
Loving me is a big mistake you made, and it really benefits me.


Hans immediately stood up and said, "Ah no problem, Mr. SS please sit down," Hans said kindly.

 The masked man did not immediately sit down, but looked at Achiera sharply for a few moments.  Hans realized this, made him a little annoyed and wondered.

 However, Hans was someone who was very professional, understood about the situation. He kindly repeated his words,

 "Ekhemm ...." Hans gave a small cough.  "Mr. SS please sit down," Hans offered again.

Instantly, the masked man broke from the action looking at Achiera and immediately pulled out a chair to sit down.

 "Are you alone? Where is your assistant?" Hans asked pleasantly.

 "If I come, my assistant will not come, I can handle everything," The masked man replied.

"Wow a great person like you doesn't bring an assistant to the meeting? You're just too generous as the reports say."  Hans chuckled in amazement.

 "I feel very honored, Mr. SS himself who came to our meeting agreement today, because from the information I got, usually your presence is always represented by an assistant or a secretary. And this is really beyond my prediction, Mr. SS who is a  Big CEO, has free time for meeting with me," Hans modestly.

 "You look up to me too highly Mr. Hans, you yourself are a great person who even controls almost the entire F country, willing to take your time and get involved yourself to come to a meeting with our company, I feel very honored for that," The masked man replied.

"It is not comparable to you, who even control almost all European countries. I am nothing compared to you," Hans said.

 "Oh yeah, do you need anything, such as food or drink? My assistant can order it," Hans offered again.

 "I want hot coffee late," The facemask man replied briefly.

 "Achiera please order 2 hot coffee lattes," Hans ordered.

 "Why did she has to go? Why didn't the waiters come alone?" The man with the mask asked, prevented when Achiera was about to take a step. "Just call the waiters if we want to order something," He continued.

Achiera looked at Hans in sign language, Hans told her to stay on her seat.

 "Alright Mr. SS, can we start the meeting?" Hans asked politely.

 "Yes of course please," Mr SS replied.

 "These are the data for our cooperation contract. You may look at it first for consideration," Hans said while handing him several piles of documents.

 Achiera, who was sitting beside Hans, looked serious about helping Hans in the meeting.

"A tough woman," The masked man thought, because he hadn't taken his eyes off of Achiera even for a second.

 A few moments later, the final results of the meeting were over.  Achiera asked Hans to leave, to go to the toilet.  After that, after a while the masked man's cellphone rang, politely he excused himself and asked to pick up the phone to Hans, who was sitting seriously with the laptop.


"Hi Achiera, we meet again ...!" Steven said, who suddenly stood at the toilet door not far from the door of their meeting room.

 "Eh Steven ...?" Achiera said, looking a little surprised.

 "Hi, how are you?" Achiera asked.  "How come you are here?"  She continued.

"I came with my master, and from afar I saw you going to the toilet. So I'm waiting for you here. What a coincidence, we can meet here after a long time we haven't seen each other. The last time was the day when you wanted to go home and I'm lucky to be able  visit you before going home. Because if not, maybe we won't meet at all," Steven said.

 Achiera pulled Steven to the corner of the wall.  "Steven, I'm here to accompany my boss to a meeting with his big client. So, I don't have time to talk to you for a long time. Sorry Steven, but our meeting is about to end and we have to go back to the office. Once again, thank you and see you again." Achiera said then bowed her head a little and walked, wanted to leave.

After Achiera walked for a few steps, Steven called her back. "Achiera, just wait for a moment," Steven said, stopping Achiera's footsteps.

 Achiera stopped and turned to look at Steven.

 "Yes Steven, what's wrong?" Achiera asked softly.

 "Did meeting me make you suffer so you're always avoiding me, Achiera?" Steven asked when he got near Achiera.

"No, Steven, it's not like that. It's just that I'm currently working and the conditions aren't right. Maybe next time we can meet in a more appropriate atmosphere. For example, when I'm free," Achiera said, smiling a little.

 "How can I know when your time is free or not, if you don't want to give me your cell phone number to call, because last time I gave you my phone number, but until now you have not contacted me at all," Steven protested.

 "Where is your cell phone, I'll save my number," Achiera offered.

"Thank you Achiera," Steven said solemnly when Achiera was about to leave.

