber and explaining everything that was happening in the galaxy, at the moment. Although Kyber was programmed with certain information, Cain still wanted to inform his droid everything he'll need to know.

"....the Jedi are peacekeepers of the galaxy, but they aren't allowed to have emotions or attachments?" Kyber asked curiously.

"Pretty much and they're also virgins, at least most of them are," Cain replied as he fixed a carburetor.

"That logic is redundant. If they cannot feel, then why do they care?" Kyber stated while tilting his head.

"Their code is...flawed, but most of them truly only want to help others," Cain explained.

As Kyber remained silent, Cain wondered how much the Kyber crystal influenced the droid. It seemed as if he was an actual person, with thoughts instead of just programming.

Shrugging his shoulder, Cain went back to his work and decided if Kyber showed an even hint of crazy. He'd permanently scrap the droid himself.

After finishing all of the orders for today with the help of Cain and Kyber, Shmi gave a long yawn and called it a night.

"I'm going to call it, I already closed up for the night," Shmi said as she walked up to her apartment, "Night Cain, Night Kyber."

"Goodnight!" Cain called out.

"Night Shmi," Kyber replied while awkwardly waving.

Shmi simply smiled at the droid and then went to her apartment, leaving Cain and Kyber alone.

"I have something to do. Do you want to power down or stay active for the night?" Cain questioned the droid.

"I..I wish to stay active. I would like to familiarize myself with my combat and internal functions." Kyber said after some thought-processing or whatever the droid does.

"Ok just guard the shop and try not to break anything," Cain exclaimed as he walked out of the shop.

Walking a distance away from the shop, Cain quietly slipped into his newly improved armor. Cain quickly admired the armor and how comfortable it felt was, then activated his comlink while grabbing something from his inventory.

It was the card that the Bounty Hunter recruiter gave to Cain while he was on Tatooine.

Typing in the number, Cain was surprised when the transmission was immediately answered.

"It seems that you've finally called," the middle-aged man's voice came through Cain's com.

"I'll join the guild. Where do we meet?" Cain said gruffly, as the helmet changed his voice.

"I just so happen to hear from a certain source that a Mandalorian was on Coruscant," he said slyly, "we can meet at this bar I know."

After getting the name and directions to the bar, Cain wasn't surprised to see it was the same one he almost got killed at.

With his plans in motion, Cain began to take his first real step towards becoming a Bounty Hunter.