Defend her

"Sometimes, I feel something wrong with me when I start often to think about you - and I can't accept it"

~Hans Matthew - qoutes~


Hazel, who had just returned from traveling, immediately saw the intimacy between Hans and Achiera who was enjoying the sunset, when she wanted to go to her room through the door of Achiera's room.

 This made Hazel hate Achiera even more and wanted to destroy and even kill her.

 It was not Hazel if she didn't have a lot of sense to get everyone's attention.  She accidentally drops a vase and herself at once for Hans to hear.

Hans, who at that time was in the room enjoying the evening with Achiera, immediately rushed outside wanting to know what had happened, and he saw Hazel fall with her palms covered in blood.

 "What's wrong with you, Hazel?" Hans asked in a panic.

 "Hans, suddenly my head hurt so badly, it looks like my disease is getting worse," Hazel said in a weak voice.  "I- I'm in pain, Hans, it hurts," She continued.

 This time she really did cry, either because her hand had been hit by a broken flower vase accidentally or it was her game. None knew except her.

"Hazel, don't talk much, look your hands bleed, I'll treat your wounds. We'll go to your room first, I'll help carry you," Hans said and immediately picked up Hazel lovingly.

 Achiera, who had been standing beside Hans, watching Hazel's every play made her laugh.

 Hans caught the amused expression of Achiera's laughter.

 "Achiera, what's so funny? Why are you laughing?" Hans asked, confused.

"Ah no, I just feel weird. Actually, what woman you love is sick? Why does it only recur when you are there, while it will always be okay without you"   Achiera bluntly expressed her thoughts, of course with a mocking chuckle.

 "What are you saying! Please bring the first aid kit, let me bandage the wound," Hans said and immediately went to take Hazel to her room.

 Hans smeared medicine and bandaged Hazel's wound with great care, his heart was sad to see the blood flowing out of the hand of the woman who became her first love.

Achiera who witnessed the warmth of the two people, cleared her throat a little.

 "Ekhmmm ... Hans why don't you just bring the best doctor in the world to treat Hazel? Surely she can recover," Achiera suggested.

 "Yes, I made an appointment with the best Oncologist in the world to treat Hazel," Hans replied.

 "Hazel you will definitely get well" Hans said to Hazel.

 Instantly Hazel broke out in cold sweat and looked very pale when she heard Hans say that.

Achiera who saw the change in Hazel's expression sneered.

 "Oh Miss Hazel, why are you pale and sweaty after Hans talked about the Oncologist? Isn't that great news, you're going to get well. Right Hans?"  Achiera said while narrowing her eyes at Hazel.

 When Hazel wanted to answer Achiera, her cell phone rang and it was Kaili calling her.

Achiera excused herself to pick up the summons.

"Hans, Kaili called me. I'll leave to answer her," Achiera said and immediately walked away, wanting to leave.

 When Achiera had only walked a few steps, Hans called out to her and Achiera stopped.

"Achiera, if Kaili wants to invite you to go visit your family, then agree. Your family also needs you!"  Hans said.

 Achiera nodded happily in response.

"Hans ...." Hazel called suddenly.

"Have you forgotten me and love another woman?" Hazel continued asking.

 "Hazel, come on don't think too much. You need a calm your heart and mind to speed up your healing process," Hans replied.

 "Hans I need an answer, I don't want to be a parasite here, and also look at Achiera's behavior, really unfriendly to me. She thinks as if I am intruding on your relationship and snatching you from her. In fact, all I want is to get your love before I died," She continued and paused for a moment.

"I know my past actions will not be forgiven, but I have a reason for that and sorry until now I can't tell you, because it's good for us if you don't know. Hans would you give me a chance to be by your side before I die?  Please, that I don't live in regret and that I can feel the love in this world before I go," Hazel said, sobbing.

 "Hazel, don't talk too much! Achiera can't possibly look at someone like that, he's not that kind of person. You think too much," Hans replied flatly.

