Enjoying the twilight

"Like the sunset that tends to be dark teaches us that the beautiful is not always about the blinding"


Kaili was very worried about Achiera, since Achiera was discharged from the hospital she hasn't seen her and she didn't know how her best friend's condition is.

 Her worries made her dare to come to Hans's residence.  According to the information she got from Achiera, Hans lived with Achiera in this apartment.

 Arriving in front of Hans's house, Kaili pressed the button of the black capsule-shaped bell, which was beside the door.  As soon as it was pressed, the bell button automatically greeted Kaili.

"Hello, good afternoon? Who are you and what do you want?" Automatically the bell rang itself.

 Although dazed, but Kaili immediately answered the smart bell. "Hi I am Kaili, Achiera's close friend, I came to see her."

 "Fine, I'll tell her, wait!" The bell replied again.

 "Ouch ... the life of a rich people," Kaili muttered to herself.

 Didn't wait long for the door to be opened by a servant who had been there. Since Hazel came, Hans had ordered one of the servants who from his mansion moved to his apartment to take care of the house.

"Sorry miss, may I help you?" Mrs. Sun asked, the middle-aged servant.

 "I am Kaili, I am a friend of Achiera, I intend to meet her. Can I enter?" Kaili said politely.

 "Okay, please come in, I will call Miss Achiera for you," Mrs. Sun offered and immediately rushed to Achiera's room.

 There Mrs. Sun found Hans who was serious about his laptop while waiting for Achiera to wake up.

"Excuse me sir, there is a guest named Kaili in front of the house, she said she was a friend of Miss Achiera, she wanted to meet Miss Achiera," Mrs. Sun said when she saw Hans.

 "Oh well Mrs. Sun, make a drink for her. I will meet her to replace Achiera," Hans answered politely.

 Immediately after that, Hans closed his laptop and hurried to meet Kaili who was already in the living room, waiting.

 "What did you come here for?" Hans asked coldly.

 "Mr. Hans, I am worried about Achiera, can I meet her? I have important things to say."

"About what?" Hans asked coldly.

 "Eh .... that," Kaili said nervously.

 "Is that something I can't know, Miss Goh?" Hans asked intimidatingly.

 "That's not what I meant," Kaili replied nervously.

 "Miss Goh, I hope you understand, now that Achiera is mine, so whatever it is about her, it's all my business without exception," Hans explained coldly, his eyes showing his displeasure.

"It's all about Steven," Kaili finally began.

 "Steven ...? Wowwww," Hans asked, gasping his blue eyes, glared very sharply.

 "So you also know about Steven? So it turns out that the relationship between them was that long, even before me?"

 "What do you mean Mr. Matthew? Indeed the relationship between them is very deep, long before Achiera even knew you!" Kaili answered even though she didn't actually understand what Hans said.

"Get out of here ...!" Hans snapped to Kaili.  "You dare meet my woman just to discuss other men and that in my house!!" Hans continued, still with high emotions.

 Actually Hans himself was confused with himself, didn't know why every time Achiera mentioned or just met with other men, emotions always filled his heart.  There was an inexplicable feeling that he always tried to resist.  What's more, since Hans found out about Steven, there was a sense of displeasure if Achiera actually loved another man, not himself.

Even though he told Dexter that he didn't care about it, he was just trying to block his heart out.

 "You are bound by a contract with Achiera, but you must not limit her relationship with his family. Steven Gray, her younger brother died and she has the right to know about it and even has the right to burn incense at his brother's grave with or without your consent." Kaili was provoked by emotion seeing Hans's behavior.

 "W-what do you mean?"  Now Hans who turned around asked.  "You mean that Steven who has been called by Achiera is his younger brother? Wasn't the man who donated blood to Achiera?"  Hans continued to ask.

Hearing about this truth, there was a smile on Hans's lips, his joy could not be fooled anymore, he was happy to know that his troubled demon had no other man besides her.

