
This longing is strange. Can't be seen but feels heavy to bear. And the only medicine is to meet. Come on baby, or I'll be empty.

—Hans Matthew—



"You? Um, sorry, I mean Mr. Hans. What are you doing in here? What a coincidence." Achiera asked once Hans reached her.

"What if I say it was not a coincidence but I was deliberately waiting here for picking you up?" Hans replied while squinting his eyes.

"Picking me up? Haha ... You are too good at joking." Achiera said as she pulled her suitcase.

"Achiera Grey, please listen to me. I came to this airport on purpose to pick you up. The car is there, come on, let me take your suitcase." He said and immediately pulled Achiera's suitcase.

"But ... How do you know I was at the airport?" Achiera asked with a confused expression.

Hans stopped and reached out for Achiera's hand.

"It is not a difficult thing to know the whereabouts of those we love, because instinct will help," He said then continued walking.


Arriving at the car, Hans immediately pulled Achiera into his arms. He hugged the woman so strong for a long time, as if he had not seen her for several years.

"Achiera Grey, during these 3 days I missed you so much, it felt like something important is missing in my life when I don't see you. I constantly find myself looking forward to the day when you will finally come back to me. "

Achiera smiled a little and her eyes were devoid of any particular emotion with a poker face. Hans seemed to understand the woman's mind.

"Achiera ...," Hans called. Then he grabbed Achiera's hand gently and looked into her eyes.

"What I actually mean by missing is different. I am empty when you are not here, by my side. I don't know why, I feel so strange about you, this is really not normal. I have tried to hold myself back, but here I am, missing you more and more. I feel like I always want to be by your side, like this," He continued, kissing her forehead.

"This longing is not like the longing you have in mind, I'm not a sex maniac, I can handle it if it's only about that. Yes, although as you know, I am very passionate and satisfied when we had sex and I have never gotten that from any woman I have slept with!" He said then he pecked the woman's lips softly.

"I've thought it through, I think I'm in love with you, Achiera Grey."


"I know it's too fast, maybe you can't believe me now. I will show you my sincerity. Anyways, I'm Hans Matthew if I say I want to chase you, then no one would dare to argue with me." Hans said dominantly.

Who knew if the man's words could make Achiera's heart bloom like a flower that was suddenly getting water after a long period of drought. But it was clearly seen on her face as a smile appeared on her thin lips.


"Achiera, you can go upstairs and rest. I will prepare a meal for us, you must be hungry. I haven't eaten either." Hans said when they got home.

"But ... It will be very troublesome for you, let me do it." Achiera refused.

"I told you I'm chasing you. So, let me do it for you."

"You can cook?"

"If not, will I offer to cook? Do you think I like to embarrass myself?"

"Well, alright. You're the best." Without thinking through, Achiera said that.

"Am I the best? Is it a sign that you will give me a chance to chase you?"

Achiera's cheeks flushed as she recalled the words that just came out of her mouth, because she didn't want to be teased continuously by the man, she quickly fled to the room.

Seeing her flustered self, Hans smiled sarcastically as if something sinister brewing inside his demonic mind.


"Mrs. Matthew, meal is ready. Are you planning to go downstairs or—" He deliberately hung up his meaningful words while towering over Achiera.

"Would like to take a shower with me first?" He continued while flashing his mischievous smile.

Without giving him any answer Achiera rushed downstairs immediately.

While eating, Hans would constantly show his concern for Achiera, like peeling shrimp shells, handing her cutlery, giving a drink when Achiera was choking and didn't forget to feed her, like a good lover. Achiera's heart was getting more and more chaotic, beating faster and faster by each passing second. She tried to reject what she felt, especially when Hans expressed his feelings blatantly.

To avoid the awkwardness in her heart, she chose to go to bed early.


"You're sleeping early, why? Is it because of me?"

"Um, Mr. Hans—"

Achiera had not had time to finish her words when Hans cut her off mid-sentence.

"Achiera, call me Hans, ok? Don't be so formal with me, just keep in mind that I'm chasing you."

"Okay, Mr ... I mean, Hans." Achiera answered softly.

Hans sat close beside her, hugged Achiera as he reassured her with his words.

"May I touch you? I really desire to be near you. I've tried to endure it, but failed. You know right if I don't get my lust out of my system, it will hurt a lot!"

"You bought me, and we are still under a contractual agreement. You don't need to ask what you are allowed or not to do, according to the contents of the contract you are in control of everything."

"The hell with that contract!" Hans sad as he grabbed Achiera's chin.

"That's not valid anymore, from the very moment when I realized I was in love with you. I will only touch you when you're willing to and give me a chance to show my sincerity."

Achiera was silent without a word, her heart really trembled at the acknowledgment, no one had treated her like this before. This was the first time she had felt so valued by a fellow human, and it made her cry with joy.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you crying? Did I hurt you or I said something wrong?" Hans asked, surprised when he saw the string of tears in Achiera's eyes.

"Ah ... No ... No. I just feel that something's wrong with my health lately," Achiera lied.

"What? You're sick?" Hans asked. He touched the woman's forehead, worry clearly visible on his face.

"No, not fever. My stomach is hurting badly!" Achiera frowned slightly from the pain in her stomach, it was becoming more and more to endure.

"Okay, can you hold it for a bit? I will call Dexter."

"Akh ... Hans no need to call Dexter. I think I'm just having my period and usually it feels torturous on the first day, but soon it'll get better." Achiera explained while holding back Hans from getting out of bed.

"I'll check and clean myself up, you wait here." She continued and stood up immediately.

However, when Achiera stood up, she saw a blood stain from her menstruation had stuck to the bed.

"Fuck, I'm sorry. I'll clean it up as soon as I finish cleaning myself," Achiera said and immediately ran to the suitcase where she kept her pad.

Who would have thought that when Achiera turned around, she saw Hans cleaning the bloodstain himself.

"Hans, what are you doing? It's not right! You can't do that. It's dirty, I will do that myself. Don't make me pay more for it."

"Pay more? It looks like you have to pay for this, by giving me an opportunity to chase you. "

"Hans ...," She called softly.

"What is wrong Miss Grey? Is it something wrong with this stained blood? At least this blood reminds me that I was your first man and you're my first and last virgin women in my life," He said and continued cleaning the bloodstain.

Achiera was stunned by Hans's words, she thought that if this guy treats her very well a little more then she would definitely melt away.

"If you continue standing right here, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold myself back. I won't hesitate anymore and forget that you're menstruating. Go clean yourself, I'll make this bed for us."

"I'll do it, you sit down. After I tidy it up I will clean myself."

"Why?  Do you think I'm not used to doing chores like this? I am the only rich man in the world who is good at cooking, can tidy up the house and much more," Hans replied arrogantly. "And do you think I can only fuck you but can not help you with this bloodstain? Just go clean yourself or do you want me to clean you myself later?" He continued with his signature smile.

Achiera rushed to the bathroom. Once inside, she leaned against the door feeling her heart beating wildly as if she had just been chased after by a dog, her chest continued to pound relentlessly.

She couldn't think straight anymore as she only had Hans in her mind now.

"Have I fallen in love, or is this just a hormonal phase from being lonely for too long?" Achiera asked herself quietly.

"To be honest, only time can answer this, Achiera I hope you know yourself better, remember who you are!" She said repeatedly warning herself.