Chapter 24

Not wanting another repeat of his attempted murder Cain immediately activated his Menacing Presence skill as he walked into the bar.

When he walked in the bar everyone felt a sudden chill down their spines.

As he glided across the bar he was given a wide berth because of his intimidating armor and presence. Sitting down at the bar Cain waited patiently for the recruiter to arrive.

"C-can I get you anything?" The bartender stuttered as he stood in front of the masked stranger.


Once he got this simple answer, the bartender ran away like a bat out of hell. Smiling under his mask, Cain slightly reduced his dark presence so it only affected the people that came near him.

Keeping a constant watch over the entire bar, Cain kept a lookout for the recruiter. As he expanded his senses around the bar he soon found his attention shifting over to a particular busty woman that was dancing.

Finding this far more enjoyable than waiting for the recruiter, Cain enjoyed the show while he seemed as if he was only looking off into space.

"New armor I see, it looks good on you."

Cain regrettably broke his concentration from the hot girl to see that the recruiter was finally here.

"How did you know it was me?" Cain questioned curiously.

"Who else would be wearing a scary-ass helmet and has everyone sitting 10 seats away," he asked rhetorically.

Cain looked around and was surprised by how effective his Menacing Presence was. The entire section of the bar where he sat was completely voided of all people.

"What can I say, I'm friendly," Cain joked as the man sat down.

"Haha. Didn't think you were a joker," the man laughed then ordered a drink from the bar, "But let's get down to business."

"How does one join the Bounty Hunter guild?" Cain curiously asked.

"We usually search for talent throughout the galaxy. We're a tightly knitted group but unlike the Black Sun we, are not criminals."

"Bounty Hunters. How is that not being a criminal?" Cain said in disbelief.

"Simple, we provide a service to our customers and for a price, we can do whatever they wish if it's within reason of course," the man grinned," A perfectly legal transaction of services."

"What's the catch?" Cain asked immediately.

"I knew you weren't just a scary faceless grunt," the man said as he downed another shot.

"Much like any other guild, we'll give you some training, the gear, and a list of clients that will need your services. You make a name for yourself, and the Guild also benefits. If you're not worth our investment, then we'll kill you or sell you into slavery to make a profit," the man explained," so what do you say?"

Cain already knew that he was walking into a den of killers but he was prepared to make a name for himself, even if it had to be written with blood.

"Where do I sign?"

"That's funny, kid. But we don't sign contracts," the man suddenly stood up and smirked, "we take souls."

Motioning Cain to follow him, the man walked out of the bar and Cain quickly trailed after him.

As the Cain and the man finally left the bar everyone there let out a collective sigh of relief as the dark presence was finally gone.

"Where are we going?" Cain questioned while walking beside the man," I never did get your name by the way."

"You can call me Ric," the man introduced himself without breaking stride," And we're heading to a branch the guild owns here on Coruscant."

"That seems a little close having a branch in the capital of the Republic," Cain commented.

"We spread ourselves for all of our clients, " Ric explained," Plus they would never even know we're under their noses. They hardly care for the people on the lower levels to look for us."

"You seem fine with just sharing all this information with me. Why?" Cain questioned," What if I tell the authorities?"

Suddenly, Ric stopped walking and turned to look at Cain, then smirked.

"Do you really think I wouldn't have back up with me? Just waiting to take you out if you do happen to even flinch wrong."

Suddenly sensing danger, Cain looked down to see that there were two red dots on his body. One aimed for his slightly less protected neck, and the other at his heart. Cain without any hesitation activated his Force Sense and helmet's zoom function.

Tracing the trajectory of the lasers, Cain soon found where both of the snipers were camping. One was hidden in a nearly invisible hovercar and the other was standing on the ledge of a building. Both snipers were garbed in black cloaks so Cain couldn't tell their species or gender.

"So don't try anything funny, kid."

"I could kill you before they even take the shot." Cain threatened as he began to enhance his body with the Force.

"Then I guess we'll just have to see who dies first, won't we?" Ric fearlessly grinned at Cain.

After glaring at him for a second, Cain eventually relaxed his body but still remained alert. He knew that if they truly wanted to kill him, then they would have tried already.

"Lead the way," Cain finally gesturing for Ric to continue walking but made sure to keep track of the two sniper's presence.

"Knew you'd see it my way." Ric grinned as he roughly slapped Cain on his back.

Walking deeper into the depths of Coruscant, Cain could see that the number of people in the crowds increased. There were tons of different species in the underworld of Coruscant. But the deeper you went the more haggard and sinister the people became.

"Here we are, Bounty Hunter central!" Ric gestured towards a beaten-down small building that looked on the verge of collapsing.

"It looks like crap," Cain bluntly mumbled.

"Wait till you see the inside," Ric led Cain into the small building and exclaimed, "isn't she a beaut."

