Try to win hearts

"If I said I'm loving someone, I would do everything in my power to make them happy, I promise you Achiera!"

_Hans Matthew_


The days went better, Hans no longer asked the cleaning service department to harass Achiera. It seemed that the man meant what he said and he even offered Achiera to be Hans's exclusive secretary. However, Achiera refused, reasoning with him that their relationship should not be too obvious.

Achiera also asked not to use the services from household assistants. At first, Hans refused, but when the woman said that she should be more responsible for everything Hans needed at home, Hans relented.

"Alright Achiera, seduce me then you will win." Hans said to himself again.

So Hans ended up moving all of his household assistants back to his massion.


Leaving early from work, Achiera stopped by the supermarket to buy groceries for herself. Hans had a dinner appointment with colleagues, so tonight, Achiera would be eating alone, all by herself.

When she got back to home, she put the groceries she bought in the kitchen and immediately took a shower and wore casual home clothes.

After that, she came back to the kitchen to cook.

She glanced around and saw every corner of the apartment where she lived.


Achiera took a long breath.

'This is too luxurious and too much,' She thought.

In this place she was alone now, even if there was Hans, that man would only spend his time in his study room and Achiera could only accompany him there being in silence. She would sit on the sofa reading a novel to pass the time.

Hans was a hardworking man, he would even work for 18 hours in a day and only returned to the room when he wanted to sleep.

Achiera arranged the groceries that were bought earlier into the giant refrigerator, actually it looked ridiculous to see that the fridge was so big but empty.

Afterward, she took 3 eggs, sausages, mushrooms, onions and vegetables. After dicing them, she wisked them all together. The action was interrupted when her cellphone rang.

"Achiera Grey, where have you been??! Do you know how worried I am? These few weeks you didn't even answer my calls, I even went to your rental house and they said you haven't been home in a long time!"

Kaili spoke without pausing, of course in her trademark shrill voice.

"Alright, alright, I was wrong okay."

"Yes, exactly, you're wrong!"

"A lot of things have happened over the past few weeks and I can't just say it all on a phone call alone."

"Alright, we will meet tomorrow. I'll send you the address."

"Okay, I have to hang the phone up, I'm cooking right now."

*Tut* the call ended.

Achiera continued cooking, the aroma spread in the entire kitchen.

"Hmm, it smells delicious." The sound suddenly appeared and made Achiera gasp in surprise making her almost dropping the bowl of egg mix.

"Eh, Hans. Since when were you standing there? Did you just had a shower?" Achiera asked still in a state of shock when she saw Hans already leaning against the door of the refrigerator in his casual clothes.

"Since I saw you slicing vegetables and you picked up your phone," He answered and hugged Achiera from behind. His warm breath caressed the hair on top of her head, since he was a head taller than her.

"What did you cook? Is that an omelette?" He continued while placing his chin on Achiera's shoulder.

"Yes, something like that, but this is the simplest one. Hans can you let go of me? I can't focus." Achiera asked softly.

"I won't disrub you, I will just hug you while watching you cook. If you can't keep focus, blame yourself, why are you too sensitive?" He said teasing Achiera while biting Achiera's earlobe gently. It made Achiera shudder, a triumphant smile clearly visible on Hans's face.

"Cook one for me." He continued.

Achiera turned her head at Hans's request. "Didn't you have an appointment of dinner, are you still hungry?"

"I didn't eat in there. And I think, I prefer the omlet made by your hands." Hans said while holding Achiera's hand tightly and still hugging her from behind.

Hans's impulsive attitude made Achiera feel giddy, she turned around to face Hans and with a little tiptoe, she immediately kissed the forehead of the man who hugged her.

"Alright, you go to the dinning table."

"What was that? A bribe kiss or a kiss because you would allow me to chase you?" Hans asked.

"Hans Matthew!!!" Achiera said, her cheeks always managed to blush when teased by Hans and it was crystal clear this time too.

 "Okay, I'll wait at the dining table. I can't stand seeing you flushing red like a boiled shrimp," said Hans and ran as if he was afraid of being thrown with vegetables by Achiera.


"Achiera, you can go to meet your friend, it's not a problem at all." He said when they got to the room.

"Really?" Achiera asked hopefully.

"Anything for you, as long as you're happy." Hans replied and pulled Achiera into his arms.

They held each other for a long time until they exploded inside Achiera. Falling asleep due to fatigue until morning without clothes had become their trademark routine.
