Vain Sacrifice

"About You! 

You are the reason for me to act without thinking, to do without fear of being wrong.  Whatever it is just for you ~~

Achiera Grey-


The fresh blood rushed to flood the location where Achiera was lying, a fishy smell filled the street.  Without delay, Hans and Steven rushed to Achiera and lifted Achiera.

 With his cold gaze Hans threatened Steven who was about to touch Achiera.

"If you dare to touch her, I won't hesitate to kill her in front of your eyes!" Hans said cruelly.

Heard that, Steven took two steps back and let Hans carried Achiera.

Anxiously he called everyone around him.

"Someone please safe her, she's bleeding a lot," He said as he ran into the hospital.

"Dexter ...!! Help her!" Hans said, still in his worried tone.

"Hans what happened, why is she covered in blood again?" Dexter asked in panic.

"You safe her first, hurry and don't ask too much. Her blood wouldn't want to stop, she lost a lot of blood," Hans screamed as he put Achiera onto the hospital bed.

"Ok, you wait here, I'll examine her. I'll try my best," Dexter said to calm Hans down. "Nurse, please prepare the operating room," Dexter continued.

Kaili and Stefan saw Hans pacing around the operating room door, Kaili quietly spoke to Hans as she approached him.

"How is Achiera, Mr. Hans? What doctor said?"

Hearing the voice, Hans turned his head and saw the source of the sound, but his eyes immediately caught Steven's face, who was beside Kaili.

 Emotionally Hans clenched his fists. "Hoq dare you still come here after all that happened?" Hans shouted as he was about to throw a hard punch in Steven's face.

Steven deftly dodged Hans's punch and finally missed it.  Seeing that Kaili, who had been silent because of worry, opened her voice and spoke full of overflowing emotions.

"What the hell is this? Achiera's state is still uncertain, but both of you are fighting nonsense like this. Mr. Hans I'm sorry but shouldn't you realize that Achiera's condition is like this because of you?!!" Kaili said angrily.

When Hans was about to answered Kaili's words, Dexter came out from the operating room.

"How is she, Dexter? What happened?" Hans asked first.

"She lost a lot of blood, also she has anemia. So we have to do blood transfusions. Unfortunately the blood stock at the hospital's blood bank ran out.  Achiera has a rare type of blood type that is O Rh negative.  So we must immediately find the donor, otherwise Achiera may lose her life," Dexter explained.

"Just take my blood Doc, I'm O Rh negative too." Steven quickly volunteered.

Hearing that Hans immediately glanced at Steven with the tail of his eye and said his refusal.

 "Dexter I will find the donor as soon as possible, which is definitely not him!"  Hans said sharply.

 "Hans we can not delay, if he is suitable, we must immediately do the transfusion. We do not have much time, it involves someone's life!" Dexter said explaining.

"I--" said Hans, but Kaili immediately interrupted Hans's words with emotion.

 "Aren't you satisfied with Achiera's state? Are you still tormenting her slowly to death? She is betting her life between death and life, but you don't even allow someone to help her? Would you be very satisfied if she tormented young master Matthew?"

 "Watch your words! Not only you but your family will also feel the consequences of patronizing me !!!" Hans said sharply towards Kaili.

 "Dexter, because the donor is there, do the transfusion now," He continued.


The ringing of Hazel's cellphone, which had been standing there all along, broke the silence in the operation waiting room.  After seeing the name of the caller she nervously said;

 "I-excuse me, I'll pick up the phone first," She said immediately leaving without waiting for an answer from one of them.

"How dare you to call me after you failed to kill her!" Hazel screamed to the caller as soon as she picked up the phone.

"Miss Hazel, I did what you told me, you watched it yourself. If she's still alive, it's not my fault, but it certainly because she has a lot of lives," The caller answered firmly.

"Don't have many excuses!! The point is you failed to kill her, and now there is still a face to call me? Really selfless," Hazel said angrily.

"I know I failed, but it is impossible for you to break your promise about the payment, right? I'll wait for you 1 hour later, if not, I will tell everything to Mr. Hans Matthew!!" The caller threatened.

