
"Stop Blaming the situation. Take risks, dream bigger and hope bigger."

-Achiera Grey (Quotes)-

Hans threw Achiera on the bed gently, and immediately after he climbed onto her pinning her beneath him. He started kissing her lips fervently and meanwhile, managed to undress Achiera's shirt so that the woman was half naked.

Hans didn't hold back anymore and immediately grabbed Achiera's body, no foreplay or softness. Only thought on his mind to claim her as he tore apart her panties and pants down her legs. Roughly he opened the woman's thighs, without further ado connected his body to Achiera who wasn't actually ready to accept his manhood.

Hans thrusted his manhood deeply. Not wanting to delay another second to seek pleasure, he moved his hand to touch Achiera's breasts very skillfully, as if he already knew every inch of the woman's body. He pushed aside the bra that prevented him from seeing the red peaches hidden under it.

Then his hot lips fell over her right nipple, playing it with his skilful tongue. While his left hand was busy wringing the other breast. It was very hot, burning Achiera's whole body, making her unconsciously moan and shudder.

"Ahhh ...!"

Unconsciously the sound escaped Achiera's mouth, she was dazed at the feeling of turmoil spreading through her body. Hans was very experienced, while she was still a beginner, he didn't hold back to treat her with these strange things.

"Yes, Achiera keep moaning, say my name!" Hans commanded hoarsely because of the lust that filled him, while he continued to burry himself inside Achiera's burrow.

He was confused, why this little woman always made him feel extremely passionate, there would always be a different sensation that he never got from the women he had slept with. The stinging pleasure he always managed to get from this little woman made Hans realize; he needed Achiera to fulfill his sexual needs.

"Aaah ...."

A groan of pleasure escaped Hans's mouth as he exploded inside Achiera's body. He didn't want to rush to let go, while he dived his head into the crook of Achiera's neck, felt his heartbeat and Achiera's fast beating hand in hand.

After his breathing returned to normal, he lay down beside Achiera and hugged her very tightly.

"Woaah ...."

The word just came out of Hans' mouth and managed to make Achiera's cheeks flush with heat. He gently kissed Achiera's neck. His sharp blue eyes stared deeply into Achiera's eyes.

"You really drive me crazy. How am I supposed to live without you these next three days? I will go crazy." He said and laid snuggling close to her. Those words melted a little bit of Achiera's frozen icy heart.

After taking shower for one more time, both of them got ready to leave for work.

Achiera took the card that Hans gave her last night and immediately went to visit her younger brother where she grew up, not forgetting to write a letter to Hans which said;

Mr. Hans, thank you so much for your help. I'm excusing myself and  will see you in three days.

—Achiera Grey—

She wrote and left, without looking back again.

When she arrived in the city where she grew up,  she went straight to the hospital from the airport without wasting a second. She could not wait to know the condition of her beloved brother. She have to see him as soon as possible.

"Achiera!" Ferisha called as soon as she saw that Achiera arrived in the hospital.

"How is Steven?" Achiera asked in panic.

"You can see it yourself. Come on ... We will go to his room now," Ferisha said while she pulled Achiera's hand.

Arriving at the door of the incentive room, the tears that she had been holding back since yesterday immediately fell down Achiera's cheeks. She opened the door and immediately put on special sterile clothes to visit patients who needed special treatment.

Tik ... Tik ... Tik, the sound of life-support tools filled the room.

Achiera saw a body lying languidly with a pale face there, she walked over to the bed.

"How is his condition, Doctor?" She weakly asked the doctor who was in his brother's room.

"He is strong, it's a miracle he still survived after such a terrible accident. But the accident damaged his internal organs and we will try to repair his damaged organs as best we can with the best possible care. We also had to do the surgery immediately because there was a blood clot in his brain. Steven is in a critical condition, and he's been in a coma since the accident and whatever medical treatment we planned for him carries a high risk, but it will be even more risky if we don't do the surgery as soon as possible. We can't wait any longer because it would endanger his life," The doctor explained to Achiera.

