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 You will never know how strong you are, until being strong is the only choice you are left with!


"You ...?" Achiera asked, in shock.

"Yes, it's me." Hans replied casually, shaking his proud head.

"Hello, Achiera Grey. We meet again," He replied with a smirk.

"How do you know my name?"

"Shouldn't you call me boss or chief?" Hans said arrogantly.

"Oh, so you're the CEO of Matthews Group? And you're Hans Matthew?" Achiera asked after realizing who actually was the man in front of her.

"Yes, that's me. Why? After you found out who I am, you fell in love with me?" Hans scoffed.

"You wish. If I knew this was your company, I wouldn't even have come to work here in the first place," Achiera replied quickly. "And now, I'm resigning!" She said, then started walking away.

"Resigning?" Hans said coldly. "Go ahead, no one is forbidding you here. Go to the personnel department and submit your resignation letter. Don't forget to pay 2 billion as a compensation as well," Hans said triumphantly.

Achiera was very surprised. "What? compensation? I just joined today and you are asking me to pay 2M?"

"It's your fault, why didn't you read the contract carefully before signing? It clearly states that if you resign before the contract expires, which is five years, you will have to pay 2 bullion in compensation," Hans explained lazily.

"You are lying!" Achiera screamed, she walked closer toward Hans' desk. "Tell me where the hell does such rules would be followed?" she continued angrily.

"In here and only applies for you!" Hans replied coldly while smirking.

"Me? Only me? But why?" Achiera asked innocently.

"Why? Well, I've been waiting for that kind of question." Hans said. "Of course it's all because you have ruined my one year of hard work. And because of you, I lost trillions of money from canceling the cooperation, on which I had my eye on for a long time. And also because of you, I got insulted!!" Hans continued to explain, the man was completely engulfed with flames of anger.

"And in return, I will make you suffer to death!!" Hans threatened sarcastically.

"So you made me work as a cleaning service and you also ordered the cleaning service's department to torture me?" Achiera asked.

"Correct! Exactly. You're smart." Hans laughed.

"Don't get me wrong Mr. Hans Matthew, this is what you call suffering? I won't give up just like that. It's nothing to me and you will burn your beard because you won't see me die!" Achiera challenged firmly.

"Miss Achiera Grey, it's just the beginning of my games and we still have five long years. There are many surprises, waiting just for you," Hans said. He got up from his chair and kissed Achiera's lips as soon as he reached her.

 Instantly Achiera was silenced by Hans' kiss because it was her first kiss and she felt something, a bubbling feeling which she never felt before. But it couldn't stop her from realizing what exactly happened and she immediately tried to push him away from her.

However, all her efforts were in vain. Hans was too strong to resist and the kiss left Achiera breathless.

"You're a terrible kisser!!!" Hans dissed after he let go of her lips.

Achiera pushed Hans as hard as she could in the next second.

"You bastard! You stole my first kiss!" Achiera screamed.

"Be my lady and I will consider my intentions toward you," Hans asked as he lifted Achiera's chin.

Achiera brushed Hans's hand roughly, but that didn't make Hans give up. He even hugged Achiera firmly and kissed Achiera once again.

'Shit, my second kiss was also stolen by him, that too forcibly!' Achiera screamed internally.

Hans was very good at kissing and of course he wanted a partner who was also good at it, so that his lust could burn even more. However, this time was different, he had a partner who didn't know anything and couldn't even kiss him back properly. But somehow she could make him feel very passionate.

'I'm so silly,' Hans thought. He mocked himself for being so passionate about a little girl who was not his type at all.


'Shit ... this woman is too delicious and seductive! I even lost control over my urges, and I'm wanting more of her now,' Hans muttered to himself.

"Let me go ...." Achiera tried to get away from the man. "Don't go too far!!" With all of her strength Achiera tried to break free from her boss's grip.

"Come on Achiera, don't play hard to get. You enjoyed my kiss earlier, didn't you? Be my lady and I will treat you very well," Hans said.

"You're sick!!!" Achiera said as soon as she escaped from Hans' grip.

"Tell me how much it costs you? 1M, 2M, or 3M? You name it," Hans said lightly as he tidying his shirt.

"Many people wanted to be my lady, but why are you trying to play hard to get?" Hans continued arrogantly.

"Many people wanted to be your lady, but that does not mean everyone wants to be your lady," Achiera replied firmly, she was filled with raging anger.

"Ha ha ha, I've seen lots of hypocritical women like you, and the way you played hard to get made me want you even more," Hans said while he pulled Achiera's skirt up.


And,just like that another slap, a second slap got imprinted on to his handsome face, yet again!

"Mr. Hans Matthew, you have to take care of your attitude and behaviour. It maybe true, that many women wanted you and many of them are crazy over your money. But me and my pride would never want you and kneel before your supremacy. And, I can't be bought with your dirty money!!" Achiera said firmly and backed away from the predator like man.

"Don't be arrogant, Achiera. Hans Matthew has never been rejected. Within 24 hours you will come and beg for me yourself," Hans said arrogantly.

"You can continue having your own dreams, but I wouldn't want to do that!" Achiera walked away.

Hans held his cheek which was still hot from Achiera's hard slap.

"That woman is too strong, in less than 24 hours she slapped me twice. Presumptuous!!! You will pay for this!!!" Hans muttered angrily.

"Shit, why is she so hot? Hans junior wants to be released now. Damn it woman, just wait. Within 24 hours I will make you come to me yourself and beg for me. Until then I won't let it go or you!!" Hans thought out loud angrily.

Then he took his cellphone and dialled a number.

"Nadine, we'll meet at the usual place. I need a release."

"Okay, anything for you."

*Tut* Hans ended the call.

"God damn it woman ... damn you! You will see how you will pay for this. You made me leave my job in the middle because you aroused my desire," Hans scolded Achiera.

"Damn! You embarrassed yourself, Hans. Just because a kiss from that woman who couldn't even kiss you back properly made you crave for her like this." Now Hans had to scolded himself.