"How funny! You threatened me? Do you think if Hans knew that you hit that woman, he will also send you to jail!" Hazel answered, didn't want to lose the argument.

"You're right, I'll go to jail and get torture, but you will lose everything, including your love which is Hans! If you really want to tell him about me, now I will come and surrender myself, how about it?" The caller asked, threatened Hazel.

"Damn it!!! Alright you won, later I will transfer the money that I promised. But after this you have to go whenever you want, the point goes from this F country.  Because Hans and all his connections will still be able to find you if you are still in country F," Hazel said in defeat.

Hans who suddenly in there, caught a glimpse of Hazel's conversation and immediately said, "Who should leave Country F?

"Hans, since when have you been here?"  Hazel turned to ask nervously.

 "I was looking for you here, because I wanted to invite you to go. I have a meeting, it's good if you also leave, being here is not good for your health" Hans explained.

 "Ah ... yes you're right, let's just go," Hazel replied and immediately grabbed Hans's hand.

 "Wait a minute, who were you talking to earlier? And who should leave this country F?"  asked Hans interrogating.

 "Ah, this. I don't want to go back to my ex-husband. He always tortures me, I really can't. He came and wanted to pick me up, I refused him and told him to go away and said that you will always protect me. Am I right, Hans?" Hazel said spoiled, almost sobbing.

 Hans gently hugged Hazel and said, "Stay beside me, I will protect you."


Achiera woke up and found herself in the hospital, she saw Dexter was checking the IV very seriously, so Dexter did not realize that Achiera was conscious.

 "Dexter ..." Achiera called.

 "Wow, you have realized Achiera? Thank God, how do you feel?"  Dexter asked while staring at Achiera.

 "My head hurts a little," Achiera replied honestly.

 "Oh yeah, how did I get here? Wasn't I already going home?" Achiera asked while holding her head.

 "Don't you remember, when you were going home you had an incident, you got hit by a motorbike," Dexter replied.

 "Ah yes I remember, so how is Mr Steven? What did Hans do to him?" Achiera asked.

 "Looks like you're too worried about it, better worry about yourself first and focus on your recovery. You've been in a coma for a long time," Dexter explained.

"Coma? How long have I been in a coma?" Achiera asked.

"You've been in a coma for 3 weeks, and I thought you were going to pass (die). But in recent days your medical results have shown progress, but I never thought it would be this fast. You are too strong Achiera, your spirit for life that kept you from death," Dexter said seriously.

 "3 weeks? How is that possible?" Achiera asked quietly.

 The look on her face that showed panic was clearly caught by Dexter.

 "Achiera, don't worry about anything, Hans is not as bad as it seems. During your coma, he always comes here to see you," Dexter said, because Achiera didn't reply to his words, he continued, "Okay I will call him and say that you have come out of the coma, he will be very happy,"

"Um Dexter ...." Achiera called when Dexter was about to leave.

"What's wrong Achiera?" Dexter asked and immediately turned to see Achiera.

"That ... Where is my cellphone? Did you know where that is?" Achiera asked quickly.

"Oh, your cellphone. If I'm not mistaken Hans put it inside the drawer. But I think the battery is low, and here is the power bank, you can use it." Dexter said.

 Achiera smiles as to say thank you.

As soon as Dexter left the room, Achiera in a hurry to call Ferisha, her sister. She wanted to know how was Steven condition when she was in a coma.

Without waiting for a long time her call was answered immediately, and without greeting Ferisha immediately angrily spoke to Achiera.

 "Where have you been, Achiera? I repeatedly called you, but your cellphone was not active. Did you know that Steven had died? And we did the funeral ceremony without you," Ferisha said, sobbing.

 Achiera was stunned by the news, her heart seemed to stop beating.

 Steven was the big reason why she committed all these crimes, which was to sell herself and become mistress of men like Hans whose way of thinking was hard to guess.

 She sacrificed her dreams and dignity for her younger brother, but her brother gave up on living.

 Tears rolled down her pale cheeks, she repeatedly inhaled and exhaled as a sign of the unbearable tightness in her chest.

 "Steven you made my struggle in vain," She said without stopping to cry.