"Okay, Doc. Do whatever is best for my brother," Achiera said dryly.

"Alright, we will do our best." The doctor said. "We will prepare the operation room." The doctor continued.

Achiera approached Steven and kissed his hand. Her heart felt very painful as if she had been punctured by a sharp object but was still deliberately poured with salt water to increase the pain.

"You have to recover, don't make my efforts go in vain. I'm doing this for you. I really love you, and don't want to lose you," She said quietly.

"I will do anything for you. Remember, that I will do anything!" She continued, sobbing.

Achiera exited the intensive room and went to the administration room.  After that, she went to her grandmother's room.  Thankfully, her grandmother's condition had improved, allowing Achiera to breathe a little easier. According to the doctor, her grandmother was able to go home today.

"Hey grandma, how are you?" Achiera said to her grandmother who was eating.

"My Achiera, you came home?" Her grandmother exclaimed and hugged Achiera immediately. The tears swirled in her grandmother eyes were noticed by Achiera and she immediately lifted her fingers, wiping away those from her grandma's cheeks.

"Wait, what is it? I'm home, why are you crying? Aren't you happy to see me coming home?" Achiera scolded, trying to cheer up. She did not want to show her sadness to anyone, including her grandmother.

"The doctor has allowed Grandma to go home, so now you have to eat a lot to get home quickly," She continued with a beautiful smile.

For Heaven's sake, only God knows what she felt.

"Here, I'll feed grandma. You have to finish it, okay?" Achiera teased as she fed the rice into her grandmother's mouth.

A few moments later, after her grandmother finished eating, she told her grandmother to sleep and rest. After her grandmother fell asleep, she left.

She planned to buy a decent house for her grandmother and her siblings, using the remaining money she got from Hans. After buying that house, she invited her grandmother and Ferisha to their new house.

"Now grandma and my younger siblings can live in here. No one will throw grandma out anymore. This house is already in grandma's name." Achiera said as soon as they arrived to their new house.

"Where did you get the money to buy this?  While you had just started working," Her grandmother asked.


Achiera had expected her grandmother to say that and she had already prepared her answer.

"Grandma, I'm new to work, but I asked our company to pay my salary up front. The term is a loan, and one that will be deducted in half from my salary every month," Achiera replied quickly.  She didn't know since when Achiera was good at lying like that, but it's even more impossible to tell the truth.

"Grandma trusts you because I'm sure you won't do anything against my advice," The grandmother replied, kissing her granddaughter's forehead very gently. Upon hearing this, unconsciously Achiera's tears spilled but was quickly wiped away by her, so it won't arise a question from her grandmother.


When you were together with people you care about, time seemed to spin ten times faster, maybe that's how Achiera felt. Steven's surgery went well, although there was no sign that her brother will wake up soon, and her grandmother's condition has also improved a lot. Her three days were up and now it was time to return to the capital city.

"Grandma, I have to go back to work. Take care of yourself here. Don't get sick anymore or I'll be sad," Achiera asked while kissing her grandmother's aged cheeks.

"Ferisha ... I have to go back, I entrusted grandma as well as Steven to you. If something bad happens, call me immediately. Don't forget to give grandmother's medicine regularly," She continued while she hugged her beloved sister.

It was actually hard for her to leave her family in here. But she had to go back because there was a responsibility that was already placed on her shoulders. Like it or not she had to go to the capital city.

The plane that Achiera took had landed, meaning that she arrived at the airport of the capital city of the Country F, shortly after the notification from the airline.

She got off and exited the airport, planning to hail a taxi to return to the rental house.

During these 3 days, Hans didn't call her and she didn't have Hans's number either.  In order to return home according to the agreement, Achiera did not know the address to get there.

"Achiera ...." A man called while waving his hand.

Achiera was so shocked to see who had come to pick her up.

"You ...??" Achiera asked in surprise.