
While i am eating my breakfast i said to mom i will be late in evening and completed my breakfast. After saying my goodbyes to my parents and brother, collected my back pack and went to nearest shuttle stop.

After getting into bus i found an empty seat and sat there. School is 2 kilometers distance from my house and it is 3 stops away from house.

After 15 mins i got down from bus and started to walk towards school gate as i am entering into the ground heard a shout from back calling my name.

I turned back and saw that is my best friend and desk mate kiran. Kiran came running towards me and said how is your preparation for competition.

I gave a laugh and said nothing. Kiran we have to go fast time is running out for our classes. After reaching the class room and saw teacher yet to come took a long breath and started walking towards my desk.

As i was walking to my desk i spotted samira sitting in her place. She is fair and gorgeous around 165 cms and slim with black hair and black eyes. She is our class monitor and many guys are pursuing our class monitor.

I am also one of them. Samira is beautiful and she is Mind SH with top grades and fighting power and she is daughter of richest man of our village. Her father runs business of weapons and food shop.

As i was looking towards samira kiran shouted towards me saying that teacher is coming to class. I came to my seat and sat down.

After teacher came to class and started lesson i was thinking what weapon to be made in competition.