Arrow making

Rahul reached the home and opened the door of house by entering the password in the security terminal installed at the side of door.

Chitra who is in living room watching TV turned her head after hearing sound of opening of lock and seeing it is rahul she smiled at rahul and asking how is your day.

Rahul giving a casual answer and said mom please call me at dinner time and rushed to his room at first stair.

He went to his wardrobe amd picked his sleeping clothes and went to bathroom refreshed and went to is computer to gain the knowledge of making multi split arrow.

After inserting the chip into the slot and picking teletransfer port inserted to his brain externally. This device transfers the data directly into brain.

Transfer speed is set at low it takes 3 hours to complete transfer of data from chip to brian.

After 3 hours rahul opened his eyes amd watched the time on his smart watch.

It's 9'0 clock and time for dinner.

He is feeling little dizzy due to huge infusion if knowledge from the chip.

Rahul walked downstairs and picked food from table and stuffed the entire food within 4 mouth fulls and said his greetings to parents, came back to his room and fallen on his bed for rest.

As soon as he hit the bed he closed his eyes and slept peacefully.

Rahul woke up at 8'0 clock in the morning from the sound of alarm and completed his morning chores and had his breakfast went to school in bus.

At exactly 9'o clock reached the class sit in his desk.

Rahul after sit in his place searched for samira who is sitting in front row in another lane.

He picked a paper from his book and wrote do you still remember your challenge. After he wrote be ready for being my girlfriend jokingly about it. At last he draw an smirk emoji😏😏.

After writing the paper he folded into a ball shape and tossed in front samira's book.

Samria seeing the paper in front of her book and opened the paper in curiosity and read the whole matter and turned her head towards rahul showing angry face about to write a reply there rang a bell for start of class and teacher entered into the class.