Agreement contract

No gift is wasted, everyone wants something in return!


-Woman at the Lowest point-

The morning sun slid in from the gap of the window, as if to force the two sleeping humans to wake up. Achiera woke up because of that, she wanted to get up but felt difficulty in doing so, there was something coiled around her waist making her unable to move.

Achiera turned her face to the side, she found the figure of a handsome athletic man sleeping well, not too far from her. The man's snoring sounded beautiful and regular, and it was those solid arms that held Achiera all night. Made the little woman unconsciously felt comfortable and warm sleeping on the man's arm.

Suddenly forgetting about the pain she felt earlier, Achiera admired the beauty in front of her eyes instead.

'If only you weren't a monster, it wouldn't be too bad if it was you who took my first night. You sleep like this looking so perfect, with thick eyelashes, a sharp nose and a triangle face shape, will be able to hypnotize whoever seen you.  You who are like this ... made people hard to believe that you are a monster with a demon heart.'

Suddenly, Hans moved and made Achiera pretend to be back asleep. Who would have thought, the man's hand moved from her waist to neck, hugged her so tightly that Achiera had difficulty of breathing.


Achiera's cough was caused by the strong hand that hugging her right across her neck.

"Good morning. Sorry to wake you up. At first, I wanted to wake you up and then make love again, because I couldn't help myself. However, it looks like I have to respect your virginity that was just lost," Hans said.

Achiera was speechless and somehow pushed by something, she felt touched hearing this arrogant demonic man, what's wrong with her?

"Why, you who are still a virgin, can so easily give yourself to me? Shouldn't the first night be done with our loved ones?" Hans asked on purpose.

"Mr. Hans ... Whatever my reasons are not your business, the important thing is you didn't suffer any losses."

Hans's jaw tightened as he wanted to pounce upon her, hearing Achiera's harsh reply, but he held himself back.

"Do you hate me?" Hans asked seriously. "Because after all, I have taken advantage of your condition to the point that your purity was snatched away by me!"

"Mr. Hans, you are too generous. Don't worry, it has nothing to do with you. I volunteered, surrendered myself to you and there was no encouragement from anyone. I was the one who want to enjoy more money in an easy way, so that my socialite life is fulfilled." Achiera said, ending their conversation.

"Hmm alright. If we continue to be in this bed, I'm not sure I can hold back my sexual desires. I will go take a shower first, the maid will come with clothes for you," Hans said and immediately left.

"What did I do? Why, I was suddenly touched by his soft words?" Achiera asked herself. She touched her heart. "No ... No ... No ... There must be something wrong with me."

A few moments later, a maid came bringing clothes for Achiera politely.

"Miss, here are your clothes and breakfast is ready downstairs." The maid said pleasantly.

Achiera just smiled. After putting the clothes down on the bed, the maid left.

The seconds that passed were terrifying, between nervousness, fear and feeling stupid with her own self. Meanwhile, Hans, took a shower casually. Achiera heard the man's voice humming happily mixed with the sound of a shower as if it echoed in support to the man's happiness.

When Hans came out of the bathroom, he startled Achiera by suddenly speaking. "I'm done showering, you go shower and come downstairs when you're done. Breakfast is waiting." He said without looking at the astonished expression that appeared on Achiera's face.

The man came out of the bathroom wearing only a towel, deliberately showing off the beauty of his body. Indeed it seems to have succeeded in making Achiera feel amazed.

"What's wrong?" Hans asked. He suddenly spoke right into Achiera's ear. "Did you just get blown away by my body fitness?"

Upon hearing that thing made the woman's cheek flush red.

"Well, that's me. It's natural if you're fascinated. I'm rich, popular, and supported by my handsome face as well as my good body." Hans boasted.

"I'm warning you first, I'm a man who has never been serious in a relationship, I've never been in love. So you better not fall in love with me, if you do, your heartbreak is on your own!"

Then Hans put on his pants shamelessly in front of Achiera.

Achiera spontaneously covered her face with both hands. Hans noticed Achiera's spontaneous action, mischievously pushed aside Achiera's hand that covered her own face.

Hans saw Achiera's face filled with a red hue.

"Why? Feeling shy to see me naked?  Didn't we spend hours naked together without any clothes last night?" Hans teased and immediately kissed Achiera's lips.