The inside was somehow even worse than the outside. In the building, there was a small dingy bar that was manned by a large Trandoshan. The bar was almost completely empty except for a few people that seemed to be sleeping on the floor.

Without care, Ric stepped up to the bar where the large Trandoshan stood.

"Heya doing Crol!" he said to the Trandoshan bartender.

"Eh-not bad," Crol replied then nodded his head towards Cain," Is that the new recruit?"

"Yup. I found him all by himself desperately seeking guidance. Looking for a handsomely strong, but gentle hand to lead him," Ric said dramatically as he clutched his heart," And who better than me to help?"

"Sorry you had to deal with him, his parents dropped him a few times as an infant," Crol said to Cain, completely ignoring Ric.

"Nice to meet you," Cain greeted the surprisingly friendly Trandoshan.

"You too. Do you got a name? I know this idiot probably didn't even ask for yours."

Thinking to himself for a second, Cain decided that a fake name would be best for now.


"Hmm..nice name but can we hurry this up, Tula's already expecting me," Ric said impatiently.

"She was on a warpath last time you were late, go on in," Crol then reached under the bar and flipped a switch.

Suddenly the wall beside the bar slid open to reveal a hallway. Everyone in the bar seemed unbothered by the new feature in the room.

Walking forward Ric passed through the hallway without another word.

"See you soon, kid," Crol called to Cain as he followed Ric," Hope you don't die too soon."

Cain ignored Crol and continued to follow Ric through the hallway. The hallway was completely bare of everything, and the only thing in sight was another closed door.

Walking to the other door, Ric stopped and turned around.

"Once you walk through here your officially a Bounty Hunter," Ric said seriously," There is no going back."

"I was born ready."

Ric smirked at Cain's response and went to open the door," Let's hope you can keep that confidence."

Ric then placed his palm against a screen next to the door causing it to swiftly slide open. Looking through the door curiously, Cain saw that there seemed to a giant underground facility.

Just when he was about to walking forward Cain suddenly saw something flying towards Ric's head.

With the reflexes he sharpened from surviving against Yoda, Cain snatched the object out of the air just before it nailed Ric in the face.

"Where the hell have you been! I expected your dumbass to be here 3 rotations ago."

Glancing away from the metal pipe that he just caught, Cain looked up to a beautiful female Chiss glaring at Ric.

"W-well you see Tula..," Ric nervously trailed off, but then he suddenly remembered Cain was here," I got us a new recruit!"

Tula turned her glare from Ric to the masked figure standing next to him. With his armor, featureless mask, and overall menacing presence. Cain made quite an impressive figure.

Tula immediately raised her eyebrow," Hmm..a Mandalorian didn't know you guys were still fighters."

Cain decided to keep silent and let everyone assume he was a Mandalorian, it might even help his reputation.

"Don't worry about him he's just shy," Ric tried to lean against Cain but he stumbled when Cain dodged.

"So he wants to join the guild," Tula began to slowly circle Cain while eyeing him up and down," Is he qualified?"

"Yes, he is," Cain spoke for himself.

"And he can speak," Tula said mockingly," But can he fight?"

Without any warning, Tula ran forward and attacked Cain from behind.

Already sensing her intentions, Cain spun around and met the Chiss head-on. Not even phased by this, Tula unleashed a swift spin kick towards Cain's midriff.

Blocking the kick with his elbow, Cain suddenly dropped to the floor and tried to sweep Tula's leg from under her. Anticipating this already Tula then jumped into the air and tried to stomp on Cain.

Rolling away from the strike, Cain flipped to his feet and prepared to engage again. Taking initiative, Tula rushed forward and threw a haymaker.

Shifting his body to avoid the attack, Cain got into Tula's personal space and the body checked her while throwing out another punch.

Although unprepared for this Tula still recovered and grappled Cain's arm. Pulling him to the floor she quickly got on top of him. Spinning over him Tula pulled a knife from behind her back and pinned Cain to the floor.

Grinning victorious Tula held the knife against Cain's throat, "And here I thought you Mandalorian's were legendary warriors," She said mockingly.

"Still better than you."

Unprepared for him to say anything, Tula suddenly felt something on her abdomen. She quickly looked down to see that Cain was holding a pistol against her stomach.

"Well aren't you full of surprises," Tula while still staring down at Cain as she still sat on top of him.

Cain and Tula continued to stare at each other for a while until they were finally interrupted by Ric clearing his throat.

"Ahem-...if you guys are done can we go or...," Ric mumbled awkwardly to Cain and Tula as they were still on top of each other.

Smirking, Tula slowly at a agonizing speed stood up from off of Cain. Sad and happy to watch her get up, Cain looked up to see that she staring at him with a devious smile.

"Welcome to the Guild."