
Rahul after brushing and bathing went downstairs to dinning room where is father Sampath and his younger brother Krunal seated in table waiting for breakfast.

I walked towards table and greeted my father and brother good morning. Dad today in our school there is designing competition for support SH and i am taking part in competition. My dad is working in government office as a clerk in weapons distribution center. My mom is housewife and my brother krunal is lucky then me and become Mind SH.

In schools along with normal education for half a day and other half day divided into three groups based on evolution.

I and my brother were very close and i most dote on my brother and my parents as well.

Weapons are categorized into different types of stars. One to Eight stars.

In high school teachers teach basics of making and types of metals and its characteristics. Even metals and minerals are also ranked starwise. Today competition is our own version of 1 star weapon.

In general to make a weapon we need equipment to process metals and raw materials and to know the exact composition we need conduct several types of experiments which all costs huge money. Although our family is well off not to extent where can i conduct experiments on my own money.

So not only my parents to provide money to my studies but also for krunal's study and his genetic drugs which improve is power which is very expensive. So i don't want to burden my parents and want to open my own business and earn money while in university.

For that my first step is to win this competition and win the prize money of 100000 Galletic coins (from here onwards it will be termed as GC). GC is accepted all over the world.

While i am thinking my mom came from kitchen with breakfast sat beside me.