"Hurry up and take a shower! Because if you don't, I won't hesitate to eat you first before enjoying my breakfast! Or ... Do you want to make love again?" Hans asked as he put his hand into the blanket that covered Achiera's body.

Achiera immediately brushed Hans's hand away and quickly went to the bathroom, not forgetting to wrap her body in a blanket first.

That made Hans laugh.

"In two hours my lawyer will come with a letter of agreement that you must sign." Hans screamed. The roaring sounded clear.

In the bathroom, Achiera calmed herself and her mind. Back and forth she hit her left and right cheeks, as if to remind her to quickly wake up and get rid of feelings that aroused unnaturally in her heart.

"Achiera Grey, Hans is a demon! Don't fall for him! Where is your pride and ethics that you hold?" Achiera said many times to remind herself.

After taking a shower, Achiera came down to meet Hans at the dining table.

"That shirt is very suitable for you to wear, and indeed it was specially made for you. It turns out that my efforts in measuring every inch of your body last night were not in vain, the proof is that I can get a very suitable clothes like this!" Again Hans boasted with a wink.

This man kept on talking vulgarly like that, Achiera grumbled to herself.

"Hello, good morning everyone!" The man, who had just arrived said. The man was roughly around the same age as Hans. "Hans this is the agreement document that you asked for," He continued while handing over a brown envelope.

Hans shifted the document over to Achiera.

"Read carefully, then sign!" He ordered, not forgetting to give Achiera a pen.

After Achiera read, she immediately signed. After all, everything had happened already, right?  Why else would she protest with such an absurd letter of agreement, which only contains:

—Must be there when Hans needs Achiera.

—Don't betray Hans.

—Don't go near any other man.

— Don't talk for more than 3 minutes to the other men!

—And no physical contact such as shaking hands with a stranger!

Achiera who saw the contents of the agreement could only shake her head then massage her head which felt full.

Maybe this man had some kind of acute illness that went undetected, Achiera thought.

Obediently without commenting, Achiera signed the agreement paper. After all, she was also not interested in getting to know a new man.

Achiera kept stirring her food with the spoon, she had no intention of eating. Her thoughts drifted away to her younger brother who was still in a coma.

She hadn't contacted Ferisha since last night when she got the news, and now she didn't know about Steven's condition. She had to transfer the money immediately or if it's allowed, go home for a moment to see how her siblings and grandmother were doing.

"Why don't you eat your food? Is it bad or not your taste?" Hans hissed and suddenly made Achiera jump.

"Am I so scary? In fact, I only spoke softly," Hans protested.

Gleg! Achiera swallowed her saliva.

"Mr. Hans!!" Achiera called softly.

Achiera's call sounded so sweet giving a special pleasure for Hans' ears, he felt that Achiera had softened and would be ready to be conquered.

"Just the contract agreement that I signed, I will always be there whenever you need me." She said. Her cheeks flushed red remembering the meaning of the word.

"But can I ask for day off for only 3 days, not working nor meeting you?" Achiera begged very softly.

"You want to run away after getting my money?" Hans inquired quickly.

"No, I've signed the contract and even if I run, I'm sure that you will be able to find me easily." Achiera explained, convincing Hans.

"Well, alright. You can take 3 days off. But I have a condition and you have no authority to refuse it!" The man said coldly.

"Okay, no problem. Whatever the conditions!" Achiera replied quickly.

"You will stay in here as long as our contract runs." Hans said firmly.

"Because it's impossible for me to come to visit you every night at your rental house. I have to keep your good name around you anyway!" Hans explained.

"Also, I wouldn't possibly make love in a place like that, no soft bed and stuff!" Hans said arrogantly.

"But this is too far from the office, and there are no taxi around here, also the place to wait for the bus is too far!" Achiera explained.

"I told you, you do not have the authority to refuse, problem regarding going to the office, you can go together with me or the driver will pick you up!" Hans refused quickly.

Achiera was silent, she knew that Hans was the boss.

"Because you have to take 3 days off and I can't fuck you for the next 3 days, of course I have to do something that will make us miss each other. I think the time to respect the loss of your virginity is up!" Hans said, he immediately carried Achiera and walked towards his room.
