Become an Assistant

"It's normal, a child will pay for every sin of the parents' mistakes. Revenge on progress."

*_Hans Matthew_*


"Hans, don't I have to take a shower because I have to go to the office together with you?" Achiera asked after many attempts to neutralize her feelings, finally succeeding.

 "Who forbid you to take a shower? Even I told you to take a shower?" Hans said casually.

 "How do I take a shower if you still hold me like this in a blanket."  Achiera replied but she looked away in embarrassment.

 Hans spontaneously twisted the blanket that stuck to Achiera's body, making a woman almost naked in front of Hans.

"Hans .... What are you doing?" Achiera screamed immediately pulling the blanket as hard as possible.

 "Achiera Grey, you are the one why! Didn't you say that the blanket covered you so you couldn't go to the toilet?"  Hans asked casually then sat on the edge of the bed with his legs crossed and put his hands in each pocket.

 "Because it bothers you so I opened it? Where is my fault, Miss Grey?"  Hans continued without guilt.

"I mean ....." Achiera's words were interrupted as soon as Hazel, who without instructions came barging into Hans's room and immediately said;

 "Hans .... why are you here?"  Hazel asked, standing only a few steps from the bed.

 "Didn't you promise me last night to accompany me? Then why did I wake up you weren't there beside me?"  Hazel continued asking and was already sitting beside Hans on the edge of the bed.

Without warning Achiera walked into the bathroom leaving Hans and Hazel there.  When Achiera walked into the bathroom, she occasionally turned towards Hans hoping Hans saw her and it turned out that right when she glanced at Hans, Hans himself was stealing glances at her.  Their eyes meet each other and give each other a gesture which means "I'm waiting for you."

 "Hans .... where are you looking at? I'm next to you not behind you." said Hazel sullenly, "and you always lie to me, you're not who you used to be Hans!"  Hazel screamed softly.

"Why did you leave me and sleep with that bitch instead?" Hazel continued asking.

 "Hazel, it's not what you think. I was just here, and wanted to wake her up to the office quickly because I wanted to give her some hard work." Hans answered softly.

 Hans always tried to be gentle with Hazel, no matter how bad or annoyed she was, he wouldn't get carried away by his emotions.

 "If it's true as you say then why is Achiera only wrapped in a blanket?" Hazel asked intimidatingly.

"Earlier I came with the intention of waking her up, she turned out to be in the bathroom at that time, at that time she was planning to take a towel because she forgot to bring it, but because she heard me coming, she wrapped her body in a blanket because her hand couldn't reach the end of the towel there." Hans explained and got up.

 "Hazel, take a shower, your doctor will be here in the afternoon."  Hans replied as he walked out.

 "Hans wait .... what do you mean with doctor?" Hazel screamed as she followed Hans away.

 "Hans did you hear me?"  She continued while jogging, but Hans still wanted to go without looking back at Hazel.


"Hazel, don't forget you have an appointment at 2 o'clock with Dr. William, I made an appointment on your behalf." Hans said then stepped out.

 When Hans reached the fence position, Hazel called him and it made Hans stop his steps.

 "Hazel what else ...?" Hans asked quietly.

 "Will you have time to accompany me later? I'm afraid Hans." Hazel asked, gushing.

"I'll have an important meeting with a client from Spain, so I can't." Hans answered quietly.

 "Then I will not go, I will only go if you accompany me." Hazel said

 "I'll let you know whether I can or not, please don't embarrass me in front of Doctor William, Hazel. You have to come." Hans replied steadily leaving without looking at Hazel again.

On the way to his office, Achiera just sat beside Hans.  There was nothing she did other than look straight ahead or look out the windshield beside her and occasionally play her fingers.

 Hans, who had been watching Achiera all this time while hoping to be greeted first, suddenly opened his voice because he couldn't stand Achiera's indifferent attitude.

 "This afternoon at 2 o'clock accompany me to meet a client from Spain. You came as my assistant." Hans said coldly.

 "Assistant...?"  Achiera repeated, wide-eyed.

"Why? Want to protest?" Hans asked, still cold.

 "Ah no Hans, but you know clearly that I am a cleaning service how can I be your assistant?" Achiera said, explaining.

 "Achiera Grey, I hope you don't forget that I am the boss, and I can anytime to change someone's position with my will!" Hans said arrogantly.