 "Yes, Achiera's younger brother named Steven had a hit-and-run accident incident. Since that incident, his brother was in a coma and ended up dying when Achiera was also in a coma. That is the reason why Achiera agreed to your request, making her a mistress because his younger sibling needs a lot of money, plus their house evicted by irresponsible person!" Kaili explained.

"And Steven who donated his blood, they just met on the day you saw him," Kaili continued.

 Hearing all that, Hans was so happy.  His heart was really cheerful.  It was clear from the expression.  Well ... His little intruder demon was only his from the start to the end.

 But he never knew the truth about Achiera's younger brother Steven, and he didn't plan the hit-and-run with Achiera's sister.

All this time Hans thought that Achiera was someone who was thirsty for money because she asked for 2M pay.  According to the predictions, if only for the house and the cost of living it would not be possible to reach that much. Hans had thought, that Achiera was a greedy woman who hid behind her innocent face, this made him not hesitate to torture Achiera all the way.

 Hans thought for a long time, but finally he spoke, "She's in the room, you come up I'll take you there!"  Hans said while walking ahead of Kaili.

Arriving at the room, Kaili immediately walked towards the bed and wanted to wake Achiera.  Hans caught Kaili's reaction.

"She won't wake up, she was given an anesthetic by Dexter earlier. She will wake up in 4 hours, if you want to wait it's up to you," Hans said and immediately returned to open his laptop.

 "But ... why was she given sleeping pills, what's wrong?" Kaili asked quickly.

 "Earlier she was drowning, her lungs were drenched in fluid, so Dexter gave him a drug to remove the fluid in her lungs. Well, in order for the drug to react quickly she had to be sedated," Hans explained.

Unconsciously Kaili let out a very strong sigh of relief, making Hans frowned.

 "Achiera is mine, you don't have to worry about what happens to her!!" Hans said and immediately started busy with his laptop.

 "Then Mr Hans, I will not wait for Achiera to wake up. I just want to leave a message when Achiera wakes up, please tell her to contact me immediately," Kaili said, pausing for a moment. "Then I will leave now, goodbye," She continued and then left without looking back.


The sun was about to set when Achiera woke up, the reddish color of the setting sun filled the room.

 "It's like a twilight that will disappear and be replaced by night. Even though its presence is only for a moment, it always manages to attract the attention of its audience and people will always look forward to its presence again," Achiera muttered softly, a small but beautiful smile on her lips.

 She walked to the window, opened the curtain that covered the window more freely so that she could more freely enjoy the twilight that she really admired.

 "Enjoying the sunset ...?" Hans who came with a cup of coffee in his hand asked.

Achiera turned around to see the source of the voice, without any answer or expression she turned back to enjoy the very beautiful twilight she thought.

 "Sunset will always be beautiful, except when you are heartbroken," Hans said as he walked closer to Achiera.

 Hans leaned beside the window, his body facing the front of Achiera who was standing in the middle of the window.  He took a sip of the coffee, then said, "Do you want coffee....?" He offered to Achiera.

 Achiera shook her head and smiled slightly as a sign of rejection.

 "Do you really like sunset?" Hans asked again.

"..." Achiera still didn't want to answer Hans.

 "If you like, I can take you to a good place to see the sunset," Hans offered again.

 'What do this man wants? Earlier he wanted to kill me, and now he can act like he hasn't done anything,' Achiera thought.

 "It's very beautiful there, you will definitely not regret it. Later we can make a plan to go enjoy the sunset," Hans offered.

 "Mr.Hans is not necessary, I'm used to enjoying what I have. Seeing the sunset from here, it's already very good in my opinion." Finally Achiera opened her mouth.

"Achiera, I know, I've gone too far for you. I did that because I was chased by jealousy. You never told me about your brother 'Steven', how can I know? I hope you can forgive me," Hans said and immediately walked over to hug Achiera from behind and embraced the woman's belly lovingly.

 "Earlier Kaili came to give info about your brother Steven. Do you already know?" Hans asked, kissing Achiera's head.

 Fiiuuuhhhhh !!!

Achiera exhaled roughly and nodded her head.

"Tomorrow go home to meet your family," Hans replied then moved his kiss to Achiera's shoulder.