
"I know, When you take a big step in your life it must be for a big reason too"

~ Steven Scott ~


Hans came to visit Achiera when he heard the news from Dexter who said that Achiera had awakened from her coma. He found Achiera fast asleep, in the corner of her eye was a puddle of tears and even her eyelashes were still wet.

 "Was this woman crying herself to sleep? What made her cry?" Hans asked to himself.

 'The last time this woman fell asleep delirious and cried on my bed, she said Steven's name. And this time too, did this woman cry herself to sleep because of that boy?' Hans thought.

"Damn it!! You're woman who don't know about fortunate Achiera!!!" Hans emotionally remembered the incident, and imagined the possibility that was happening right now.

Forcefully he pulled Achiera's blanket and screamed, "Wake up you bitch!!"

"Steven ... Don't leave me!" Achiera said half consciously when she awakened by Hans.

"Oh, DON'T LEAVE ME!! What a romantic words Achiera, kau beg the other man to not leaving you, but came to me for money! How dare you to play with me!!" Hans screamed loudly as he tore Achiera's patient clothes.

"Hans, please don't ... I'm still sick! You're misunderstood," Achiera asked, stay away.

"Oh sick? But can think about the other man even crying to sleep, is that what you called sick? Tell me, did the money that you got from me for that man Steven, huh? You're willing to sold yourself just to made him happy? Am I right, Achiera?" Hans said then climbed onto Achiera's bed.

"Hans you're misunderstood ...," Achiera said while pulling Hans away. "You're right, I did it all for Steven! But—"

"How dare you!!!" Hans shouted, interrupting Achiera's sentence.  "Since you have admitted it, there is no mercy on you!" Hans said angrily.

 Achiera looked away when Hans was about to kiss her.  "Oh now you feel disgusted when I touch you? Remember who you are, you are just my whore, even in a clearly written agreement, when I want, you must be willing without any reason!!!" Hans explained and united themselves roughly.

A few moments later. 

"Remember Achiera, no matter who is the man in your heart, I was your first man! No matter how much you intend to be with that man, but for sure as long as I still want you, you can't escape from me. I won't allow you.  You won't leave me, but I will throw you away!!" Hans said firmly without looking at Achiera's blank stare.

 "Remember this carefully, you are my woman!" He continued, kissing Achiera's hair and then left.

 After Hans left, the nurse came under Hans' direction.

"Miss Achiera, I'm the nurse who treats you in here. I came I came under the order of young master Mattew to bring the patient's clothes and help you change the patient's clothes," The nurse said softly without any disdain for Achiera's appearance, who only wore a blanket to cover her body.

"Alright, thank you so much. Just put it in there, I'll change myself," Achiera replied with a bitter smile.

"Alright, I'll excuse myself!" The nurse said.

"Sister, wait!" Achiera called and stopped the nurse.

"Is there anything I can help you, Miss Achiera?" The nurse asked as she turn around to face Achiera.

"I heard from Dr. Dexter, that I lost a lot of blood and had a blood transfusion. Do you know who donated blood for me?" Achiera asked while looking into the nurse's eyes.

"Ohh about that ...," The nurse said and immediately shut up.

"I just want to thank the people who helped me, nothing more," Achiera replied, convincing.

"Um ... who donate the blood was Mr. Steven, he also said it doesn't matter to take as much as we need, the most important is the blood enough for you, he said, so you don't need to wait for blood from other donors, because the sooner the better for your health."

"Steven??" Achiera asked, confirmed.

"Yes and he was treated for too much blood loss," The nurse said.

 "But why is he doing this to me, we don't even know each other very well," Achiera said quietly so that the nurse barely heard him.

 "Sorry, what do you mean? I did not hear," The nurse asked.

 "Ahh no, you can go now." Achiera said with a smile.

"Well if you need anything more, just push the red button," the nurse said while pointing to the red button beside Achiera's bed.


A few days later.

"Wow, Achiera. Your spirit to recover was beyond amazing. Look at your medical results, it's beyond my prediction as a doctor," Dexter said when he examined Achiera.

"So, when can I go home?" Achiera asked.

"You can go home today, do you want me to tell Hans or you will tell him yourself to pick you up?" Dexter offered.

"I think Hans is too busy to pick me up, that's okay, I will go home myself," Achiera said with a little smile.

"Achiera, maybe Hans looks like he's oppres you, but he's actually a very good person. I suggest you just follow what he wants, it's better for you. Hans will treat you very well," Dexter explained.

"Yes, I understand," Achiera said as she nodded.

"Then I'll excuse myself to check on other patients, I will take care of your return letter later. So when Hans come you can go home without having to wait anymore," Dexter said and then left.

 As soon as Dexter left, Achiera didn't call Hans as suggested by Dexter, but instead called Liu, who was Hans's driver.