 "Why are you taking so long from the toilet?" Hans asked as soon as Achiera arrived at the meeting room.

 "Earlier in the toilet I accidentally met a friend during my school days, then we talked a little," Achiera replied a little nervously.

 "Met a school friend or accidentally met Mr. SS?" Hans asked intimidatingly.

 "Mr SS .....?"  Achiera turned around in surprise.

"After you went to the toilet, Mr. SS went too with the excuse of picking up the phone, but until now he didn't come back. Maybe soon because you've come in," He explained sarcastically.

 "Why do you think like that?"  It turned out that Achiera was even more surprised.

 "Why not, when he arrived here, he stared at you for a long time and stopped after I greeted him again," Hans explained.

 "Hans, you think too much. Big people like Mr. SS could not possibly want to steal time just to meet me," Achiera said calmly.

"Besides, what does he want to see from me? I'm not someone who deserves him," Achiera continued, still calm.

 "I hope so, remember this carefully Achiera Gray, I can't tolerate a betrayal!" Hans said.

 Steven immediately stopped his steps when he witnessed the tense atmosphere between Hans and Achiera. He stood behind the door and overheard the entire conversation between the two of them.

 Once everything was in order, Steven stepped in very professionally, then cleared his throat.  Not forgetting that he wore his mask as his trademark,

"Sorry for making you wait Mr. Hans, I had an emergency call earlier. Since we already have the final agreement of our meeting today, I am very sorry to end our meeting today and excuse myself.  Next, we will schedule a meeting at a later date," Steven said then stretched out his hand as a sign of agreement between them.

 Hans returned Steven's hand and they shook his hands as a sign of 'deal' from the planned cooperation, then they parted ways.

In the lobby, when he was about to get into the car, Hans's cellphone kept ringing.  He casually looked at the name on the screen, and it turned out that it was Doctor William who had contacted him.  An Oncologist selected to treat Hazel.

 "Good afternoon Doctor William, what's wrong ..?" Hans asked kindly as soon as he answered the call.

 "I want to apologize Mr. Hans, I could not keep the appointment we had scheduled to check on Miss Hazel, because I had a minor accident on the way, when I was about to go to the hospital. I promised to do a checkup and treatment when I recovered, soon," Doctor William explained.

"Is there any serious injury, Doctor William?" Hans asked, worried.

 "No need to worry Mr.Hans, everything can be resolved. I just need a little rest," Doctor William replied kindly.

 "Good then. Later when I have free time, I will come to visit you and want to know the details about the incident you experienced," Hans said ending their conversation.

"What happened Hans ..?" Achiera asked.

"The doctor who was going to treat Hazel had an accident, so Hazel's consultation was postponed until he recovers." Hans said.

 "Why is that coincidence?" Achiera asked.

 "Maybe it's their destiny not to be able to meet. What I'm worried about is that Hazel's disease is getting worse," Hans said weakly.

 Hearing and witnessing Hans caring so much about someone's condition made Achiera's heart ache.  To cover up the pain, she was only able to smile a little as if she was fine.

"I understand how you feel," Achiera said in a smile.

 "Achiera ..." Hans called quietly, after a while.

 Achiera turned and looked wistfully at Hans without speaking.

 "You don't mind if you get off here and go back to the office by taxi or some alternative transportation? I want to go get Hazel. Maybe right now, she's waiting for Doctor William. You yourself know that her disease is oftentimes relapsed, and if she's fainting on the path it'll be more worrying," Hans explained, almost pleading.

"But boss?" Liu suddenly prevented when he heard Hans's plea.

 "Of course it doesn't matter, I'll go back to the office by taxi. Liu please stop the car here," Achiera said halfheartedly.

 "Or put it this way Achiera, do you want us together to pick up Hazel?" Hans asked pleasantly.

"No need, you just go. Liu please put the car aside," Achiera said firmly.

 Obediently without saying much, Liu immediately pressed the brake pedal of the car he had integrated, when he saw Hans's eyes that seemed to kill from the rearview mirror.

 "Later when you don't get a taxi, call me immediately, I'll tell the office people to pick you up," Hans said before Achiera got out of the car.

 Achiera smiled sarcastically, when he saw Hans's car driving further away from her.

"And Hazel again ....!" Achiera muttered to herself.