Multi Split Arrows

Rahul again started see the types of arrows in case he missed any other type which is easy to make.

But he could not found any arrows which he is interested.

So at last he selected those 3 and went for demo section. It us nothing but it says required materials to be used and time taken for each arrow to make.

First he inserted Frost arrow chip into the system and materials are as follows Feathers of any ice element 1star bird and 1star frost core and tendons of 1star ice rat. He started calculating cost of arrows as per market price and came to a conclusion that a pot of arrows which contains 24 arrows costs 120GC and in market it is sold at 150GC. So he can get a profit of 30GC. It takes 3 hours to make one pot of arrows.

Wind arrows requires fur of wind monkey and its core and bone of rock beast. It costs 450GC for making a pot of arrows and time taken is 6 hours. In market price is 500GC.

Multi split arrows are made of Shadow spider legs and a shadow core of any 1star beast and tendons of bronze bull which are abundant in the forest which is near the town. It also costs only 60GC and sold at 75GC but each pot can be made in 1hour. And market for multi split arrows is unlimited since it can be used in any kind of situation.

After long consideration rahul chose multi split arrows and walked to sales counter.

He said to sales assistant i want multi split arrows chip and 50 sets of materials for the multi split arrows.

Sales assistant counted the price Chip is 1200GC and 50 sets costs 3000GC total 4200GC sir.

Rahul passed the Bank card processed the payment and left the store.

Rahul took the bus at bus stop and reached his home after half and hour.