The First Meeting

If we meet someone, there must be a purpose and it's not by accident. It would turn either into a blessing or a lesson!!

-Woman at the Lowest Point-


"You!!!" The man opened the conversation by shouting at the already frightened girl.

"Did you realize what you have done?" He asked coldy, as he walked toward Achiera.

"Explain to me, what are you going to do, to make up for the losses I suffered within these two minutes!" He demanded arrogantly.

"Not only that, did you see how that old man actually insulted me?" He continued asking her. "He pointed at me with his fucking finger! And that was the greatest humiliation I've ever experienced. I have never had to face such a disrespectful behaviour in my whole life in this business world. But, because of you ...." The man lifted Achiera's chin. "I GOT THAT INSULT!" He said emphasizing his words.

"So ... How do you want to pay for it? With your body? Do you think you're that precious? You're just a cheap and despicable girl, even your body will never be able to pay for the humiliation I've received!" He said while reaching out his hands to tear Achiera's clothes.

Instantly, anger filled Achiera's heart, making her do something even before she could completely process her thoughts.


Just like that a hard slap was landed on the man's cheek .

"Don't ever think that your money can buy all things in this world! Maybe you can rely on everything with your money. But me and my pride, would never!!" Achiera replied angrily.

"You said I'm a despicable girl? You are despicable, your whole life is despicable! Why not? You don't even want to listen to the reasons why I came here but have the cheek to accuse me carelessly. You're very disgusting, Sir!" Achiera scolded and left.

When she wanted to go out through the door, she was stopped by the men with glasses at the door. With a gesture from the man, those people finally let Achiera go.

The man immediately pressed a button on his cellphone in anger.

"Find complete information about that girl. Within an hour, I want to receive all of the pertaining data," the man named 'Hans', ordered into the phone.


Achiera's POV

With staggered steps, I walked toward no particular direction. The path I took was so unfamiliar to me. I just got here this morning, and this was my first time being in this city.

Crying while covering my body with the half torn clothes, my mind drifted far away into the past, remembering all the cruel situations I had to go through up until now.

Since I was a little kid, my family and I never got the privilege to escape suffering, precisely after my parents died.  All of those harsh memories resurfaced in my mind and played before my eyes with every aching step of my foot.

And now, I just want to work calmly, but again and again the world was busy bothering me. When will the world be willing to make peace with me?

I didn't ask the world to side with me, all I want is just a little piece, can't I have it?


Tinnnnnn ... Tinnn ....

And the sound of the car horn awakened Achiera from her despair.

"Achiera, get in!" Kaili screamed from inside the car.

"What's wrong with you? Why are your clothes torn? What happened?" Kaili asked repeatedly.

"I-I am okay. It's just earlier when I was walking, I accidentally tripped over a hole and fell," Achiera replied flatly.

"Ok, no problem. Everything's gonna be just fine. Now put your seatbelt on, we are going to my house," Kaili said as she started the car.


The ringing sound from the phone woke Achiera up from her dream. She reached for the cellphone and pressed the answer button without even seeing the caller id.

"Good morning Miss Achiera. We're from Matthews Group's company. We would like to invite you to do an interview today."

"What? Today? Matthews Group? But what time is it now? I'm not even prepared," Achiera replied in shock.

"Don't worry Miss, you can come once you're ready," The caller replied politely. "And about your CV, we have received it," The caller continued.

"But I have never sent any CV to Matthews Group's company. Maybe you called the wrong person," Achiera answered, still confused.

"If I called the wrong person, there is no way I can get your name correct, right? Your interview was an oder from the higher ups and I'm just an assistant who carry out the orders. Remember, there is no chance that will come twice," The caller said, then ended the call.

With a positive mind, Achiera thought that it might be Kaili that had sent an application for this job opportunity. Because her friend will do anything to help her.

With a strong spirit, Achiera quickly prepared herself to go to the company that had called her for an interview. She still couldn't believe that she would get a job offer at a leading company in this country.

When she arrived at the office, Achiera Grey was immediately got hired to work on that very day.

'But why I have to be a part of cleaning service? I didn't apply for that,' Achiera muttered to herself.

"But the most important thing right now is to work, so I can help grandma. I can resign  from this job, once I land another job that pays more later." Achiera encouraged herself.

"Hey! The new girl, you have to mop all the toilets on the 20th to 35th floors and it must be finished before lunch!!!" The lady commanded in a strong tone. Apparently, she was the senior of this cleaning services' department.

"That means I have to work on 16 floors all by myself. But don't you think that the workload..... is a bit too heavy?" Achiera replied softly.

"If you don't want to get tired, don't come to work!" The lady said, and then left.

Inevitably, Achiera did as what she was told. Today was her first day of work, so she shouldn't disappoint the company that had given her this opportunity.

Willing all of her strength, tough Achiera mopped toilets until the lunch time. After finishing her job, she went have lunch and probably some rest, because she was very tired and hungry. She didn't even got to have breakfast in the morning, as she had to rush for the interview.

But again and again, the same lady would stop her.

"Hey! Who told that you can eat in here. You can't eat as your work is not finished just yet. Make a coffee for the CEO and deliver it to his office."

Without saying anything in return, Achiera immediately went to make a coffee for their boss obediently.

Even before Achiera could knock on the door to the boss's room, a voice could be heard from inside.

"Come inside, I've been waiting for a long time," He said.

Without any hesitation, Achiera went in and said, "Good afternoon, Sir. This is your coffee."

"So, you can talk softly too, huh?" Her boss said with a mocking tone while sitting in a office chair and facing away from the door, who then turned around and gave Achiera the shock of her life.

Prang ....

The sound of glass falling from Achiera's hand filled the room while she stood stiffly.