 With just one ring, the call is connected.

"Liu, can you pick me up at the hospital? Dexter said I could already go home today."

"Of course I can, Achiera, I'll pick you up as soon as I take the boss to the meeting place."

From the rearview mirror, Liu looked at Hans with a sharp gaze, as if he wanted to pounce on his prey.

"Alright, Liu, I'll wait for you. Thank you so much."

"Achiera, don't hesitate. This is my duty on the orders of the Boss. "

 Liu was trembling so much, Hans still glared at him.

 "See you Miss Achiera, bye."

 *tut * the call was immediately ended by Liu.

Hans who had been holding back his words immediately said coldly, "Oh ... I didn't know that my driver has a close relationship with my woman, is that right, Liu?" Hans asked sharply.

 "Boss, of course you are wrong boss. Miss Achiera just asked to be picked up. She can already come home from the hospital," Liu said, shaking.

 "Achiera ... The nickname is very familiar, who allowed you to call my woman by her name?" Hans asked, still with sharp eyes.

 "Sorry boss, this is Miss Achiera herself who doesn't want to be called Miss. She forced me," Liu replied, trembling even more.

 "Even if she told you to call her that, I won't allow her! Now turn to the hospital, we'll pick Achiera."

 "But boss, this is-"

 Liu stopped his words when he saw Hans calling someone.

 "Wanda, immediately cancel all meeting schedules today!!!" Hans said and immediately ended the call without waiting for an answer from his secretary.


When Achiera prepared to came home, Steven Scott came to visit her.

"Good afternoon, Achiera," He said as soon as he opened Achiera's room.

"Ah, Mr. Steven, good afternoon," Achiera replied friendly.

"How are you?" He handed a bucket of flowers to Achiera. "Beautiful flowers for a beautiful woman," He said while bowing a little.

"I am getting better, and even now I can already go home. I was waiting for Liu, Hans' driver, to pick me up," Achiera received the flowers bucket from Steven. "Thank you for this beautiful flowers, Mr. Steven," She continued.

"Achiera, you always made a distance when you called me 'Sir'. Just call me Steven, or you can call me brother," Steven said sincerely.

"But I can't just call you by your name, it's very disrespectful. I don't dare," Achiera said with a little smile.

"Why you don't dare? I'm not a young master like your boyfriend. I'm just a staff, not a boss. Then, why are you hesitate about me?" Steven said while narrowing his eyes.

"Steven, you know very well how my relationship with Hans. It's not that simple to describe, not as simple as the word 'couple'. I'm just a tool to satisfy his desire and that's all I do for money." Achiera didn't try to clean herself up to make Steven feel sorry for her.

"I believe ... When someone took a big step in their life, there must be a big reason too," Steven said.

Achiera widened her eyes and turned towards Steven, her expression was caught by Steven and Steven understood what Achiera's expression meant.

 "Because I've also taken big steps in my life for big reasons. So I summarize that if someone takes a big step it must be for a big reason too," He said then paused for a moment.

 "Achiera ..." He called softly as he looked at Achiera.  "Your reason is because of your family, right?" He asked.

 "How do you know? You find out about me?" Achiera asked worriedly.

"Hahaha what kind of joke did you just say, Achiera? How is it impossible for me to have connections to found out about someone's background? I'm not that young master," Steven said in laughter. "I just accidentally when you're on your coma and the caller said that your brother 'Steven' had passed away."

Achiera did not utter a word, she did not know what to say and do other than staring blankly at the walls of the room.

 "Does Hans know about your brother's problem?"  Steven asked carefully.

"What do I tell him for? So that he sympathize and have mercy?" Achiera said. "I don't want to be treated kindly just because of pity, and I can't change someone's point of view in judging me. Just leave it like this, this is better for me in the future."

 Achiera smiled a little, there was meaning behind that smile.

 "So aren't you planning on going to the funeral to visit him, burning incense, or lighting candles for Steven, your brother?" Steven Scott asked.

"I'll think about it later, Steven," Achiera said shortly.

"Alright Achiera, if you need help, please don't hesitate. I'll try my best to helo you," Steven said as he pat Achiera's shoulders.

"I will not be able to replace your previous help with anything, because you have saved my life. Really apart from thank you, I have nothing to repay you Steven," Achiera said, looking down a little.

 "Don't hesitate, I believe that even if I was the one who experienced it, you would mindlessly donate your blood to me, right?" Steven asked with a sweet smile.

 Achiera was silent.

 "Alright Achiera, don't think about it, I sincerely help you. I'll excuse myself, once again, if you need help, please contact me at this number," He said.

 Hans, who had just arrived, saw Steven coming out of Achiera's room making his emotions rise, the kicking of Achiera's room door violently made Achiera who was preparing jumped up in shock.