
Little by little my defenses crumbled down, I am defeated by your love which is now starting to penetrate even my bone marrow.

^Achiera Grey^

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"Thinking of me?"

The source of the sound  menatlly kicked off Achiera who was daydreaming.

The low but deep voice made her jump and almost fell, if it was not for Hans who deftly helped her steady on to her feet, she would be kissing the ground by now.

Achiera's eyes met the blue eyes of the man who was the object of her current thoughts, which were now only 3cm away from her eyes.

"Ah ... Hans. What are you doing in here?" Achiera said trying to cover her nervousness.

"This is my office, so I'm free to go anywhere. Do I need permission to go anywhere in my own office?" Hans replied arrogantly.

"Ah, no, you don't. it's just that this is a public toilet. Would a president like you use a public toilet? Don't you already have a private toilet in your room? "

Hans smiled sweetly and Achiera felt that she was floored before his charms.

"Before I answer the question, are you planning to keep leaning on me for the whole day? I don't mind if we have to do it in this toilet now."

Hans's voice was husky, teasing Achiera deliciously and sending a shiver through her spine.

"You great seducer! I can stand alone!" Achiera replied and immediately looked away, hiding the blush that was now creeping on to her cheeks.

"It's too late, buggy demon!" Hans immediately kissed Achiera, passionately and excitedly as if they had not kissed for a long time, even though it was last night only that they had done it round after round.

The sound of conversation and approaching footsteps made Achiera startled, aware of her behavior, she quickly pushed Hans and immediately ran to get a broom to get back to work.

Hans laughed watching Achiera's behavior.  After tidying up himself, he stepped a little away from the toilet door and spoke softly to the employee who wanted to enter the toilet.

Achiera peeked outside through the gap left by th open door, wanting to see how the ice block man would speak and reply to the people's greetings.

"Damn Hans, idiot, bastard! He can act friendly with the employees with such practiced ease. Meanwhile, he almost got me in trouble!" She grumbled as she got back to work.

"Damn, idiot, bastard! Bravo, Miss Grey," Hans said, God knows why he was still in the toilet. "Wise people often say, if someone is irritated to the point of cursing and chanting your name, it is a sign of 'being upset with jealousy'.  So, can I conclude that you are jealous because I spoke very kindly to them, like you said earlier?" Hans said while narrowing an eye.

"No, how can I get jealous when I have no rights over things like that!" Achiera replied then looked away.

Her sad eyes were clearly seen by Hans, and that made him unhappy for no apparent reason. He just felt that sad Achiera was painful for him to look at.

Hans walked toward Achiera and hugged her tightly from behind.

"Don't say words that I don't want to hear! You have the rights over me, remember you're mine forever!" He said, convincing Achiera.

"Later after work come to my room, I have a lot of work to do today. I want you to accompany me in there so I will have more spirit. Remember, don't go home immediately, alright?" Hans continued while pecking Achiera's forehead and as if he didn't need her consent, he immediately walked away.


After finishing work hours Achiera sneaked into Hans's room. And, when she wanted to knock on the door, the door opened from inside suddenly even before she could raise her hand. However, there were no one on the other side of the door, which meant the door got opened itself.

"Hans, how come the door got opened all by itself?" She asked in surprise.

Hans was too serious that he didn't notice Achiera coming inside the room. Achiera saw that how seriously Hans was focused on the laptop while typing, suddenly a feeling of awe landed in the girl's heart.

And as if she didn't want to continue the conversation, she went to brew coffee for Hans, after seeing the empty cup on the table near the sofa.

A few minutes later, she came with a mug of coffee in her hand, and again witnessed Hans who was very serious at work.

Not wanting to disturb the man, she put the coffee mug on Hans's desk and thought she would be better off to go and sit on the sofa.

 However, just after taking a few steps, Hans voice came from behind Achiera and stopped her footsteps.

"When did you actually came, seeing that you already made coffee for me?" Hans said and shifted his attention from his laptop to her.

He stretched his legs and leaned back in his proud chair, as if he wanted to stretch his stiff muscles from sitting too long.