 "You're defending her, Hans? You seem to know that girl very well. You really fell in love with her? So it's true that I've been replaced by her," Hazel bursted into tears.

For a moment Hans thought 'Why is he suddenly defending Achiera, and indirectly explaining who Achiera is to people who talk badly about that girl, because he doesn't seem to want other people to criticize him.'

 'Something wrong with me,' Hans muttered to himself.

 "Hans ... Why are you silent? Silence is a true sign you love him?"  Hazel asked, breaking Hans's focus.

 Seeing Hazel sobbing, Hans's heart began to melt and persuade her.

 "Hazel don't think too much, it's not good for your health. Your main goal is to get well, so do things that encourage your recovery and leave things that are not important," Hans explained.

"If I recover will you throw me away and leave me? Is that your goal to force me to recover from this deadly disease?" Hazel sobbed even more.

 "Hans, the hell with healing, if indeed my healing makes you go away from me, I don't want to heal!! Just let me die, as long as I can close my eyes in your arms, that's all I want," Hazel continued, sobbing.

 Hans hugged the crying Hazel and comforted her.

 "Don't cry, that's not true. As long as you can recover and take your medication well, no one will throw you out of here," Hans kissed Hazel's head gently.

"Really Hans? You won't throw me out of your life if I get better?"  Hazel asked excited.

 "Yes, so try!" Hans replied, a small smile forming on his lips.

 "I know that, because I really believe you still love me very much. Hans I'm very happy," Hazel said while holding Hans tightly.

 "So it's true that everything you did to Achiera was just for your revenge? You're still my old Hans who loved me so much," Hazel continued.

 Suddenly Hans gasped at Hazel's words, and he pushed her lightly from his embrace.

"Hazel what do you mean?? Why are you talking like that?" Hans asked in surprise.

 "Yes, I overheard what you said with Dexter, when you dropped Achiera into the pool," Hazel answered honestly.

 "What ...? You eavesdropped on our conversation?" Hans asked and then got up from the bed.

 "That's not true Hans, I just didn't do it on purpose. Really!" Hazel replied, starting to indulge her voice.

 "What you hear is better not tell other people, or--" Hans said immediately prevented by Hazel.

 "Or all of your plans for revenge will be canceled, will you?" Hazel said as she stood up and hugged Hans from behind.

"Don't worry Hans, I won't betray you for the second time," Hazel continued, she put her hands on Hans's stomach and tightened her hug even more.

 "But Hans--" She said, stopping her words.

 "What is wrong?" Hans replied lazily.

 "Didn't you make this house especially for me? But why is Achiera sleeping in the main room, not me? She looks down on me because of this, and besides, it's not like you just want to take revenge on her, so why are you being so nice to her?"  Hazel grumbled.

"Hazel!!" Hans said as he took Hazel's hand off his stomach.

 "Whatever my attitude towards Achiera, no one can teach me how to behave to her, including you! I know better how to get my revenge without other people's interference! And besides, I haven't reprimanded you because you tried to eliminate  Achiera by sending someone to crash into the run. Remember Hazel died Achiera life, it depends on me and no one can interfere," Hans shouted while his eyes shining with emotion.

Hazel gasped, knowing that Hans already knew she was the mastermind behind Achiera's accident. With trembling words she tried to answer Hans.

 "Hans ... I did that because I didn't want to lose you. You were too kind to her and ignored me, I thought you really fell in love with her. Hans I'm sorry," Hazel said, starting to sob again.

 "Never mind, forget about this, focus on your recovery. I've made an appointment with the best oncologist in the world. You're going to get well, work hard!" Hans said.

"No Hans, did you forget I already had a Doctor who treated me from the start, if I changed the doctor in the middle of the treatment I'm afraid everything wouldn't work out effectively," Hazel prevented.

 "Later they can work together to treat you, your doctor and the doctor I recommend. Now rest, I have a lot of work to do," Hans said and immediately walked away.