"So later you go straight to my room to work on some important files that you want to bring to the meeting, ask Wanda, my secretary." Hans explained without further ado.

 "But Hans, that position is too good for me. What will your employees say if I from cleaning service can immediately crawl into your assistant. They must accuse me of being nonsense Hans." Achiera explained.

 "Achiera, I don't want the woman I love to make coffee for other men. I drew you to be my assistant because I just wanted to be close to you. After all, you will become a mistress in the company, then who cares with what other people say?" Hans explained dryly.

Achiera who heard every word of Hans's words was immediately stunned and carried away by her feelings, she froze in silence unable to make a sound.  Hans noticed the change in Achiera's expression and in a slightly guilty tone said, "Ah Achiera, sorry I called you the mistress of my company without asking your permission first. Sorry I did it all because I love you too much. You don't like it, do you?"

 Achiera spontaneously moved and immediately hugged Hans tightly, "Achiera, what's wrong?" Hans asked, worried.

 "No, let me hug you first."  Achiera replied as she continued to hug Hans.


"Wanda, this is Achiera Grey, she will be my personal assistant. Please guide her and the papers for today's meeting give her to work on." Hans said, introducing Achiera.

 "And Achiera Grey, this is Wanda the chief secretary at Matthews Group, you can ask anything you want to know about today's meeting from her but the rest you can only ask me what you need and don't need to do, because you are just my personal assistant not general." Hans said firmly in front of Wanda.

"Yes, Mr. Hans," Wanda replied submissively.

 "Hi Achiera, I am Wanda, the secretary of Mr. Hans. If you have any problems, please contact me, I will help you. These are the important documents for today's meeting, please check them and they must be finished before meeting time." Wanda continued with a friendly smile.

 "Thank you Wanda, excuse me first." Achiera said politely then hurried over.


"Hans, these are the documents for the meeting later. Please check, who knows what is wrong." Achiera said while handing out the pile of documents.

 "Ok, put then there I'll check it first." Hans replied without looking at Achiera and focused on his laptop.

 Achiera watched Hans who was very serious at work, a sense of admiration immediately haunted her heart.

"No wonder he can escape from his downturn, from a child fighting over food with a dog or someone who is difficult to eat turning into a big boss who is greatly feared by all people in country F, he has a strong spirit and determination.  This serious looks completely different, better than that cold expression." Achiera muttered inwardly and still stood beside Hans's table.

 "Achiera, it was you who did it?" Hans suddenly said, breaking Achiera's reverie.

 "Ah Hans .. What's wrong?" Achiera asked in surprise.

"You daydream again? In a day maybe you spend half of your time on daydreaming." Hans protested,

 "It was you who did ut?" Hans repeatedly asked.

 "Yeah right, I did it myself, but under the direction of Wanda, your secretary." Achiera replied honestly.

 "You're amazing, this file is very complete and the writing is very neat. You are a little clever, huh!" Hans replied.

"My father also used to own the company, maybe it was a genetic." Achiera replied.

 "You're absolutely right, the fruit will not fall far from the tree, that's why the mistakes of parents should be passed on to their children." Hans answered with a wicked smile.

 Unfortunately the innocent Achiera did not understand what Hans said, she easily agreed to Hans's words and said, "You are absolutely right, a child will only follow the nature of their parents."

 "Right, so it's not wrong if someone takes revenge on a child for the sins of their parents." Hans said then turned off his laptop and immediately stood up.

 "Alright, it's time for a meeting. Let's go." Hans said without further ado and immediately walked away.


"What kind of person that we will meet today, Hans? Why doesn't the file include a photo or name of the CEO?" Achiera asked when she arrived at the hotel where the meeting had been determined.

 "I also don't know because this client of mine is very low profile, the name and even the photo ... no one knows except world leaders." Hans answered seriously.

"And he always wears a mask when he meets his new client. I'm just about to collaborate with him, I don't know if he'll use a mask as usual or show his real face. We'll see, the point is you keep sitting beside me don't go anywhere." Hans ordered.

 A few moments later, the person who they had been waiting came and said, "Sorry to keep you waiting, I had a little emergency."  He said when he arrived

 Achiera looked at the person from top to toe and thought, "I think I know this figure but who and where?" She asked herself.