"Not long, just a few minutes ago," Achiera replied while staring at Hans.

"You can sit on the sofa and do whatever that won't make you bored; like reading, watching movies, etc. Or you can take a shower. That door leads to a bedroom, inside the bedroom there's a cupboard with clothes for you and me," Hans said after he took a sip of his coffee while pointing his chin to the door on his left.

Hans caught Achiera's shocked expression and that managed to make him laugh.

"No need to be surprised like that, these days I actually have a lot of work deadlines. I couldn't possibly bring everything home, it would be a waste of time. So I just told my secretary to buy some clothes for us. The goal is that you can also accompany me while I'm rotting in work, in here," Hans explained and took another sip of his coffee.

"Because after being with you for a while, now I'm getting used to having you beside me. I'm afraid my focus will fail if you're not here with me."

Achiera frowned when she heard Hans' words.

'Oh God, this man has turned into a master huckster,' she thought and went to take a shower.

After Achiera was done with her shower and changing clothes from the very wardrobe Hans mentioned earlier, she came back to Han's room. Hans was indeed the smartest in choosing clothes for her. When she arrived at Hans's office, she found that the man was still seriously engrossed in his documents and laptop.

Not wanting to disturb him, Achiera sat on the sofa and took her tab to watch something. She was watching with such intent that she didn't realize that there were a pair of eyes that had been staring at her sharply.

"Ekhem ... You are so serious about watching, can you cook like that?" Hans said suddenly making Achiera jump in freight.

Achiera stared at Hans, the man was now leaning on the sofa, sipping his coffee.

Achiera looked away from him and focused her attention back to watching.

"Ahh ... No, I just remember something. Back when I was a kid my mom used to cook like this on holidays. And our family enjoyed it while relaxing on the edge—"

Achiera stopped her words in mid-sentence, because she didn't want Hans to know the condition of her family in the past.

"On the edge? On the edge of what? Why didn't you continue?" Hans asked.

"Ahhh no ... it is in the past, no need to dig. I just remembered," Achiera replied while smiling wryly.

"There's nothing wrong with reminiscing about the past, as long as we don't get shackled by the past. Do you know, the past is actually like this coffee," Hans took another sip of coffee. "Sometimes it makes you sleepless, it's bitter but there are always things. Like sweet things. Because the past does not always tell about bad things. Like you said memories of your mother. Those are beautiful memories, and make it your motivation," Hans explained.

"Looks like this young master of the Matthew family is very articulate. Does everyone know this side of you?"  Achiera teased with a laugh.

 Hans laughed too seeing Achiera's behavior.

'This woman, doesn't she know I'm trying to calm her down? Can't she return her gratitude by hugging me by now, instead she is laughing and teasing me that I'm talking a lot,' Hans thought

"I have never met a woman like you before," Hans said still in laughter.

Achiera stopped laughing and turned toward Hans in confusion. "A woman like me?" Achiera asked, pointing at her nose.

"Yah, right. Innocent, and not trying to manipulate me." Hans winked an eye at her. "And can still blush red all over her skin, even though I have touched it several times already." Hans teased Achiera.

This time Achiera not only flinched in surprise, but even choked on the tea she had been drinking. She immediately put the glass down and looked at Hans warily. The man was also taking a leisurely sip of his coffee, as if there was nothing wrong with what he said just now, but his sharp blue eyes stared at Achiera from the top of his mug.

"You're like a cat that has just been caught stealing fish. Caught in fear." Hans smiled sensually. "Does my aggressive way of making love hurt you?"

Achiera's cheeks flushed like boiled shrimp at Hans's blunt words.

"See, look at yourself. I just spoke a few words and your face has already turned red. To top it, I haven't touched you at all since you entered this room. I was thinking, is it true that I hurt you when we were making love intensely?" Hans continued his words.

"Akh, n-no ... No. It's not like that, I'm just not used to it."

Achiera swallowed her non-existent saliva, when she saw Hans moving behind from the sofa to stand before her and looked at her intensely.

 "Then, there's nothing I can do, but get you used to it, right?" Hans immediately kissed Achiera and carried her to the room inside his office.