
"Forgive me, but my hate is so deep, force me to revenge


"Hans ..." Hazel called and immediately ran and dropped herself into Hans's arms.  "Achiera hit me, she slapped me!" She continued, sobbing.

 "Hazel why are you in Achiera's room?" Hans asked coldly.

 For a moment Hazel was silent thinking about what answer she would say, because everything happened beyond her predictions, it was still noon but Hans had come home.

 "Actually I'm afraid to say it, I'm afraid you will torture her again later. I feel sorry for her," Hazel said, starting her words.

Achiera's eyes widened at Hazel's fake confession.

"It turns out that this woman is more venomous than a snake," Achiera thought.

"Say it, there's no need to pity someone who doesn't deserve it, Hazel!" Hans said while glancing at Achiera.

"Earlier, Achiera was screaming and banging on the door very hard, she asked to get out. I was forced to open the door and asked why she was banging on the door, she roughly pushed me instead, saw my hand was injured by her actions," Hazel said, showing the wound on her hand, not forgetting that she shed her tears.

"Achiera said she wanted to go out so she made-up," She continued sobbing.

 Hans released Hazel from his chest and walked closer to Achiera.  With faked sympathy, Hazel tried to stop Hans.

 "Hans, please don't hurt her anymore. She naturally wants to get out because she needs fresh air. After all, she has friends and associations. Let her be free Hans," Hazel asked.

 "Is what Hazel said true Achiera? You want to go out and try to go against my rules?" He said as he walked closer to Achiera.

"Why aren't you talking?  Weren't you so brave to be pounding on this door to get out?  where was your courage earlier?" Hans asked repeatedly.

 "You look even more beautiful with make-up on your face? Are you and your Steven planning a date?"  He asked again.

 "If you already know, Mr. Matthew, why do you ask again?" Achiera replied coldly.

 "So it's true, you damn girl!" Hans snapped.

"You will know the reward of fighting me!!"  He continued while pulling Achiera's hand.

 Hans led Achiera to the end of the hall with a glass window that led directly to the balcony.

 "Achiera, you're always draining my emotions, you have to be self-aware, I'm the boss not you!! So you have to obey my orders!!" Hans said as he roughly pushed Achiera out then pushed her to the end of the balcony.

 "Now I ask you to be honest, why do you want to fight me? Did you forget about the contract agreement that you signed?" Hans asked while pulling Achiera's chin.

"Tell me the extent of your relationship with Steven? Are you loving him that much that you dare to rebel with me now?"  He continued asking.

 Achiera was silent at a thousand languages, and there was absolutely no intention of answering every question Hans asked.  Seeing Achiera's silence made Hans even angrier.

 "Achiera replied, or I will throw you down. Look at the swimming pool, it's very deep! Even if you are an expert at swimming, it still won't be safe, because the distance from the balcony to the swimming pool is very high, your head can also be broken due to being hit by the edge tiles of that swimming pool. You're going to die horribly! Now obey and answer!" Hans snapped again.

Achiera's head turned downwards and stared in horror at the enormous swimming pool below.  Achiera shuddered because she really couldn't swim.  However, she wouldn't want to beg this man again.

 "There's nothing I need to explain to you Mr. Hans, and you can do whatever you want!!"  Finally Achiera managed to open her mouth.

 Emotion immediately filled Hans's heart when he heard the answer from Achiera's mouth, instead of begging for mercy, she was not afraid of anything.  Achiera's actions were so intolerable.

 "You're a woman who doesn't know about fortunate!"  He said and immediately threw Achiera.

 Achiera's body was thrown, flying through the air and then slid into the deep pool.

'My brother Steven Gray, you are my strong reason for doing this crazy thing, which is driving me into this cruel world of prostitution.  However, if you just give up then what for would I endure?  You who became my reinforcement are gone and now I have no more reason to stay.  At least if I die, I can meet you as well as mama and papa.  Ferisha and grandma goodbye, goodbye Kaili, and to you Hans, you once gave color to my life, introduced me to new colors, made me happy, so I could easily love you and even now after all the torments you gave me, I still still love you,' Achiera's inner voice screamed.

Achiera didn't try to save herself. She felt that it was enough for her to live in this cruel world. She let her body sink deeper into the swimming pool.

 Achiera's eyes darkened and they started to sting.  Her breath felt tight and her lungs felt like they were about to burst, no one knew how much pool water she had swallowed.

 'Oh my God ... I will die ..'


Hans, who had been at the end of the balcony, saw the change in the color of the pool water from clear white to slightly red right near Achiera's landing.

 "Did the poolside tile really hit her head?" He muttered.

 With great anxiety he jumped free from the balcony into the pool.

 When Achiera had reached the point of losing her consciousness, there was another splash that was no less violent in the same swimming pool as her.  But Achiera wasn't strong enough to see who had jumped into the pool to save her.

Hans's strong arms grabbed her and lifted Achiera's body and brought her to the surface of the pool.  Achiera had completely lost consciousness when Hans pulled her ashore and laid her on the edge of the pool.

 Hans squeezed Achiera's chest very skillfully, the strong hand continued to press by placing the two overlapping palms.  However, Achiera was unable to breathe and regained consciousness after performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Immediately Hans gave her an artificial breath, and it succeeded in making Achiera cough until the swallowed water streams out.  Achiera vomited a lot of water and coughed up in pain, her lungs still burning and painful.  Achiera woke up a little and immediately wanted to see who his helper was.

 "Call the doctor quickly!! Why are you silent?"  screamed Hans.

 Achiera immediately recognized the dominant voice that was too bossy.

 'It's Hans, but why did that man save me?  Didn't this man want to kill me earlier?' Achiera asked herself.


"How is she?" Hans asked coldly as soon as he saw Dexter finish handling it.

 "It's in the lungs and I've managed to handle it," Dexter explained.

 "You yourself, are you okay? Freefall from the 4th floor like that just to save a woman--"

 Dexter stopped his words when he saw Hans's eyes glancing sharply at him, then pulled the towel to rub his wet hair.

 "Don't think anything weird, Dexter, your job is only to check it out, not to interrogate me!" Hans said and threw away the towel that dried his hair.

"At first I really wanted to kill her, but now that I think about it, I haven't tormented her enough and I haven't allowed her to die," He continued.

 "Hans, isn't it too much for her?" Dexter asked, he gasped at Hans's confession.

 "She deserves it as the wages of her parents' past sins, and I won't stop until I see her and all of Stevanus Grey's descendants suffer!"

"But Hans--" Dexter said.

Hans immediately wiped Dexter's words. "Come on Dexter, isn't this too fun? I pulled the woman to my side, pretended to be in love with her, treated her well. And look how naive she is, so easily put her heart into me and fall in love with me. And Steven's presence made me free to  tortured her by pretending to be jealous when actually I really don't care at all. I am Hans Matthew a man who managed to bring Matthew group into an international class company in just 3 years and occupied one of the biggest companies in the world, fell in love with a little girl like Achiera?  Ha ha ha ... Poor Achiera, this is nothing! "  Hans's bursted of laughter filled the room.

 "Hans I hope one day you will not regret what you did!" Dexter said and immediately left the room.

 In the corner of the hallway, Hazel, who had been standing in hiding, was able to clearly hear Hans's every word.