
"Jealousy makes me lose control of myself, and forget that I'm in charge of everything, in fact, the never changing truth is I'm the boss!!

_Hans Matthew_


Hans left Achiera to sleep after their intense activity, while he continued doing his work. When he could finally extract himself the work, he turned to look at the clock which said it was 23.00 sharp. So, he planned to wake Achiera up so that they could to go home.

Achiera was fast asleep and only wore a blanket to cover her body. A feeling of amusement engulfed Hans's heart.

 "Am I making her so tired that she can't even get up for a second to get dressed?" Hans muttered quietly as he sat on the side of the bed.

 Unconsciously Hans stroked Achiera's hair gently, and later he helped her put on some clothes.

 He laughed watching the sleeping girl, who didn't even stir in her sleep while Hans had deliberately moved Achiera's body somewhat rough to get her dressed.

"Damn, troublemaker demon! Doesn't have the slightest sense of security. I purposely shook her body while putting on clothes, so I could see the embarrassed expression on her face. Still, she didn't wake up. Sleeping just like she had taken some damn sleeping pill. Luckily I'm the one by her side right now, what if it was another man? Will she let that man take advantage of her too?"

The very mention of 'another man' in his thoughts annoyed him to great extent, when he imagined that his intruding demon might be touched by someone else. Hans gritted his teeth angrily.

 "No one can touch her, but me!" Hans said and immediately carried Achiera to the car.

 Arriving at the car, Hans put Achiera on the passenger seat very slowly, so that the girl would not wake up. Not forgetting, he adjusted the back of the chair to a slight angle, so that Achiera could sleep comfortably.

 During the trip, Hans mind was all filled with the words he earlier said mentioning 'another man'. He was very upset about it. Especially when he thought what if Achiera went away from him one day and start living with another man.

"That won't do, I won't let that happen!" Hans whisper-shouted as he swerved the car.

 "Achiera, forever you will continue to be in my grasp!" he continued talking to Achiera.

 "Damn demon! I'm too soft on you. That doesn't mean you can forget where you stand in my life. To think that you're the first woman I carried! Urgh!!! It makes me so annoyed with myself! I don't like it when I'm under someone's control, you should be the one to be under my control. I hate my attitude that was consciously caring about you. No Achiera ... you can't control me. My only goal is to pretend to love you so that you will fall in love with me, and now it seems, it worked. You have wholeheartedly surrendered to me, and the real game will start now!" Hans growled while adjusting Achiera on the chair, planning to leave.

"Ste ... v," Achiera whispered deliriously.

 Hans immediately turned around as fast as lightning to face Achiera. "What? What did this woman say just now?" Hans grumbled, frowning.

 "Steven ...," Achiera muttered again.

 This time Achiera was delirious and said Steven's name very clearly, and even Hans saw that there was a tear at the corner of her eye.

 Hans clenched his jaws in anger.  Who was this man being called by this girl? He had investigated Achiera before, and during her entire life before him, Achiera had never been close with any man.

 Hans shook Achiera body harshly who was still fast asleep on the convertible chair, and that managed to prompt Achiera to open her innocent eyes wide in confusion, mixed with surprise at the angry expression on Hans's face.

 "How dare you!" Hans snapped harshly.

 "How dare you say another man's in front of me and cry for him!" Hans shrieked as he tore open her clothes and claimed Achiera again.

 "As it turns out, I spoiled the things I bought too much, to make you forget about your place!" Hans continued shouting while thrusting mercilessly in and out of Achiera's already swollen sex.

 This time Hans was different from his usual self. He was too harsh and fiery. He no longer bothered to hold himself back. With his skills, he managed to make Achiera surrender into his arms.


Achiera woke up and felt her body aching all over, especially her nether regions were extremely soar. For some reason, unknown to her, Hans made love as if he was crazy last night.

 She wrapped herself in the blanket and wanted to take a shower. However, when she was about to step into the toilet, she heard a noisy conversation outside.  It was Hans, but who was the woman he was talking to?

 Achiera's curiosity got better of her, she wanted to know who Hans was talking to. 

So she leaned her ear against the door and overheard their conversation.

 "Hans, who is that woman? You have the heart to do something like this to me. You even took her to the house you prepared for me, you've changed Hans! You not only brought her to the house, but also to the room that was supposed to be our room. How can you put her there? I hate you!" Hazel screamed angrily.

"I should ask you the questions here, not the other way. What are you trying to do here coming to my house?" Hans asked coldly.

 "Hans, what is this? How can you question me like this? Hans, I am your first love!"

 "My first love was dead, when she left me for the money that I'm lack of then!"

 "Hans, I know I was wrong. I am very sorry and I just realized that I never stopped loving you. That man always torments me, he is not like you at all. I beg you, only you can help me."

 "My house is not a stopover! You're already gone and don't expect to come back again!"

 "Hans, look at me in the eye. I'm sure you still love me," Hazel asked, pulling Hans's face.

"Hazel ...!" Hans screamed.  "Go away, I don't want to see you," he continued quietly and walked away.

 Hazel grabbed Hans and hugged him from behind, as if she didn't want to be left behind. And, when Hans pushed Hazel hard, she fell backward on to ground.

 "Hazel I'm sorry, are you okay?" Hans looked very worried and went straight to her.

 "Hans, I'm sick !!" Hazel moaned in pain while crying.

 The tears that were streaming her small face made Hans's heart ache. He also admitted his stupidity. Why should he still love the girl who betrayed him, left him when he was struggling to give her a proper life in the world.

He took Hazel into a hug as warm tears fell from hi eyes. Pain was clearly visible on Hans's face. Behind the door, Achiera saw and heard everything clearly, also saw Hans who was hugging the girl emotionally while crying too. It caused an unusual pain in her heart. She accidentally leaned back against the door and Hans heard the sound of the door.

 Hans went to take Hazel to the guest room, because she turned pale.

 "Hans, I have cancer and now it's stage 2. I beg you, stay with me. I don't have much time. Don't make me go away regretting that you didn't forgive me," Hazel said quietly.

 "Are you serious?"  Hans asked, surprised.

Hazel handed a medical check up report. "I won't dare to lie to you again. These are my medical results. You can see for yourself."

 "Hazel, I'll find best doctor available to treat you. You can't leave me again."

 "No need for that Hans. Fortreating a serious illness like this, you should not change doctors randomly. I already have a doctor since the beginning, let him continue my treatment. Changing the existing treatment is not a right choice, even if I recover. I only ask for your support so I can be strong, please don't reject me. "

"That will not happen, now take rest for a while. I also want to go to the office," said Hans as he turned around to leave.

 "Will you still allow me to stay here?"  Hazel asked.

 "Of course, I have prepared this house for you and you can stay here as long as you want."

 "But what about that woman?" Hazel asked.

 Hans frowned. "Don't worry, I can get her to move out."

 "Hans, you don't have to. I don't want her to be hurt either. Let her stay here, OK? So that I can have a friend to accompany me," Hazel asked.

 "Anything for you. Go to bed after taking a shower and rest."

 Hans looked for Achiera as soon as he left the guest room.  However, the girl couldn't be found anywhere in the house.

 "Has she left?" Hans grumbled.