Anggry so Anggry

Actually I do not understand what I feel. This is because of HATE or maybe LOVE, But certainly I don't want you to leave me now!!



Plakkkkkk .....

 Hans threw Achera so hard it made the girl's cheek land all the way to the asphalt.

 "My mindset is low, then what are you?" Hans asked, his emotion arose.  "If my mindset is low, then a bitch like you has a high mindset, is that it?"  Hans asked again, now anger filled Hans's heart.

 "How dare you insult my mindset! Ha ha ha ... A cheap woman who begs life and only satisfies my lust, so dares to judge my mindset," Hans smirked, then pressed Achiera's jaw very firmly ignoring the blood coming out of Achiera's cheek that scratched by asphalt.

"Your courage, deserves the Champions Cup," He continued sharply.

 Achiera wanted to dodge Hans's hand which kept pressing her jaw, but she didn't succeed because Hans was too strong for an 18 year old girl like her.

 "Don't move, you'll be hurting yourself even more, honey!" Hans said and then flipped Achiera's left and right cheeks.

"This is good, isn't it? With a flaw on your face, you won't dare to tease rich men again. And they won't be interested in you either. The only thing you have is your beautiful face and it has been damaged, become flawed," He said.  Hans then laughed with satisfaction.

 "Looks like, your hair, which was shattered and turned ugly due to the irregular cut I made yesterday, was unable to keep those men away from you."  Hans said while kissing Achiera's hair.

"Do I need to make it to be completely bald?"  He asked.

 Hearing that Achiera gasped and looked at Hans very sharply.

 As if he understood what Achiera was thinking, Hans continued his interrupted words.

"Take it easy Achiera Grey, you don't need to be surprised like that. I'm not going to cut your hair and make you bald. Because now I'm sure that with the scars on your face, they won't even glance again. I feel very satisfied. Ha ha ha ..." Hans laughed.

 Liu felt so sorry for Achiera, he clearly saw the pain she was trying to endure.  This made Liu dare to speak up.

"Boss ..." He started to call him.

"Do you want to defend her? It seems, I was too generous in treating you, so you forget there is a heavy price to pay for opposing me!"  Hans replied sadistically.

 "Do you want to replace her for me to finish?" Hans asked.

 Liu shuddered at these words, then slowly stepped his feet little by little.

"Liu, call Norman now! Tell him to take that woman home now!"  Hans ordered while pointing at Achiera as if he was reluctant to say her name.

 "I want him to be here in 15 minutes, if he's too late ... you will all know what the consequences!"  Hans continued.

 No answer, no rebuttal, Liu immediately did as ordered by his boss.

"Achiera ... You know, I don't want to torture you, but this is your destiny. Don't blame me!" Hans said then got into the car and slammed the door.

 "Boss, are we going to leave now?" Liu who also got into the car asked.

 "What right you have to ask me?"  Hans replied sadistically.

Emotions consumed his heart too much, so that everyone around him was affected by the flames of anger which seemed to get higher as the clock went by.

 Although in truth, Liu felt very sorry to see Achiera sitting on the asphalt and unable to stand up, but he chose to harden his heart for the good.

 He exhaled a breath and threw it away roughly, then slowly started the car engine.

"Who told you to start the car?" Hans snapped strongly, made Liu tremble even more.

 "Lately, I feel like you are taking me lightly! Do something without prompting me first. Are you all tired of working with me?" Hans asked again, making Liu's heart grow sour with fear.

"Where's Norman? Why hasn't he arrived yet? Tell him, if he doesn't come in 5 minutes, I'll finish him myself!"  Hans threatend.

 "O-OK boss," Liu replied, trembling.

 Just as Liu wanted to contact Norman, a car that looked familiar, started to approach them and stopped at the side of the road right next to Hans' car.

Liu spontaneously breathed a sigh of relief, because finally Norman came.  Which means, it wouldn't make the boss angry even more.

 "Boss, what's the order?" Norman asked through the windshield, facing Hans as soon as he arrived.

"Take that woman back to the villa and lock her up! Don't anyone dare to feed her or drink her, and more importantly don't bandage her wounds!! Let her feel the consequences of betraying me!" Hans said cruelly.

 "And don't let her run away! You will know what the consequences will be if you don't hear my orders!" Hans threatened firmly.

"Go ...." Hans ordered Liu without further ado.

"Where are we going, Boss?"  Liu asked as soon as they had driven further away from the scene.

"Are we going to a mansion, villa or apartment?"  Liu continued asking.

 "Go to a showroom that is famous in the country."  Hans said.

 "But Boss, what are we doing there for?"

"You're asking more and more question every day! I don't allow anyone to question whatever I do!"  Hans replied, still full of anger.

 "If you still want to work with me, just do what I told you. Don't ask too many questions, don't deviate, and you'll be safe, okay?"  Hans continued sharply and heartlessly, making Liu's almost entire body tremble with fear.

His boss was indeed grumpy, but never get this angry to the point of insulting his subordinates.  Because Hans was a boss who placed great importance on the welfare of all his subordinates, that was the reason why all his workers were very loyal to him.


 "Miss Achiera, please get in the car," Norman asked politely.  "Can you walk? Do you need help getting into the car?" Norman bargained.

"Go away! I won't come with you!" Achiera snapped, refusing.  "I will not comply with all of your young master's requests! Say it to him, I will not return!" Achiera continued, refused.

 "Miss Achiera, please cooperate. I am only carrying out orders from the young master. Like it or not, you must come with me!" Norman said a little firmly.

"On what basis, should I comply with all his wishes? I will not want to come, you just go!" Achiera replied stubbornly.

 "You should know more about this, since the day you agreed to be the young master's woman. Then your whole life, it depends on the young master and you have no right to refuse," Norman said dryly.

"Miss Achiera, I don't want to act harshly with you, and you too please don't make things difficult for me. If you don't come home with me, young master will kill me. I don't want to be the emotional impact of young master. I still cherish my life, my family also still needs me. If Miss, still insists that you don't want to come, don't blame me if I have to act harshly with you," Norman said firmly but quietly.

Hearing that Achiera fell silent and looked down, in her mind, she confirmed the possibility that would happen to Norman if she didn't come home.  Limp with hopelessness, she struggled to her feet.  However, not only her hope that was lost, her strength was also drained so she was unable to stand up.

 "Miss, do I need to get you into the car?" Norman who knew Achiera's inability asked.

Achiera nodded slowly and obediently went to the car to go back to Hans's villa and met the housekeepers of the Hans family who really didn't like hrr.

 "But this is better, than staying at home with Hazel. A woman full of drama who will turn into a ferocious lion if Hans isn't home," Achiera muttered.