Low Mindset

Life is a journey, not an escape, enjoy and be grateful. All will feel easy even though it is actually difficult.

Woman at the Lowest Point 🌹

"Is the boss really serious about leaving Miss Achiera there?"  Liu asked seriously, glancing at Hans in the rearview mirror of the car.

 "While it's still not far away, shouldn't we turn around to get Miss Achiera, Boss?"  Liu continued, trembling a little.

 Hans immediately glared at Liu from the rearview mirror and he loudly said, "Am I the boss or are you?" Hans asked coldly.

 "It's not like that boss, but you know clearly, in this area it will be difficult to find a taxi or other public transportation. What will Miss Achiera return to the office with, if she doesn't get the transportation."

"It seems like you are very worried about her, do you love her?" Hans asked intimidatingly then looked at Liu with the corner of his eye.

 "Ah no ... no ... no ... boss," Liu replied quickly, "How could I dare to like a woman from my boss."

 "Take it easy Liu, if you want with her, I can give her to you later, when I'm satisfied playing it and avenge all my revenge for his father's mistakes in the past."  The anger of hatred was clearly visible in Hans's eyes.

"Yes, I know boss, but ... she's a woman. Leaving her alone by the side of the road is not good. Twilight is increasingly showing its presence, soon it will be night and it will be harder to find public transportation. What will she come home with later? "  Liu said to persuade Hans.

 "Who cares? She has complete legs, she can use it to go home," Hans replied coolly.  "After all, that's the reward for her actions for having dared to tease my client in front of me," Hans continued, still hardening his heart.

 "If later on the road she meets a bad person, then kidnaps her, how about it boss?" Liu asked again.

 "People can tell from their appearance, she is not a big person and the thief would not be stupid to steal from her because they know they will not get a profit," Hans replied insisting on his actions.

"If that bad guy raped and killed and threw her by the side of the road, how?" Liu asked again, trying to break Hans's stoned heart.

 "Rape...???" Hans muttered quietly.

 "That's right, didn't the boss say it's not time for Miss Achiera to die because it wasn't enough to torture her as revenge?" Liu asked again.

 "Liu, why did you just say it now? Hurry and turn around and pick Achiera up!" Hans shrieked.

 At the same time ~

When Achiera walked to find a taxi, suddenly a very luxurious red sports car branded 'Lykan Hypersport' stopped in front of her.

 Achiera turned to the car, thinking that Hans who came back to pick her up, it turned out that it was someone who was beyond her predictions, namely Mr. SS, Hans's client they had met earlier.

 The man was still wearing a mask that was deliberately covering his face the same as before during the meeting.

 The man in the mask got out of the car with great dignity, it would really catch the attention of everyone who saw him.  He walked over to Achiera and approached her then greeted Achiera with his signature smile.

"Hi Achiera Gray ...." He said as soon as he arrived near Achiera.

 Instead of replying to the man's greeting, Achiera asked a question because she was very surprised.

 "Sorry, where do you know my name?" Achiera asked, interrogating.

 "Ehhh .... the name, huh?"  The man said nervously, "Why are you asking such a cute thing? I know your name because we met earlier, right? Don't you remember me?"

 "Of course I remember you, but as far as I remember, at the meeting I didn't mention my name. Then how do you know my name and it's very complete?"  Achiera was intimidating.

"You are the assistant of a great businessman, how can people not know who and with whom Hans Matthew is connected, especially if it is an assistant who will always help him in preparing his business!"  Obviously the man was evasive.

 "But I—" Achiera said, but was immediately stopped because the man with the mouth mask who was 'Steven Scott' immediately interrupted her words.

 "Besides, I heard he called your name and I immediately remembered it," Steven said.

 Not wanting Achiera to ask more questions, Steven quickly changed their conversation.

"Oh yeah, why are you in the middle of the highway by yourself like this? Did your car suddenly break down and then you left it by the side of the road to go find help? And where is Mr. Hans? You are not with him?" He asked continually.

 "We should be together, but Hans has sudden business and my friend coincidentally promised to pick me up so I asked him to leave me here. But apparently, my friend didn't come," Achiera replied a little awkward because she lied.

Achiera was not a girl who was good at lying, and Steven knew that clearly when he saw Achiera's expression when she spoke.  However, Steven did not want to corner the woman even more because it would made her even sadder, and Steven really didn't want any sadness in Achiera's heart.

 "I see." Steven said, not wanting to extend it.

 "If I offer you a ride, do you want it?"  Steven offered sincerely.  "The accuracy I want to go to the Matthew Group's office because I want to meet with Mr.Hans for an important business that I forgot to ask earlier in the meeting. Do you want to go together? Or where do you want to go? Back to the office or somewhere else? I have time to drive you," Steven continued to try to persuade Achiera.

"But, it will be very troublesome for you. Mr. SS. Trust me, I can do it myself, no problem," Achiera said politely.

 "Achiera ... it's already late and it will get darker, it's not good for a woman like you to walk alone. Danger is vulnerable everywhere," Steven said again persuading.

 When Achiera wanted to answer 'yes', Hans' car stopped right in front of them, made Steven and Achiera looked at the car simultaneously.

 "Hi ..." Hans said as he got out of the car.

 "Wow an unexpected meeting, is that correct Mr. SS?" Hans continued kindly.

"Hi Mr. Hans, I happened to be passing by and saw your assistant walking alone by the side of the road, because I know she is your assistant, so I stopped by to say hello. I planned to offer her a ride, because it is very bad for women to walk alone in a big road like this. But, you've come, if she came home with you that would be much better."  Steven explained.

 "You pay too much attention to my subordinates, Mr. SS, it really makes me flatter," Hans said flatly then glanced at Achiera with the tail of his eye. "Of course I will take her home, you don't need to worry," Hans continued while holding Achiera's shoulder.

"Okay, I'll excuse myself first. See you again at the next meeting," Steven said and then went steady.

 Hans who had not moved from that place witnessed and made sure Steven's car left.  After he felt the car was quite far away, he roughly grabbed Achiera's arm and said, "Yesterday the Koenigsegg CCXR Trevita luxury sports car, and now the Lykan Hypersport luxury sports car. After Steven then now Mr. SS. I didn't expect you to have this side!!" Hans said angrily.

"What do you mean? Didn't Mr. SS explain that our meeting was not on purpose," Achiera said defensively.

 "Then what do you think, I immediately believed what he said? After I watched at the meeting earlier he did not take his eyes off of you! You are great Achiera, really amazing at seducing rich men!" Hans scolded.  "Tell me, is the money I gave to you wasn't enough? Or is it your habit to always flirt with rich men?" Hans snapped even stronger.

"If I don't come you'll go with him, right? Where and what do you wanna do? Are you going to crawl and give yourself to him just like you did to me, just for the money?" Hans said, increasingly emotionally, He was emotional enough to threw Achiera to the side of the highway.

 "I hate betrayal and I also really disgust dirty women!"  Hans continued then squatted closer to Achiera.

 "Your mindset is so low ..." Achiera answered courageously.