Love Recognition

"In life the most difficult thing to explain is love. Because when we don't want to fall in love, love comes instead. When we want to love someone, our hearts are tightly closed. And often, we love people who clearly don't love us and we instead ignore people who love us. Singkatnya cinta itu egois bukan?"

^Achiera Grey^

"What do you mean about my father, Hans? Do you know my father?" Achiera asked again.

 Immediately Hans returned to neutralize his feelings so as not to be carried away by the atmosphere of hatred, he did not want all his plans to end in vain like this.

 "No, it's not the right time yet, Hans, for them to find out." Hans muttered to himself in his heart.

 "No, I mean that my parents were killed like your father. My mother was sick and died until my father could not accept the fact then he tortured himself without caring for me by drinking every day which caused him to die, that's why I was struggling since childhood alone."

Instantly Achiera approached Hans, grabbed Hans's shoulder gently and rested her pointed chin on Hans's shoulder, while her other hand held Hans's arm softly as she said;

 "It's all has been past Hans, we do have the right to reminisce about the past but that is not our reason to continue to be bad, you have to let go of all the things that make you hurt. With that you will be able to enjoy your life more happily." Achiera said, calmed Hans and somehow every word from the woman beside him was able to calm his heart.

"I know, thanks for your support."  Hans replied while placing his hand on Achiera's hand that was placed on his shoulder.

 "Now can you tell me who that man is? The man who has become your first love?" Hans asked while turning his face towards Achiera.

 "Is that so? Hmmm ... Hans, can I not tell you? Me ...?"  Achiera replied nervously.

 "Didn't you promise, Miss Grey?" Hans asked.

 "Hmmm .... okay, I'll tell. But you first let go of your grip." Achiera replied, buying time.

"Why do I have to let go of my grip?" Hans asked stubbornly.

 "Because ... Hans come on please let go of my hand, then I'll tell you!" Achiera said.

 "No! I want you to say it while you're near me like this."  Hans replied firmly and then pulled Achiera closer to him.

 "I can't say that if I'm close like this to you, because you are my first love Hans." Achiera said quickly because she can't control her mouth.

 Immediately Hans gasped at Achiera's confession, it sounded like sincerity and honesty because there was no artificial intonation and no sense of compulsion.

And without realizing it, Achiera's confession made his heart very happy, as if the wait that had been waiting for so long after a pretty hard struggle in his past. The point is that he felt there was something that was difficult to explain but managed to make him that happy.

 Because he was very happy, Hans spontaneously pulled Achiera into his arms, embraced the woman gently and channeled his warmth to Achiera, so Achiera also felt a very comfortable warmth.

 "Damn .... what am I doing? I enjoy my role in getting revenge too much so I do silly things that I wouldn't do to anyone, but it doesn't matter if this is how she would feels that I really like her?" Hans groaned to himself.

"Then, why don't we continue our role again to make it more perfect!"  Hans continued, with a sly smile from the corners of his lips.

 He kissed Achiera's head gently while saying, "You didn't lie to me right, Achiera? You really mean what you said just now? I didn't hear you wrong, right?" Hans asked, still holding Achiera in his arms.

 "Hans, I know I'm presumptuous, but I've thought this carefully, I really love you. It's not that I never refused but many times I failed. I ....?" Achiera explained as she sank her face deeper into Hans's broad chest in embarrassment.

"Well, Achiera, well .... you don't need to explain anymore. I am quite happy to know what's in your heart, it turns out that my love is not unrequited. Thank you Achiera because you have trusted me as your first love. I promise I'll always taking care of you,  do you trust me?" Hans said as he tightened his hug deeper, and Achiera returned Hans's hug, happily wrapped her hands around Hans's back and groped around Hans's back.

 They drifted into a hug as well as their feelings, and who knows since when that hug has moved into a hot kiss that was very exciting.  He sip Achiera's tongue deeply and dissolving into his own game of mouth sucking, sipping lips also toying with Achiera's tongue, and the good thing was Achiera replied and followed Hans's every game to make Hans feel satisfied!

"You are very aggressive today, Achiera. That's declaration of love has turned you into a brave woman, I really like it because this way you do not create distance between us." Hans murmured hoarsely with passionate and lust.

 The passion between them made them both unconsciously naked without any clothes, and Hans was already on top of Achiera.

 "Achiera I really like you who are aggressive like this, I hope there is no regret in you." Hans said while entering Achiera.

 A while later as the two of them wrestled themselves into sweat, they finally exploded with each other.

"Phew ..... it was fun wasn't it Achiera?" He said, still sleeping on top of Achiera but holding his weight with the support of his hands so as not to burden the woman.

 Achiera was silent, her lips seemed to want to speak but she was embarrassed so she only smiled a little.

 Hans gave Achiera a small kiss on the lips then said, "Thank you Achiera, because after that statement of love I will no longer hesitate with you because I know you will also like it right?" He said Then moved his kiss to Achiera's forehead.

 Achiera couldn't lie to the embarrassment that came over her because it would be obvious from the blush that would appear on her face.

"Look, you're a naughty little demon, no matter how many times I touch you, you will still feel ashamed even after that statement of love. You are still shy, making me always crave." Hans said and then dropped himself beside Achiera.

 Achiera moved, wanted to leave, but Hans held her, "Where are you going?" Hans asked softly.

 "Hans, I want to wear clothes ..." Achiera answered honestly.

 "No need, just stay here. Don't worry about getting cold, I'll warm you." Hans said while attaching himself to Achiera even more and laying her on his arm.  "How? Is it warm?"  Hans asked again and then put his hand on Achiera's stomach.

 Achiera nodded in confirmation of Hans's words.

"Sleep, I'm also tired," Hans said.


The morning sun woke Achiera from her deep sleep, while rubbing her eyes a little she looked at the clock on the table beside her bed.

 "Good morning .." Hans said, startling Achiera,

 "Ah .... Hans, since when have you been awake?"  Achiera asked and sat down without realizing that all night she slept without wearing her clothes, the blanket that had covered her last night sagged so that the peach blush was visible.

 Quick as a flash Achiera pulled the blanket back and covered it.

"Still embarrassed huh?" Hans asked then sat down beside Achiera.

 "Which part I haven't seen, try to mention?" Hans continued to ask.

 Achiera was silent at a thousand languages, because it was really embarrassing to discuss it, "You shameless Hans, this kind of thing you made it a joke." Achiera cursed inwardly.

 "Hurry. Shower, I'll wait at the dining table, we go to the office together." Hans saie and then landed a kiss on Achiera's forehead.

The innocent woman, Achiera, immediately blushed because of a kiss from Hans, to cover it she immediately got up from the bed and wanted to hurry up, not forgetting that she pulled the blanket she used to cover her body.  But Hans wouldn't be his name if it weren't taking the time to tease Achiera. He clamped the end of the blanket, so Achiera, who was jogging, had to stop and look back.

 Without feeling anything Hans calmly said, "What is it? Why did you turn around? Let me guess, earlier you forgot to kiss me back so you turned around to kiss me?" Hans asked with a small smile.

"You clamped my blanket .." Achiera replied flatly.

"Gosh, sorry I didn't realize." Hans said, then pulled the blanket he had clamped.  He was not want to take it off, but instead he rolled up the blanket so that Achiera got closer and fell into his arms, and it was true that his prediction was right, Achiera actually rolled up and stopped in his arm.

 Their eyes met each other, making Achiera's cheeks flushed red at such an intense gaze.